Julia Wrapper
There are two fundamental options for interfacing Julia and CoolProp. Choose one option:
Option A: Calling shared library directly
For now, only 64-bit architectures are supported.
Download a precompiled shared library appropriate to the computer you are using from sourceforge or the development version from the nightly snapshots.
NB: For Linux users, the file libCoolProp.so must be renamed into CoolProp.so and copied into Julia’s library folder (e.g. /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/julia/).
If you compile/download the library often, you may prefer to make a symbolic link from your downloaded/compiled library to Julia’s library folder:
sudo ln -s libCoolProp.so /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/julia/CoolProp.so
If you want to use the library in an other directory, once renamed (or after creating a CoolProp.so symbolic link) you can set the system shared library search path to the current directory before running Julia:
Or directly ask Julia to search in the current directory:
Note that you can replace ${PWD} (present working directory) by any path you want, and similarly for the . of the “.” in Julia.
Download the module CoolProp.jl
from sourceforge or the development version from the nightly snapshots and place in the same folder as the shared library (in ~/.julia/$version/CoolProp/src/ for Linux users).
At the console, do something like this in the folder that contains CoolProp.jl and the shared library:
High level interface:
julia> import CoolProp
julia> CoolProp.PropsSI("T","P",101325.0,"Q",0.0,"Water")
Low level interface:
julia> handle = CoolProp.AbstractState_factory("HEOS", "Water")
julia> CoolProp.AbstractState_update(handle,CoolProp.get_input_pair_index("PT_INPUTS"),101325, 300)
julia> CoolProp.AbstractState_keyed_output(handle,CoolProp.get_param_index("C"))
julia> CoolProp.AbstractState_free(handle)
Option B: Using PyCall package in Julia
You must have python installed on your computer, and have CoolProp installed in your python installation.
Open julia in console and check for installed packages:
# 2 required packages:
# - PyCall 0.4.8
# - PyPlot 1.2.9
julia> Pkg.status()
If required packages are not installed, use the following commands:
julia> Pkg.add("PyCall")
julia> Pkg.add("PyPlot")
julia> Pkg.update()
# Enable PyCall package:
julia> using PyCall
# Import CoolProp module:
julia> @pyimport CoolProp.CoolProp as CP
# Call some CoolProp properties:
julia> Tbp = CP.PropsSI("T","P",101325.0,"Q",0.0,"Water")
User-Compiled Binaries
Build the 64-bit shared library for your architecture following the instructions at Shared Library (DLL).