Release Checklist

We have made a serious effort to automate the release of new binaries. Even though things have become easier, there are still many things to remember. Here is your new best friend, a checklist that helps you to keep track of all the small things that have to be done when releasing a new version of the CoolProp library.

  • Merge to master: Close issues and merge pull requests where appropriate. Merge all relevant changes from your feature branches into the master branch.

  • Issues and PRs: Make sure that all issues that were closed since the last release are labelled as described below or have a milestone attached to them. The label “invalid” means that the reported issue was not related to CoolProp, whereas “duplicate” means that the issue has been reported earlier. Finally, the label “wontfix” means that we do not consider the issue for future work and closed it. The latter could also apply to real bugs that we cannot fix. All of these issues should not be mentioned in the changelog. We have created a script that check the issues for you:

    • Move into the dev/scripts folder and run python check vX.X.X. This command finds the date of the latest release and looks at all issues that have been closed since then. It reports problems such as missing labels.

    • Take the time to fix all problems and label issues and PRs.

  • Version: Edit CMakeLists.txt and remove all qualifiers (alpha, dev, …) from the version number and update the number for the upcoming release.

  • Changelog: Update the changelog and generate a list of closed GitHub issues:

    • Move into the dev/scripts folder and do python changelog vX.X.X where vX.X.X is the version number of the milestone on GitHub.

    • Review the generated text from snippet_issues.rst.txt and

      snippet_pulls.rst.txt and update the changelog file in

      Web/coolprop/changelog.rst. You might also use the same text for the annotated tag / release on GitHub.

  • Delete cache: Delete the cached property plots and consistency plots stored at This forces their recreation when building the documentation. Recalculating all the consistency plots is our last line of defence when anything goes wrong with an EoS prior to a scheduled release.

  • Push to master: Merge your changes to the master branch and wait for the CI system to complete the work. Only proceed if all builds finish successfully. If anything goes wrong, you should be able to debug the workflows locally using act (

  • Tag a release: Tag the master branch for using vX.X.X and wait once more for all CI actions to complete. Make sure that the Python wheels get uploaded to PyPi automatically.

  • Release: Wait for all actions to finish and manually launch the release action with the version number vX.X.X as input. This updates the homepage and uploads the binaries to SourceForge.

  • Clean up: If everything went well, you can proceed:
    • Create a new release on GitHub using the vX.X.X tag.
    • Change the default download file on SourceForge to point to the new zipped sources.

    • Bump the version number in the CMake file and commit.

    • Announce the new features if you like.

That’s all folks.