CoolProp Wrapper for Mathcad Prime 7.0 or later (64-bit)

Copyright Scott Polak and Ian Bell, 2013
Updated by Jeff Henning, 2016

Pre-compiled binaries

Pre-compiled binaries can be downloaded from MathcadPrime. Development binaries coming from the buildbot server can be found at MathcadPrime.

To Use

  • Copy CoolPropMathcadWrapper.dll file to C:\Program Files\PTC\Mathcad Prime\Custom Functions; where x.0.0.0 is the Mathcad Prime version being used.

  • Open the CoolPropFluidProperties.xmcd file in Mathcad Prime, all CoolProp functions should evaluate properly. If not, press <Ctrl>-F5 to force recalculation of the entire workbook.

User-compiled binaries

Common Requirements

  • Compilation of the Mathcad Prime wrapper requires a few common wrapper pre-requisites

  • You will need to have Visual Studio 2015 or later installed. You will need the professional or community version of Visual Studio C++, or at least Visual Studio Express 2015 or later, as Mathcad Prime libraries are 64-bit and require the 64-bit compiler.

To Build

  • Recursively clone the CoolProp library to a local repository.:

    git clone --recursive
  • Change directory (cd) to the CoolProp directory you just created:

    cd CoolProp
  • Go to the top level CoolProp directory and make a build directory (something like buildprime):

    mkdir buildprime
    cd buildprime
  • Build the makefile using CMake (adjust root string for correct version of Prime):

             -DCOOLPROP_PRIME_ROOT="C:/Program Files/PTC/Mathcad Prime"
             -G "Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64"
    ( *Note: Mathcad Prime is 64-bit, so the 'Win64' option is necessary in the Visual Studio string.* )
  • Make the dynamic library (DLL):

    cmake --build . --config Release

To Use

  • Copy CoolProp\buildprime\Release\CoolPropMathcadWrapper.dll file to C:\Program Files\PTC\Mathcad Prime\Custom Functions (or your current version)

  • Open the CoolPropFluidProperties.xmcd file in Mathcad Prime, all CoolProp functions should evaluate properly. If not, press <Ctrl>-F5 to force recalculation of the entire workbook.