►Crapidjson::Allocator | Concept for allocating, resizing and freeing memory block |
Crapidjson::CrtAllocator | C-runtime library allocator |
Crapidjson::MemoryPoolAllocator< BaseAllocator > | Default memory allocator used by the parser and DOM |
CAncillaryCurveClass | |
CCatch::Detail::Approx | |
CCatch::AssertionInfo | |
CCatch::AssertionResult | |
CCatch::AssertionResultData | |
CCatch::AutoReg | |
CBibTeXKeysStruct | |
CBiCubicCellClass | |
CBiCubicCellsContainerClass | |
CCatch::Detail::BorgType | |
CCachedElement | |
CCatch::CompositeGenerator< T > | |
►CCoolPropStateClassSI | |
CCoolPropStateClass | |
CCatch::Counts | |
CCriticalSplineStruct_T | |
CCriticalStruct | |
►CDepartureFunction | |
CGERG2008DepartureFunction | |
CLemmonHFCDepartureFunction | |
CDepartureFunctionCache | |
CDepartureFunctionCacheElement | |
CDictionary | |
►Crapidjson::Encoding | Concept for encoding of Unicode characters |
Crapidjson::UTF16< CharType > | UTF-16 encoding |
Crapidjson::UTF32< CharType > | UTF-32 encoding |
Crapidjson::UTF8< CharType > | UTF-8 encoding |
CEnvironmentalFactorsStruct | |
CCatch::Internal::Evaluator< T1, T2, Op > | |
CCatch::Internal::Evaluator< T1, T2, IsEqualTo > | |
CCatch::Internal::Evaluator< T1, T2, IsGreaterThan > | |
CCatch::Internal::Evaluator< T1, T2, IsGreaterThanOrEqualTo > | |
CCatch::Internal::Evaluator< T1, T2, IsLessThan > | |
CCatch::Internal::Evaluator< T1, T2, IsLessThanOrEqualTo > | |
CCatch::Internal::Evaluator< T1, T2, IsNotEqualTo > | |
►Cexception | |
CCatch::NotImplementedException | |
►CCoolPropBaseError | |
CAttributeError | |
CNotImplementedError | |
CSolutionError | |
CValueError | |
CCatch::ExceptionTranslatorRegistrar | |
CExcessTerm | |
CCatch::ExpressionDecomposer | |
CCatch::ExpressionLhs< T > | |
CCatch::ExpressionResultBuilder | |
CCatch::FalseType | |
►CFluid | Fluid is the abstract base class that is employed by all the other fluids |
CAceticAcidClass | |
CAcetoneClass | |
CAirClass | |
CArgonClass | |
CBenzeneClass | |
CCarbonMonoxideClass | |
CCarbonylSulfideClass | |
CCis2ButeneClass | |
CCyclohexaneClass | |
CCyclopentaneClass | |
CCycloPropaneClass | |
CDecamethylcyclopentasiloxaneClass | |
CDecamethyltetrasiloxaneClass | |
CDecaneClass | |
CDeuteriumClass | |
CDimethylCarbonateClass | |
CDimethylEtherClass | |
CDodecamethylcyclohexasiloxaneClass | |
CDodecamethylpentasiloxaneClass | |
CEthaneClass | |
CEthanolClass | |
CEthylBenzeneClass | |
CEthyleneClass | |
CFluorineClass | |
CHeliumClass | |
CHexamethyldisiloxaneClass | |
CHFE143mClass | |
CHydrogenClass | |
CHydrogenSulfideClass | |
CIncompressibleFluid | |
CIsoButaneClass | |
CIsoButeneClass | |
CIsohexaneClass | |
CIsopentaneClass | |
CKryptonClass | |
CMethaneClass | |
CMethanolClass | |
CMethylLinoleateClass | |
CMethylLinolenateClass | |
CMethylOleateClass | |
CMethylPalmitateClass | |
CMethylStearateClass | |
CmXyleneClass | |
CnButaneClass | |
CnDodecaneClass | |
CNeonClass | |
CNeopentaneClass | |
CnHeptaneClass | |
CnHexaneClass | |
CNitrogenClass | |
CNitrousOxideClass | |
CnOctaneClass | |
CNonaneClass | |
CnPentaneClass | |
COctamethylcyclotetrasiloxaneClass | |
COctamethyltrisiloxaneClass | |
COneButeneClass | |
COrthoDeuteriumClass | |
COrthoHydrogenClass | |
COxygenClass | |
CoXyleneClass | |
CParaDeuteriumClass | |
CParaHydrogenClass | |
CPropyleneClass | |
CPropyneClass | |
CpXyleneClass | |
CR113Class | |
CR114Class | |
CR116Class | |
CR11Class | |
CR1233zdEClass | |
CR1234yfClass | |
CR1234zeClass | |
CR1234zeZClass | |
CR123Class | |
CR124Class | |
CR125Class | |
CR12Class | |
CR134aClass | |
CR13Class | |
CR141bClass | |
CR142bClass | |
CR143AClass | |
CR14Class | |
CR152AClass | |
CR161Class | |
CR218Class | |
CR21Class | |
CR227EAClass | |
CR22Class | |
CR236EAClass | |
CR236FAClass | |
CR23Class | |
CR245faClass | |
CR290Class | |
CR32Class | |
CR365MFCClass | |
CR404AClass | |
CR407CClass | |
CR407FClass | |
CR410AClass | |
CR41Class | |
CR507AClass | |
CR717Class | |
CR744Class | |
CRC318Class | |
CREFPROPFluidClass | |
CSES36Class | |
CSulfurDioxideClass | |
CSulfurHexafluorideClass | |
CTetradecamethylhexasiloxaneClass | |
CTolueneClass | |
CTrans2ButeneClass | |
CUndecaneClass | |
CWaterClass | |
CXenonClass | |
CFluidCache | |
CFluidCacheElement | |
CFluidLimits | |
CFluidsContainer | |
►CFuncWrapper1D | |
CDensityTpResids | A stub class to do the density(T,p) calculations for near the critical point using Brent solver |
CDensityTpResids | A stub class to do the density(T,p) calculations for near the critical point using Brent solver |
CgRR_resid | A wrapper function around the Rachford-Rice residual |
CHSSatFuncClass | |
Crho_Tpz_resid | A wrapper function around the density(T,p,x) residual |
CrhosatPure_BrentrhoVResidClass | |
CSaturation_p_IterateSaturationT_Resids | |
CSaturationPressureGivenResids | |
CWetBulbSolver | |
CWetBulbTminSolver | |
CWilsonK_resid | |
►CFuncWrapperND | |
CConformalTempResids | |
CSaturationFunctionOfPressureResids | |
Crapidjson::GenericReader< Encoding, Allocator > | SAX-style JSON parser. Use Reader for UTF8 encoding and default allocator |
►Crapidjson::GenericValue< Encoding, Allocator > | Represents a JSON value. Use Value for UTF8 encoding and default allocator |
Crapidjson::GenericDocument< Encoding, Allocator > | A document for parsing JSON text as DOM |
Crapidjson::GenericValue< rapidjson::Encoding, rapidjson::Allocator > | |
►Crapidjson::Handler | Concept for receiving events from GenericReader upon parsing |
Crapidjson::BaseReaderHandler< Encoding > | Default implementation of Handler |
Crapidjson::GenericDocument< Encoding, Allocator > | A document for parsing JSON text as DOM |
►Crapidjson::Writer< Stream, Encoding, Allocator > | JSON writer |
Crapidjson::PrettyWriter< Stream, Encoding, Allocator > | Writer with indentation and spacing |
CHSContainer | |
Crapidjson::GenericValue< Encoding, Allocator >::Number::I | |
►CCatch::IContext | |
CCatch::IMutableContext | |
CCatch::IExceptionTranslator | |
CCatch::IExceptionTranslatorRegistry | |
►CCatch::IGenerator< T > | |
CCatch::BetweenGenerator< T > | |
CCatch::ValuesGenerator< T > | |
CCatch::IGeneratorInfo | |
CCatch::IGeneratorsForTest | |
CCatch::IMutableRegistryHub | |
►CIncompressibleClass | The base class for incompressible fluids only |
CIncompressibleFluid | |
►CIncompressibleLiquid | Base class for simplified brine/solution models |
►CSimpleIncompressible | Base class for simplified models |
CAS10Class | |
CAS20Class | |
CAS30Class | |
CAS40Class | |
CAS55Class | |
CDEBLiquidClass | |
CDowthermJClass | |
CDowthermQClass | |
CHC10Class | |
CHC20Class | |
CHC30Class | |
CHC40Class | |
CHC50Class | |
CHCBLiquidClass | |
CHCMLiquidClass | |
CHFELiquidClass | |
CNitrateSaltClass | |
CPMS1LiquidClass | |
CPMS2LiquidClass | |
CSABLiquidClass | |
CSylthermXLTClass | |
CTCOLiquidClass | |
CTexatherm22Class | |
CTherminol66Class | |
CTherminol72Class | |
CTherminolD12Class | New fluids added with more coefficients |
CTherminolVP1Class | |
CZS10Class | |
CZS25Class | |
CZS40Class | |
CZS45Class | |
CZS55Class | |
►CIncompressibleSolution | Base class for simplified brine/solution models |
►CBaseSolution | Class to use Melinder and SecCool parameters |
►CMelinderSolution | |
CAMSolution | |
CCASolution | |
CEASolution | |
CEGSolution | |
CGLSolution | |
CKASolution | |
CKCSolution | |
CKFSolution | |
CLISolution | |
CMASolution | |
CMGSolution | |
CNASolution | |
CPGSolution | |
►CSecCoolSolution | |
CIceSlurryEA | |
CIceSlurryNA | |
CIceSlurryPG | |
CPK2000 | |
CZitrecAC | |
CLiBrSolution | Class to access Lithium-Bromide solutions |
CCatch::IRegistryHub | |
CCatch::IResultCapture | |
CCatch::IRunner | |
CCatch::Detail::IsStreamInsertable< T > | |
CCatch::ITestCaseRegistry | |
Crapidjson::Writer< Stream, Encoding, Allocator >::Level | Information for each nested level |
CLiquidsContainer | |
Crapidjson::GenericValue< Encoding, Allocator >::Member | Name-value pair in an object |
CCatch::MessageBuilder | |
CCatch::MessageInfo | |
CMixture | |
CCatch::NameAndDesc | |
CNewtonRaphsonVLE | |
►CCatch::NonCopyable | |
►CCatch::IShared | |
CCatch::IConfig | |
►CCatch::ITestCase | |
►CCatch::SharedImpl< ITestCase > | |
CCatch::MethodTestCase< C > | |
►CCatch::SharedImpl< IShared > | |
►CCatch::Matchers::Impl::Matcher< ExpressionT > | |
CCatch::Matchers::Impl::MatcherImpl< DerivedT, ExpressionT > | |
►CCatch::Matchers::Impl::MatcherImpl< AllOf< ExpressionT >, ExpressionT > | |
CCatch::Matchers::Impl::Generic::AllOf< ExpressionT > | |
►CCatch::Matchers::Impl::MatcherImpl< AnyOf< ExpressionT >, ExpressionT > | |
CCatch::Matchers::Impl::Generic::AnyOf< ExpressionT > | |
►CCatch::Matchers::Impl::Matcher< std::string > | |
►CCatch::Matchers::Impl::MatcherImpl< Contains, std::string > | |
CCatch::Matchers::Impl::StdString::Contains | |
►CCatch::Matchers::Impl::MatcherImpl< EndsWith, std::string > | |
CCatch::Matchers::Impl::StdString::EndsWith | |
►CCatch::Matchers::Impl::MatcherImpl< Equals, std::string > | |
CCatch::Matchers::Impl::StdString::Equals | |
►CCatch::Matchers::Impl::MatcherImpl< StartsWith, std::string > | |
CCatch::Matchers::Impl::StdString::StartsWith | |
COnePhaseLUTStruct | |
CCatch::Internal::OperatorTraits< Op > | |
CCatch::Internal::OperatorTraits< IsEqualTo > | |
CCatch::Internal::OperatorTraits< IsGreaterThan > | |
CCatch::Internal::OperatorTraits< IsGreaterThanOrEqualTo > | |
CCatch::Internal::OperatorTraits< IsLessThan > | |
CCatch::Internal::OperatorTraits< IsLessThanOrEqualTo > | |
CCatch::Internal::OperatorTraits< IsNotEqualTo > | |
COtherParameters | |
CPhaseEnvelope | |
CPhaseEnvelopeLog | |
►Cphi_BC | This is the abstract base class upon which each residual Helmholtz energy class is built |
Cphi0_cp0_AlyLee | |
Cphi0_cp0_constant | Term in the ideal-gas specific heat equation that is constant |
Cphi0_cp0_poly | Term in the ideal-gas specific heat equation that is polynomial term |
Cphi0_enthalpy_entropy_offset | |
Cphi0_lead | |
Cphi0_logtau | |
Cphi0_Planck_Einstein | |
Cphi0_Planck_Einstein2 | |
Cphi0_power | |
Cphir_critical | |
Cphir_exponential | |
Cphir_gaussian | |
Cphir_GERG2008_gaussian | |
Cphir_Lemmon2005 | |
Cphir_power | |
►Cphir_SAFT_associating | |
Cphir_SAFT_associating_1 | |
Cphir_SAFT_associating_2B | |
CPlotCall | |
CCatch::pluralise | |
CCatch::Ptr< T > | |
CCatch::Ptr< Catch::ITestCase > | |
CPyPlotter | |
►CReducingFunction | |
►CGERG2008ReducingFunction | |
CLemmonAirHFCReducingFunction | |
CResidualIdealMixture | |
CCatch::ResultAction | |
CCatch::ResultDisposition | |
CCatch::ResultWas | |
CCatch::SafeBool | |
CCatch::ScopedMessage | |
CCatch::Section | |
CCatch::SectionInfo | |
CCatch::ShowDurations | |
CSolutionsContainer | |
CCatch::SourceLineInfo | |
CSplineClass | |
Crapidjson::internal::Stack< Allocator > | A type-unsafe stack for storing different types of data |
Crapidjson::internal::Stack< rapidjson::Allocator > | |
►CStandardUnit | |
CPressureUnit | |
CStateCache | |
►Crapidjson::Stream | Concept for reading and writing characters |
Crapidjson::FileStream | Wrapper of C file stream for input or output |
Crapidjson::GenericInsituStringStream< Encoding > | A read-write string stream |
Crapidjson::GenericStringBuffer< Encoding, Allocator > | Represents an in-memory output stream |
Crapidjson::GenericStringStream< Encoding > | Read-only string stream |
CCatch::StreamEndStop | |
CCatch::StringMaker< R C::* > | |
CCatch::StringMaker< std::vector< T, Allocator > > | |
CCatch::StringMaker< T * > | |
CCatch::Detail::StringMakerBase< C > | |
►CCatch::Detail::StringMakerBase< Detail::IsStreamInsertable< T >::value > | |
CCatch::StringMaker< T > | |
CCatch::Detail::StringMakerBase< true > | |
CSuccessiveSubstitutionStep | |
CSuccessiveSubstitutionVLE | |
►CCatch::TestCaseInfo | |
CCatch::TestCase | |
CCatch::TestFailureException | |
CCatch::Timer | |
CCatch::Totals | |
CCatch::TrueType | |
CTTSESinglePhaseTableClass | |
CTTSETwoPhaseTableClass | |
Crapidjson::GenericValue< Encoding, Allocator >::Number::U | |
CCatch::Verbosity | |
CCatch::WarnAbout | |
►CT | |
CCatch::SharedImpl< T > | |