CoolProp  4.2.5
An open-source fluid property and humid air property database
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EthylBenzeneClass Class Reference

#include <Xylene_EthylBenzene.h>

Inheritance diagram for EthylBenzeneClass:

Public Member Functions

 EthylBenzeneClass ()
 ~EthylBenzeneClass ()
double psat (double)
double rhosatL (double)
double rhosatV (double)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Fluid
 Fluid ()
 A vector of instances of the phi_BC classes for the ideal-gas Helmholtz energy contribution. More...
virtual ~Fluid ()
void post_load (rapidjson::Document &JSON, rapidjson::Document &JSON_CAS)
void add_alias (std::string alias)
std::string get_name ()
 Returns a std::string with the name of the fluid. More...
char * get_namec ()
 Returns a char* with the name of the fluid. More...
std::string get_REFPROPname ()
std::string get_EOSReference ()
std::string get_TransportReference ()
std::vector< std::string > get_aliases ()
bool pure ()
 Returns true if the fluid is pure, false if pseudo-pure or a mixture. More...
double R ()
 Returns the mass-specific gas constant for the fluid in the desired units. More...
virtual double conductivity_Trho (double T, double rho)
virtual double viscosity_Trho (double T, double rho)
virtual double phir (double tau, double delta)
virtual double dphir_dDelta (double tau, double delta)
virtual double dphir_dTau (double tau, double delta)
virtual double d2phir_dDelta2 (double tau, double delta)
virtual double d2phir_dDelta_dTau (double tau, double delta)
virtual double d2phir_dTau2 (double tau, double delta)
virtual double d3phir_dDelta3 (double tau, double delta)
virtual double d3phir_dDelta2_dTau (double tau, double delta)
virtual double d3phir_dDelta_dTau2 (double tau, double delta)
virtual double d3phir_dTau3 (double tau, double delta)
virtual double phi0 (double tau, double delta)
virtual double dphi0_dDelta (double tau, double delta)
virtual double dphi0_dTau (double tau, double delta)
virtual double d2phi0_dDelta2 (double tau, double delta)
virtual double d2phi0_dDelta_dTau (double tau, double delta)
virtual double d2phi0_dTau2 (double tau, double delta)
virtual double d3phi0_dDelta3 (double tau, double delta)
virtual double d3phi0_dDelta2_dTau (double tau, double delta)
virtual double d3phi0_dDelta_dTau2 (double tau, double delta)
virtual double d3phi0_dTau3 (double tau, double delta)
double pressure_Trho (double T, double rho)
double enthalpy_Trho (double T, double rho)
double entropy_Trho (double T, double rho)
double internal_energy_Trho (double T, double rho)
double speed_sound_Trho (double T, double rho)
double specific_heat_p_Trho (double T, double rho)
double specific_heat_p_ideal_Trho (double T)
double specific_heat_v_Trho (double T, double rho)
double gibbs_Trho (double T, double rho)
double dpdT_Trho (double T, double rho)
double dpdrho_Trho (double T, double rho)
double drhodT_p_Trho (double T, double rho)
double density_Tp_Soave (double T, double p, int iValue=0)
 Get the density using the Soave EOS. More...
virtual double density_Tp (double T, double p)
virtual double density_Tp (double T, double p, double rho_guess)
virtual void density_Ts (double T, double s, double &rhoout, double &pout, double &rhoLout, double &rhoVout, double &psatLout, double &psatVout)
virtual void temperature_hs (double h, double s, double &Tout, double &rhoout, double &rhoL, double &rhoV, double &TsatLout, double &TsatVout)
virtual void temperature_ps (double p, double s, double &Tout, double &rhoout, double &rhoL, double &rhoV, double &TsatLout, double &TsatVout)
virtual void temperature_ph (double p, double h, double &Tout, double &rhoout, double &rhoL, double &rhoV, double &TsatLout, double &TsatVout, double T0=-1, double rho0=-1)
double temperature_prho (double p, double rho, double T0)
double temperature_prho_VanDerWaals (double p, double rho)
double temperature_prho_PengRobinson (double p, double rho)
std::string phase_Tp (double T, double p, double &pL, double &pV, double &rhoL, double &rhoV)
 Return the phase given the temperature and pressure. More...
long phase_Tp_indices (double T, double p, double &pL, double &pV, double &rhoL, double &rhoV)
 Return the phase using the phase flags from phase enum in CoolProp.h. More...
std::string phase_Trho (double T, double rho, double &pL, double &pV, double &rhoL, double &rhoV)
 Return the phase given the temperature and the density. More...
long phase_Trho_indices (double T, double rho, double &pL, double &pV, double &rhoL, double &rhoV)
 Return the phase using the phase flags from phase enum in CoolProp.h. More...
long phase_prho_indices (double p, double rho, double &T, double &TL, double &TV, double &rhoL, double &rhoV)
virtual double psatL (double T)
virtual double psatV (double T)
double psatL_anc (double T)
double psatV_anc (double T)
double hsatV_anc (double T)
double hsatL_anc (double T)
double ssatV_anc (double T)
double ssatL_anc (double T)
double cpsatV_anc (double T)
double cpsatL_anc (double T)
double drhodT_pL_anc (double T)
double drhodT_pV_anc (double T)
double Tsat_anc (double p, double Q)
double density_Tp_PengRobinson (double T, double p, int solution)
std::vector< double > ConformalTemperature (Fluid *InterestFluid, Fluid *ReferenceFluid, double T, double rho, double T0, double rho0, std::string *errstring)
virtual void ECSParams (double *e_k, double *sigma)
virtual double ECS_psi_viscosity (double rhor)
virtual double ECS_chi_conductivity (double rhor)
virtual double ECS_f_int (double T)
double viscosity_ECS_Trho (double T, double rho, Fluid *ReferenceFluid)
double conductivity_ECS_Trho (double T, double rho, Fluid *ReferenceFluid)
virtual double conductivity_background (double T, double rho)
double conductivity_critical (double T, double rho, double qd=2e9, double GAMMA=0.0496, double zeta0=1.94e-10)
virtual double viscosity_dilute (double T, double e_k, double sigma)
virtual double viscosity_residual (double T, double rho)
virtual double viscosity_background (double T, double rho)
virtual double surface_tension_T (double T)
void saturation_VdW (double T, double &rhoL, double &rhoV, double &p, double s0=-1)
virtual void saturation_T (double T, bool UseLUT, double &psatLout, double &psatVout, double &rhoLout, double &rhoVout)
virtual void saturation_p (double p, bool UseLUT, double &TsatLout, double &TsatVout, double &rhoLout, double &rhoVout)
virtual void saturation_h (double h, double Tmin, double Tmax, int Q, double &Tsatout, double &rhoout, double &TsatLout, double &TsatVout, double &rhoLout, double &rhoVout)
virtual void saturation_s (double s, int Q, double &Tsatout, double &rhoout, double &TsatLout, double &TsatVout, double &rhoLout, double &rhoVout)
void rhosatPure (double T, double &rhoLout, double &rhoVout, double &pout, double omega, bool use_guesses)
void rhosatPure_Akasaka (double T, double &rhoLout, double &rhoVout, double &pout, double omega, bool use_guesses=false)
void rhosatPure_Brent (double T, double &rhoLout, double &rhoVout, double &pout)
void rhosatPure_BrentrhoV (double T, double &rhoLout, double &rhoVout, double &pout)
double Tsat (double p, double Q, double T_guess)
double Tsat (double p, double Q, double T_guess, bool UseLUT, double &rhoLout, double &rhoVout)
bool isAlias (std::string name)
void enable_EXTTP (void)
bool isenabled_EXTTP (void)
 Check if TTSE is enabled. More...
void disable_EXTTP (void)
 Disable the TTSE. More...
void enable_TTSE_LUT (void)
bool isenabled_TTSE_LUT (void)
 Check if TTSE is enabled. More...
void disable_TTSE_LUT (void)
 Disable the TTSE. More...
void enable_TTSE_LUT_writing (void)
 Enable the writing of TTSE tables to file. More...
bool isenabled_TTSE_LUT_writing (void)
 Check if the writing of TTSE tables to file is enabled. More...
void disable_TTSE_LUT_writing (void)
 Disable the writing of TTSE tables to file. More...
void set_TTSESat_LUT_size (int Nsat)
 Over-ride the default size of both of the saturation LUT. More...
void set_TTSESinglePhase_LUT_size (int Np, int Nh)
 Over-ride the default size of the single-phase LUT. More...
void set_TTSESinglePhase_LUT_range (double hmin, double hmax, double pmin, double pmax)
 Over-ride the default range of the single-phase LUT. More...
void get_TTSESinglePhase_LUT_range (double *hmin, double *hmax, double *pmin, double *pmax)
 Get the current range of the single-phase LUT. More...
bool build_TTSE_LUT (bool force=false)
 Build of the TTSE LUT. More...
double interpolate_in_TTSE_LUT (long iParam, long iInput1, double Input1, long iInput2, double Input2)
 Interpolate within the TTSE LUT. More...
std::string to_json ()
 Export this fluid as a JSON file;. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Attributes inherited from Fluid
BibTeXKeysStruct BibTeXKeys
EnvironmentalFactorsStruct environment
std::vector< phi_BC * > phirlist
std::vector< phi_BC * > phi0list
 A vector of instances of the phi_BC classes for the residual Helmholtz energy contribution. More...
struct CriticalStruct crit
struct FluidLimits limits
struct OtherParameters params
struct CriticalStructpreduce
struct CriticalStruct reduce
 A pointer to the point that is used to reduce the T and rho for EOS. More...
struct HSContainer HS
 The point that is used to reduce the T and rho for EOS. More...
TTSETwoPhaseTableClass TTSESatL
TTSETwoPhaseTableClass TTSESatV
TTSESinglePhaseTableClass TTSESinglePhase
CriticalSplineStruct_T CriticalSpline_T
bool enabled_TTSE_LUT
 Parameters for the Tabular Taylor Series Expansion (TTSE) Method. More...
bool enabled_EXTTP
bool built_TTSE_LUT
bool enable_writing_tables_to_files
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Fluid
double _get_rho_guess (double T, double p)
- Protected Attributes inherited from Fluid
FluidCache cache
std::string name
 A container to hold the cache for residual Helmholtz derivatives. More...
std::string REFPROPname
 The name of the fluid. More...
std::vector< std::string > aliases
 The REFPROP-compliant name if REFPROP-"name" is not a compatible fluid name. If not included, "name" is assumed to be a valid name for REFPROP. More...
std::string ECSReferenceFluid
 A list of aliases of names for the Fluid, each element is a std::string instance. More...
double ECS_qd
 A string that gives the name of the fluids that should be used for the ECS method for transport properties. More...
std::string EOSReference
 The critical qd parameter for the Olchowy-Sengers cross-over term. More...
std::string TransportReference
 A std::string that contains a reference for thermo properties for the fluid. More...
bool isPure
 A std::string that contains a reference for the transport properties of the fluid. More...
 True if it is a pure fluid, false otherwise. More...
double hmin_TTSE
double hmax_TTSE
double pmin_TTSE
double pmax_TTSE
unsigned int Nsat_TTSE
unsigned int Nh_TTSE
unsigned int Np_TTSE

Detailed Description

Definition at line 34 of file Xylene_EthylBenzene.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

EthylBenzeneClass::EthylBenzeneClass ( )

Definition at line 310 of file Xylene_EthylBenzene.cpp.

EthylBenzeneClass::~EthylBenzeneClass ( )

Definition at line 38 of file Xylene_EthylBenzene.h.

Member Function Documentation

double EthylBenzeneClass::psat ( double  T)

Reimplemented from Fluid.

Definition at line 366 of file Xylene_EthylBenzene.cpp.

double EthylBenzeneClass::rhosatL ( double  T)

Reimplemented from Fluid.

Definition at line 380 of file Xylene_EthylBenzene.cpp.

double EthylBenzeneClass::rhosatV ( double  T)

Reimplemented from Fluid.

Definition at line 395 of file Xylene_EthylBenzene.cpp.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: