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CoolProp  6.7.1dev
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CoolPropLib.h File Reference

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 This file defines an interface for shared library (DLL) wrapping. More...


EXPORT_CODE double CONVENTION Props1SI (const char *FluidName, const char *Output)
EXPORT_CODE void CONVENTION Props1SImulti (const char *Outputs, char *backend, const char *FluidNames, const double *fractions, const long length_fractions, double *result, long *resdim1)
EXPORT_CODE double CONVENTION PropsSI (const char *Output, const char *Name1, double Prop1, const char *Name2, double Prop2, const char *Ref)
EXPORT_CODE void CONVENTION PropsSImulti (const char *Outputs, const char *Name1, double *Prop1, const long size_Prop1, const char *Name2, double *Prop2, const long size_Prop2, char *backend, const char *FluidNames, const double *fractions, const long length_fractions, double *result, long *resdim1, long *resdim2)
EXPORT_CODE long CONVENTION PhaseSI (const char *Name1, double Prop1, const char *Name2, double Prop2, const char *Ref, char *phase, int n)
EXPORT_CODE long CONVENTION get_global_param_string (const char *param, char *Output, int n)
EXPORT_CODE long CONVENTION get_parameter_information_string (const char *key, char *Output, int n)
EXPORT_CODE long CONVENTION get_fluid_param_string (const char *fluid, const char *param, char *Output, int n)
EXPORT_CODE void CONVENTION set_config_string (const char *key, const char *val)
 Set configuration string. More...
EXPORT_CODE void CONVENTION set_config_double (const char *key, const double val)
 Set configuration numerical value as double. More...
EXPORT_CODE void CONVENTION set_config_bool (const char *key, const bool val)
 Set configuration value as a boolean. More...
EXPORT_CODE void CONVENTION set_departure_functions (const char *string_data, long *errcode, char *message_buffer, const long buffer_length)
 Set the departure functions in the departure function library from a string format. More...
EXPORT_CODE int CONVENTION set_reference_stateS (const char *Ref, const char *reference_state)
EXPORT_CODE int CONVENTION set_reference_stateD (const char *Ref, double T, double rhomolar, double hmolar0, double smolar0)
EXPORT_CODE void CONVENTION propssi_ (const char *Output, const char *Name1, const double *Prop1, const char *Name2, const double *Prop2, const char *Ref, double *output)
 FORTRAN 77 style wrapper of the PropsSI function This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. More...
 Convert from degrees Fahrenheit to Kelvin (useful primarily for testing) More...
 Convert from Kelvin to degrees Fahrenheit (useful primarily for testing) More...
EXPORT_CODE long CONVENTION get_param_index (const char *param)
 Get the index for a parameter "T", "P", etc. More...
EXPORT_CODE long CONVENTION get_input_pair_index (const char *param)
 Get the index for an input pair for AbstractState.update function. More...
EXPORT_CODE long CONVENTION redirect_stdout (const char *file)
 Redirect all output that would go to console (stdout) to a file. More...
EXPORT_CODE int CONVENTION get_debug_level ()
EXPORT_CODE void CONVENTION set_debug_level (int level)
EXPORT_CODE double CONVENTION saturation_ancillary (const char *fluid_name, const char *output, int Q, const char *input, double value)
EXPORT_CODE double CONVENTION HAPropsSI (const char *Output, const char *Name1, double Prop1, const char *Name2, double Prop2, const char *Name3, double Prop3)
 DLL wrapper of the HAPropsSI function. More...
EXPORT_CODE double CONVENTION cair_sat (double T)
 Humid air saturation specific heat at 1 atmosphere, based on a correlation from EES. More...
EXPORT_CODE void CONVENTION hapropssi_ (const char *Output, const char *Name1, const double *Prop1, const char *Name2, const double *Prop2, const char *Name3, const double *Prop3, double *output)
 FORTRAN 77 style wrapper of the HAPropsSI function. More...
EXPORT_CODE double CONVENTION HAProps (const char *Output, const char *Name1, double Prop1, const char *Name2, double Prop2, const char *Name3, double Prop3)
 DLL wrapper of the HAProps function. More...
EXPORT_CODE void CONVENTION haprops_ (const char *Output, const char *Name1, const double *Prop1, const char *Name2, const double *Prop2, const char *Name3, const double *Prop3, double *output)
 FORTRAN 77 style wrapper of the HAProps function. More...
EXPORT_CODE long CONVENTION AbstractState_factory (const char *backend, const char *fluids, long *errcode, char *message_buffer, const long buffer_length)
 Generate an AbstractState instance, return an integer handle to the state class generated to be used in the other low-level accessor functions. More...
EXPORT_CODE void CONVENTION AbstractState_fluid_names (const long handle, char *fluids, long *errcode, char *message_buffer, const long buffer_length)
 Get the fluid names for the AbstractState. More...
EXPORT_CODE void CONVENTION AbstractState_free (const long handle, long *errcode, char *message_buffer, const long buffer_length)
 Release a state class generated by the low-level interface wrapper. More...
EXPORT_CODE void CONVENTION AbstractState_set_fractions (const long handle, const double *fractions, const long N, long *errcode, char *message_buffer, const long buffer_length)
 Set the fractions (mole, mass, volume) for the AbstractState. More...
EXPORT_CODE void CONVENTION AbstractState_get_mole_fractions (const long handle, double *fractions, const long maxN, long *N, long *errcode, char *message_buffer, const long buffer_length)
 Get the molar fractions for the AbstractState. More...
EXPORT_CODE void CONVENTION AbstractState_get_mole_fractions_satState (const long handle, const char *saturated_state, double *fractions, const long maxN, long *N, long *errcode, char *message_buffer, const long buffer_length)
 Get the molar fractions for the AbstractState and the desired saturated State. More...
EXPORT_CODE double CONVENTION AbstractState_get_fugacity (const long handle, const long i, long *errcode, char *message_buffer, const long buffer_length)
 Return the fugacity of the i-th component of the mixture. More...
EXPORT_CODE double CONVENTION AbstractState_get_fugacity_coefficient (const long handle, const long i, long *errcode, char *message_buffer, const long buffer_length)
 Return the fugacity coefficient of the i-th component of the mixture. More...
EXPORT_CODE void CONVENTION AbstractState_update (const long handle, const long input_pair, const double value1, const double value2, long *errcode, char *message_buffer, const long buffer_length)
 Update the state of the AbstractState. More...
EXPORT_CODE void CONVENTION AbstractState_specify_phase (const long handle, const char *phase, long *errcode, char *message_buffer, const long buffer_length)
 Specify the phase to be used for all further calculations. More...
EXPORT_CODE void CONVENTION AbstractState_unspecify_phase (const long handle, long *errcode, char *message_buffer, const long buffer_length)
 Unspecify the phase to be used for all further calculations. More...
EXPORT_CODE double CONVENTION AbstractState_keyed_output (const long handle, const long param, long *errcode, char *message_buffer, const long buffer_length)
 Get an output value from the AbstractState using an integer value for the desired output value. More...
EXPORT_CODE double CONVENTION AbstractState_first_saturation_deriv (const long handle, const long Of, const long Wrt, long *errcode, char *message_buffer, const long buffer_length)
 Calculate a saturation derivative from the AbstractState using integer values for the desired parameters. More...
EXPORT_CODE double CONVENTION AbstractState_first_partial_deriv (const long handle, const long Of, const long Wrt, const long Constant, long *errcode, char *message_buffer, const long buffer_length)
 Calculate the first partial derivative in homogeneous phases from the AbstractState using integer values for the desired parameters. More...
EXPORT_CODE double CONVENTION AbstractState_second_two_phase_deriv (const long handle, const long Of1, const long Wrt1, const long Constant1, const long Wrt2, const long Constant2, long *errcode, char *message_buffer, const long buffer_length)
 Calculate the second partial derivative in homogeneous phases from the AbstractState using integer values for the desired parameters. More...
EXPORT_CODE double CONVENTION AbstractState_second_partial_deriv (const long handle, const long Of1, const long Wrt1, const long Constant1, const long Wrt2, const long Constant2, long *errcode, char *message_buffer, const long buffer_length)
 Calculate the second partial derivative int two-phase region from the AbstractState using integer values for the desired parameters. More...
EXPORT_CODE double CONVENTION AbstractState_first_two_phase_deriv_splined (const long handle, const long Of, const long Wrt, const long Constant, const double x_end, long *errcode, char *message_buffer, const long buffer_length)
 Calculate the first partial derivative in two-phase region with Spline - Approach from the AbstractState using integer values for the desired parameters Spline Approach "Methods to Increase the Robustness of Finite-Volume FlowModels in Thermodynamic Systems: Sylvain Quoilin, Ian Bell, Adriano Desideri, Pierre Dewallef and Vincent Lemort". More...
EXPORT_CODE double CONVENTION AbstractState_first_two_phase_deriv (const long handle, const long Of, const long Wrt, const long Constant, long *errcode, char *message_buffer, const long buffer_length)
 Calculate the first partial derivative in homogeneous phases from the AbstractState using integer values for the desired parameters. More...
EXPORT_CODE void CONVENTION AbstractState_update_and_common_out (const long handle, const long input_pair, const double *value1, const double *value2, const long length, double *T, double *p, double *rhomolar, double *hmolar, double *smolar, long *errcode, char *message_buffer, const long buffer_length)
 Update the state of the AbstractState and get an output value five common outputs (temperature, pressure, molar density, molar enthalpy and molar entropy) More...
EXPORT_CODE void CONVENTION AbstractState_update_and_1_out (const long handle, const long input_pair, const double *value1, const double *value2, const long length, const long output, double *out, long *errcode, char *message_buffer, const long buffer_length)
 Update the state of the AbstractState and get one output value (temperature, pressure, molar density, molar enthalpy and molar entropy) More...
EXPORT_CODE void CONVENTION AbstractState_update_and_5_out (const long handle, const long input_pair, const double *value1, const double *value2, const long length, long *outputs, double *out1, double *out2, double *out3, double *out4, double *out5, long *errcode, char *message_buffer, const long buffer_length)
 Update the state of the AbstractState and get an output value five common outputs (temperature, pressure, molar density, molar enthalpy and molar entropy) More...
EXPORT_CODE void CONVENTION AbstractState_set_binary_interaction_double (const long handle, const long i, const long j, const char *parameter, const double value, long *errcode, char *message_buffer, const long buffer_length)
 Set binary interraction parrameter for mixtures. More...
EXPORT_CODE void CONVENTION AbstractState_set_cubic_alpha_C (const long handle, const long i, const char *parameter, const double c1, const double c2, const double c3, long *errcode, char *message_buffer, const long buffer_length)
 Set cubic's alpha function parameters. More...
EXPORT_CODE void CONVENTION AbstractState_set_fluid_parameter_double (const long handle, const long i, const char *parameter, const double value, long *errcode, char *message_buffer, const long buffer_length)
 Set some fluid parameter (ie volume translation for cubic) More...
EXPORT_CODE void CONVENTION AbstractState_build_phase_envelope (const long handle, const char *level, long *errcode, char *message_buffer, const long buffer_length)
 Build the phase envelope. More...
EXPORT_CODE void CONVENTION AbstractState_get_phase_envelope_data (const long handle, const long length, double *T, double *p, double *rhomolar_vap, double *rhomolar_liq, double *x, double *y, long *errcode, char *message_buffer, const long buffer_length)
 Get data from the phase envelope for the given mixture composition. More...
EXPORT_CODE void CONVENTION AbstractState_get_phase_envelope_data_checkedMemory (const long handle, const long length, const long maxComponents, double *T, double *p, double *rhomolar_vap, double *rhomolar_liq, double *x, double *y, long *actual_length, long *actual_components, long *errcode, char *message_buffer, const long buffer_length)
 Get data from the phase envelope for the given mixture composition. More...
EXPORT_CODE void CONVENTION AbstractState_build_spinodal (const long handle, long *errcode, char *message_buffer, const long buffer_length)
 Build the spinodal. More...
EXPORT_CODE void CONVENTION AbstractState_get_spinodal_data (const long handle, const long length, double *tau, double *delta, double *M1, long *errcode, char *message_buffer, const long buffer_length)
 Get data for the spinodal curve. More...
EXPORT_CODE void CONVENTION AbstractState_all_critical_points (const long handle, const long length, double *T, double *p, double *rhomolar, long *stable, long *errcode, char *message_buffer, const long buffer_length)
 Calculate all the critical points for a given composition. More...
EXPORT_CODE double CONVENTION AbstractState_keyed_output_satState (const long handle, const char *saturated_state, const long param, long *errcode, char *message_buffer, const long buffer_length)
 Get an output value from the AbstractState using an integer value for the desired output value and desired saturated State. More...
EXPORT_CODE void CONVENTION AbstractState_backend_name (const long handle, char *backend, long *errcode, char *message_buffer, const long buffer_length)
 Return the name of the backend used in the AbstractState. More...
EXPORT_CODE void CONVENTION AbstractState_fluid_param_string (const long handle, const char *param, char *return_buffer, const long return_buffer_length, long *errcode, char *message_buffer, const long buffer_length)
EXPORT_CODE int CONVENTION AbstractState_phase (const long handle, long *errcode, char *message_buffer, const long buffer_length)
EXPORT_CODE double CONVENTION AbstractState_saturated_liquid_keyed_output (const long handle, const long param, long *errcode, char *message_buffer, const long buffer_length)
EXPORT_CODE double CONVENTION AbstractState_saturated_vapor_keyed_output (const long handle, const long param, long *errcode, char *message_buffer, const long buffer_length)
EXPORT_CODE void CONVENTION add_fluids_as_JSON (const char *backend, const char *fluidstring, long *errcode, char *message_buffer, const long buffer_length)
 Add fluids as a JSON-formatted string. More...
EXPORT_CODE int CONVENTION C_is_valid_fluid_string (const char *fluidName)
EXPORT_CODE int CONVENTION C_extract_backend (const char *fluid_string, char *backend, const long backend_length, char *fluid, const long fluid_length)
EXPORT_CODE double CONVENTION PropsS (const char *Output, const char *Name1, double Prop1, const char *Name2, double Prop2, const char *Ref)
EXPORT_CODE double CONVENTION Props (const char *Output, const char Name1, double Prop1, const char Name2, double Prop2, const char *Ref)
EXPORT_CODE double CONVENTION Props1 (const char *FluidName, const char *Output)

Macro Definition Documentation



Definition at line 58 of file CoolPropLib.h.



This file defines an interface for shared library (DLL) wrapping.

In general the functions defined here take strings which are 0-terminated (C-style), vectors of doubles are passed as double* and length These functions pass directly to equivalently named functions in CoolProp.h in the CoolProp namespace that take std::string, vector<double> etc.

Functions with the call type like EXPORT_CODE void CONVENTION AFunction(double, double); will be exported to the DLL

The exact symbol that will be exported depends on the values of the preprocessor macros COOLPROP_LIB, EXPORT_CODE, CONVENTION, etc.

In order to have 100% control over the export macros, you can specify EXPORT_CODE and CONVENTION directly. Check out CMakeLists.txt in the repo root to see some examples.

Definition at line 55 of file CoolPropLib.h.

Function Documentation

◆ AbstractState_all_critical_points()

EXPORT_CODE void CONVENTION AbstractState_all_critical_points ( const long  handle,
const long  length,
double *  T,
double *  p,
double *  rhomolar,
long *  stable,
long *  errcode,
char *  message_buffer,
const long  buffer_length 

Calculate all the critical points for a given composition.

handleThe integer handle for the state class stored in memory
lengthThe length of the buffers passed to this function
TThe pointer to the array of temperature (K)
pThe pointer to the array of pressure (Pa)
rhomolarThe pointer to the array of molar density (m^3/mol)
stableThe pointer to the array of boolean flags for whether the critical point is stable (1) or unstable (0)
errcodeThe errorcode that is returned (0 = no error, !0 = error)
message_bufferA buffer for the error code
buffer_lengthThe length of the buffer for the error code
If there is an error in an update call for one of the inputs, no change in the output array will be made

Definition at line 958 of file CoolPropLib.cpp.

◆ AbstractState_backend_name()

EXPORT_CODE void CONVENTION AbstractState_backend_name ( const long  handle,
char *  backend,
long *  errcode,
char *  message_buffer,
const long  buffer_length 

Return the name of the backend used in the AbstractState.

handleThe integer handle for the state class stored in memory
backendThe char pointer the name is written to
errcodeThe errorcode that is returned (0 = no error, !0 = error)
message_bufferA buffer for the error code
buffer_lengthThe length of the buffer for the error code

Definition at line 1007 of file CoolPropLib.cpp.

◆ AbstractState_build_phase_envelope()

EXPORT_CODE void CONVENTION AbstractState_build_phase_envelope ( const long  handle,
const char *  level,
long *  errcode,
char *  message_buffer,
const long  buffer_length 

Build the phase envelope.

handleThe integer handle for the state class stored in memory
levelHow much refining of the phase envelope ("none" to skip refining (recommended))
errcodeThe errorcode that is returned (0 = no error, !0 = error)
message_bufferA buffer for the error code
buffer_lengthThe length of the buffer for the error code
If there is an error in an update call for one of the inputs, no change in the output array will be made

Definition at line 857 of file CoolPropLib.cpp.

◆ AbstractState_build_spinodal()

EXPORT_CODE void CONVENTION AbstractState_build_spinodal ( const long  handle,
long *  errcode,
char *  message_buffer,
const long  buffer_length 

Build the spinodal.

handleThe integer handle for the state class stored in memory
errcodeThe errorcode that is returned (0 = no error, !0 = error)
message_bufferA buffer for the error code
buffer_lengthThe length of the buffer for the error code

Definition at line 928 of file CoolPropLib.cpp.

◆ AbstractState_factory()

EXPORT_CODE long CONVENTION AbstractState_factory ( const char *  backend,
const char *  fluids,
long *  errcode,
char *  message_buffer,
const long  buffer_length 

Generate an AbstractState instance, return an integer handle to the state class generated to be used in the other low-level accessor functions.

backendThe backend you will use, "HEOS", "REFPROP", etc.
fluids'&' delimited list of fluids
errcodeThe errorcode that is returned (0 = no error, !0 = error)
message_bufferA buffer for the error code
buffer_lengthThe length of the buffer for the error code
A handle to the state class generated

Definition at line 503 of file CoolPropLib.cpp.

◆ AbstractState_first_partial_deriv()

EXPORT_CODE double CONVENTION AbstractState_first_partial_deriv ( const long  handle,
const long  Of,
const long  Wrt,
const long  Constant,
long *  errcode,
char *  message_buffer,
const long  buffer_length 

Calculate the first partial derivative in homogeneous phases from the AbstractState using integer values for the desired parameters.

handleThe integer handle for the state class stored in memory
OfThe parameter of which the derivative is being taken
WrtThe derivative with with respect to this parameter
ConstantThe parameter that is not affected by the derivative
errcodeThe errorcode that is returned (0 = no error, !0 = error)
message_bufferA buffer for the error code
buffer_lengthThe length of the buffer for the error code

Definition at line 687 of file CoolPropLib.cpp.

◆ AbstractState_first_saturation_deriv()

EXPORT_CODE double CONVENTION AbstractState_first_saturation_deriv ( const long  handle,
const long  Of,
const long  Wrt,
long *  errcode,
char *  message_buffer,
const long  buffer_length 

Calculate a saturation derivative from the AbstractState using integer values for the desired parameters.

handleThe integer handle for the state class stored in memory
OfThe parameter of which the derivative is being taken
WrtThe derivative with with respect to this parameter
errcodeThe errorcode that is returned (0 = no error, !0 = error)
message_bufferA buffer for the error code
buffer_lengthThe length of the buffer for the error code

Definition at line 675 of file CoolPropLib.cpp.

◆ AbstractState_first_two_phase_deriv()

EXPORT_CODE double CONVENTION AbstractState_first_two_phase_deriv ( const long  handle,
const long  Of,
const long  Wrt,
const long  Constant,
long *  errcode,
char *  message_buffer,
const long  buffer_length 

Calculate the first partial derivative in homogeneous phases from the AbstractState using integer values for the desired parameters.

handleThe integer handle for the state class stored in memory
OfThe parameter of which the derivative is being taken
WrtThe derivative with with respect to this parameter
ConstantThe parameter that is not affected by the derivative
errcodeThe errorcode that is returned (0 = no error, !0 = error)
message_bufferA buffer for the error code
buffer_lengthThe length of the buffer for the error code

Definition at line 730 of file CoolPropLib.cpp.

◆ AbstractState_first_two_phase_deriv_splined()

EXPORT_CODE double CONVENTION AbstractState_first_two_phase_deriv_splined ( const long  handle,
const long  Of,
const long  Wrt,
const long  Constant,
const double  x_end,
long *  errcode,
char *  message_buffer,
const long  buffer_length 

Calculate the first partial derivative in two-phase region with Spline - Approach from the AbstractState using integer values for the desired parameters Spline Approach "Methods to Increase the Robustness of Finite-Volume FlowModels in Thermodynamic Systems: Sylvain Quoilin, Ian Bell, Adriano Desideri, Pierre Dewallef and Vincent Lemort".

handleThe integer handle for the state class stored in memory @x_end constant parameter for defining range of the spline, (usually 0.1 is used, 0..1 is possible)
OfThe parameter of which the derivative is being taken
WrtThe derivative with with respect to this parameter
ConstantThe parameter that is not affected by the derivative
errcodeThe errorcode that is returned (0 = no error, !0 = error)
message_bufferA buffer for the error code
buffer_lengthThe length of the buffer for the error code

Definition at line 743 of file CoolPropLib.cpp.

◆ AbstractState_fluid_names()

EXPORT_CODE void CONVENTION AbstractState_fluid_names ( const long  handle,
char *  fluids,
long *  errcode,
char *  message_buffer,
const long  buffer_length 

Get the fluid names for the AbstractState.

handleThe integer handle for the state class stored in memory
fluidsLIST_STRING_DELIMETER (',') delimited list of fluids
errcodeThe errorcode that is returned (0 = no error, !0 = error)
message_bufferA buffer for the error code
buffer_lengthThe length of the buffer for the error code

Definition at line 514 of file CoolPropLib.cpp.

◆ AbstractState_fluid_param_string()

EXPORT_CODE void CONVENTION AbstractState_fluid_param_string ( const long  handle,
const char *  param,
char *  return_buffer,
const long  return_buffer_length,
long *  errcode,
char *  message_buffer,
const long  buffer_length 

Definition at line 1036 of file CoolPropLib.cpp.

◆ AbstractState_free()

EXPORT_CODE void CONVENTION AbstractState_free ( const long  handle,
long *  errcode,
char *  message_buffer,
const long  buffer_length 

Release a state class generated by the low-level interface wrapper.

handleThe integer handle for the state class stored in memory
errcodeThe errorcode that is returned (0 = no error, !0 = error)
message_bufferA buffer for the error code
buffer_lengthThe length of the buffer for the error code

Definition at line 533 of file CoolPropLib.cpp.

◆ AbstractState_get_fugacity()

EXPORT_CODE double CONVENTION AbstractState_get_fugacity ( const long  handle,
const long  i,
long *  errcode,
char *  message_buffer,
const long  buffer_length 

Return the fugacity of the i-th component of the mixture.

handleThe integer handle for the state class stored in memory
ii-th component of the mixture
errcodeThe errorcode that is returned (0 = no error, !0 = error)
message_bufferA buffer for the error code
buffer_lengthThe length of the buffer for the error code

Definition at line 612 of file CoolPropLib.cpp.

◆ AbstractState_get_fugacity_coefficient()

EXPORT_CODE double CONVENTION AbstractState_get_fugacity_coefficient ( const long  handle,
const long  i,
long *  errcode,
char *  message_buffer,
const long  buffer_length 

Return the fugacity coefficient of the i-th component of the mixture.

handleThe integer handle for the state class stored in memory
ii-th component of the mixture
errcodeThe errorcode that is returned (0 = no error, !0 = error)
message_bufferA buffer for the error code
buffer_lengthThe length of the buffer for the error code

Definition at line 623 of file CoolPropLib.cpp.

◆ AbstractState_get_mole_fractions()

EXPORT_CODE void CONVENTION AbstractState_get_mole_fractions ( const long  handle,
double *  fractions,
const long  maxN,
long *  N,
long *  errcode,
char *  message_buffer,
const long  buffer_length 

Get the molar fractions for the AbstractState.

handleThe integer handle for the state class stored in memory
fractionsThe array of fractions
maxNThe length of the buffer for the fractions
Nnumber of fluids
errcodeThe errorcode that is returned (0 = no error, !0 = error)
message_bufferA buffer for the error code
buffer_lengthThe length of the buffer for the error code

Definition at line 558 of file CoolPropLib.cpp.

◆ AbstractState_get_mole_fractions_satState()

EXPORT_CODE void CONVENTION AbstractState_get_mole_fractions_satState ( const long  handle,
const char *  saturated_state,
double *  fractions,
const long  maxN,
long *  N,
long *  errcode,
char *  message_buffer,
const long  buffer_length 

Get the molar fractions for the AbstractState and the desired saturated State.

handleThe integer handle for the state class stored in memory
saturated_stateThe string specifying the state (liquid or gas)
fractionsThe array of fractions
maxNThe length of the buffer for the fractions
Nnumber of fluids
errcodeThe errorcode that is returned (0 = no error, !0 = error)
message_bufferA buffer for the error code
buffer_lengthThe length of the buffer for the error code

Definition at line 576 of file CoolPropLib.cpp.

◆ AbstractState_get_phase_envelope_data()

EXPORT_CODE void CONVENTION AbstractState_get_phase_envelope_data ( const long  handle,
const long  length,
double *  T,
double *  p,
double *  rhomolar_vap,
double *  rhomolar_liq,
double *  x,
double *  y,
long *  errcode,
char *  message_buffer,
const long  buffer_length 

Get data from the phase envelope for the given mixture composition.

handleThe integer handle for the state class stored in memory
lengthThe number of elements stored in the arrays (both inputs and outputs MUST be the same length)
TThe pointer to the array of temperature (K)
pThe pointer to the array of pressure (Pa)
rhomolar_vapThe pointer to the array of molar density for vapor phase (m^3/mol)
rhomolar_liqThe pointer to the array of molar density for liquid phase (m^3/mol)
xThe compositions of the "liquid" phase (WARNING: buffer should be Ncomp*Npoints in length, at a minimum, but there is no way to check buffer length at runtime)
yThe compositions of the "vapor" phase (WARNING: buffer should be Ncomp*Npoints in length, at a minimum, but there is no way to check buffer length at runtime)
errcodeThe errorcode that is returned (0 = no error, !0 = error)
message_bufferA buffer for the error code
buffer_lengthThe length of the buffer for the error code
If there is an error in an update call for one of the inputs, no change in the output array will be made

Definition at line 868 of file CoolPropLib.cpp.

◆ AbstractState_get_phase_envelope_data_checkedMemory()

EXPORT_CODE void CONVENTION AbstractState_get_phase_envelope_data_checkedMemory ( const long  handle,
const long  length,
const long  maxComponents,
double *  T,
double *  p,
double *  rhomolar_vap,
double *  rhomolar_liq,
double *  x,
double *  y,
long *  actual_length,
long *  actual_components,
long *  errcode,
char *  message_buffer,
const long  buffer_length 

Get data from the phase envelope for the given mixture composition.

handleThe integer handle for the state class stored in memory
lengthThe number of elements stored in the arrays (both inputs and outputs MUST be the same length)
maxComponentsThe number of fluid components for which memory is allocated
TThe pointer to the array of temperature (K)
pThe pointer to the array of pressure (Pa)
rhomolar_vapThe pointer to the array of molar density for vapor phase (m^3/mol)
rhomolar_liqThe pointer to the array of molar density for liquid phase (m^3/mol)
xThe compositions of the "liquid" phase (WARNING: buffer should be Ncomp*Npoints in length, at a minimum, but there is no way to check buffer length at runtime)
yThe compositions of the "vapor" phase (WARNING: buffer should be Ncomp*Npoints in length, at a minimum, but there is no way to check buffer length at runtime)
actual_lengthThe number of elements actually stored in the arrays
actual_componentsThe number of fluid components actually stored in the arrays
errcodeThe errorcode that is returned (0 = no error, !0 = error)
message_bufferA buffer for the error code
buffer_lengthThe length of the buffer for the error code
If there is an error in an update call for one of the inputs, no change in the output array will be made

Definition at line 895 of file CoolPropLib.cpp.

◆ AbstractState_get_spinodal_data()

EXPORT_CODE void CONVENTION AbstractState_get_spinodal_data ( const long  handle,
const long  length,
double *  tau,
double *  delta,
double *  M1,
long *  errcode,
char *  message_buffer,
const long  buffer_length 

Get data for the spinodal curve.

handleThe integer handle for the state class stored in memory
lengthThe number of elements stored in the arrays (all outputs MUST be the same length)
tauThe pointer to the array of reciprocal reduced temperature
deltaThe pointer to the array of reduced density
M1The pointer to the array of M1 values (when L1=M1=0, critical point)
errcodeThe errorcode that is returned (0 = no error, !0 = error)
message_bufferA buffer for the error code
buffer_lengthThe length of the buffer for the error code
If there is an error, no change in the output arrays will be made

Definition at line 938 of file CoolPropLib.cpp.

◆ AbstractState_keyed_output()

EXPORT_CODE double CONVENTION AbstractState_keyed_output ( const long  handle,
const long  param,
long *  errcode,
char *  message_buffer,
const long  buffer_length 

Get an output value from the AbstractState using an integer value for the desired output value.

handleThe integer handle for the state class stored in memory
paramThe integer value for the parameter you want
errcodeThe errorcode that is returned (0 = no error, !0 = error)
message_bufferA buffer for the error code
buffer_lengthThe length of the buffer for the error code

Definition at line 663 of file CoolPropLib.cpp.

◆ AbstractState_keyed_output_satState()

EXPORT_CODE double CONVENTION AbstractState_keyed_output_satState ( const long  handle,
const char *  saturated_state,
const long  param,
long *  errcode,
char *  message_buffer,
const long  buffer_length 

Get an output value from the AbstractState using an integer value for the desired output value and desired saturated State.

handleThe integer handle for the state class stored in memory
saturated_stateThe string specifying the state (liquid or gas)
paramThe integer value for the parameter you want
errcodeThe errorcode that is returned (0 = no error, !0 = error)
message_bufferA buffer for the error code
buffer_lengthThe length of the buffer for the error code

Definition at line 979 of file CoolPropLib.cpp.

◆ AbstractState_phase()

EXPORT_CODE int CONVENTION AbstractState_phase ( const long  handle,
long *  errcode,
char *  message_buffer,
const long  buffer_length 

Definition at line 1025 of file CoolPropLib.cpp.

◆ AbstractState_saturated_liquid_keyed_output()

EXPORT_CODE double CONVENTION AbstractState_saturated_liquid_keyed_output ( const long  handle,
const long  param,
long *  errcode,
char *  message_buffer,
const long  buffer_length 

Definition at line 1053 of file CoolPropLib.cpp.

◆ AbstractState_saturated_vapor_keyed_output()

EXPORT_CODE double CONVENTION AbstractState_saturated_vapor_keyed_output ( const long  handle,
const long  param,
long *  errcode,
char *  message_buffer,
const long  buffer_length 

Definition at line 1065 of file CoolPropLib.cpp.

◆ AbstractState_second_partial_deriv()

EXPORT_CODE double CONVENTION AbstractState_second_partial_deriv ( const long  handle,
const long  Of1,
const long  Wrt1,
const long  Constant1,
const long  Wrt2,
const long  Constant2,
long *  errcode,
char *  message_buffer,
const long  buffer_length 

Calculate the second partial derivative int two-phase region from the AbstractState using integer values for the desired parameters.

handleThe integer handle for the state class stored in memory
Of1The parameter of which the derivative is being taken
Wrt1The parameter that the derivative is taken with respect to in the first derivative
Constant1The parameter that is held constant in the first derivative
Wrt2The parameter that the derivative is taken with respect to in the second derivative
Constant2The parameter that is held constant in the second derivative
errcodeThe errorcode that is returned (0 = no error, !0 = error)
message_bufferA buffer for the error code
buffer_lengthThe length of the buffer for the error code

Definition at line 700 of file CoolPropLib.cpp.

◆ AbstractState_second_two_phase_deriv()

EXPORT_CODE double CONVENTION AbstractState_second_two_phase_deriv ( const long  handle,
const long  Of1,
const long  Wrt1,
const long  Constant1,
const long  Wrt2,
const long  Constant2,
long *  errcode,
char *  message_buffer,
const long  buffer_length 

Calculate the second partial derivative in homogeneous phases from the AbstractState using integer values for the desired parameters.

handleThe integer handle for the state class stored in memory
Of1The parameter of which the derivative is being taken
Wrt1The parameter that the derivative is taken with respect to in the first derivative
Constant1The parameter that is held constant in the first derivative
Wrt2The parameter that the derivative is taken with respect to in the second derivative
Constant2The parameter that is held constant in the second derivative
errcodeThe errorcode that is returned (0 = no error, !0 = error)
message_bufferA buffer for the error code
buffer_lengthThe length of the buffer for the error code

Definition at line 715 of file CoolPropLib.cpp.

◆ AbstractState_set_binary_interaction_double()

EXPORT_CODE void CONVENTION AbstractState_set_binary_interaction_double ( const long  handle,
const long  i,
const long  j,
const char *  parameter,
const double  value,
long *  errcode,
char *  message_buffer,
const long  buffer_length 

Set binary interraction parrameter for mixtures.

handleThe integer handle for the state class stored in memory
iindice of the first fluid of the binary pair
jindice of the second fluid of the binary pair
parameterstring wit the name of the parameter
valuethe value of the binary interaction parameter
errcodeThe errorcode that is returned (0 = no error, !0 = error)
message_bufferA buffer for the error code
buffer_lengthThe length of the buffer for the error code

Definition at line 823 of file CoolPropLib.cpp.

◆ AbstractState_set_cubic_alpha_C()

EXPORT_CODE void CONVENTION AbstractState_set_cubic_alpha_C ( const long  handle,
const long  i,
const char *  parameter,
const double  c1,
const double  c2,
const double  c3,
long *  errcode,
char *  message_buffer,
const long  buffer_length 

Set cubic's alpha function parameters.

handleThe integer handle for the state class stored in memory
iindice of the fluid the parramter should be applied too (for mixtures)
parameterthe string specifying the alpha function to use, ex "TWU" for the TWU alpha function
c1the first parameter for the alpha function
c2the second parameter for the alpha function
c3the third parameter for the alpha function
errcodeThe errorcode that is returned (0 = no error, !0 = error)
message_bufferA buffer for the error code
buffer_lengthThe length of the buffer for the error code

Definition at line 835 of file CoolPropLib.cpp.

◆ AbstractState_set_fluid_parameter_double()

EXPORT_CODE void CONVENTION AbstractState_set_fluid_parameter_double ( const long  handle,
const long  i,
const char *  parameter,
const double  value,
long *  errcode,
char *  message_buffer,
const long  buffer_length 

Set some fluid parameter (ie volume translation for cubic)

handleThe integer handle for the state class stored in memory
iindice of the fluid the parramter should be applied too (for mixtures)
parameterthe string specifying the parameter to use, ex "cm" for volume translation
valuethe value of the parameter
errcodeThe errorcode that is returned (0 = no error, !0 = error)
message_bufferA buffer for the error code
buffer_lengthThe length of the buffer for the error code

Definition at line 846 of file CoolPropLib.cpp.

◆ AbstractState_set_fractions()

EXPORT_CODE void CONVENTION AbstractState_set_fractions ( const long  handle,
const double *  fractions,
const long  N,
long *  errcode,
char *  message_buffer,
const long  buffer_length 

Set the fractions (mole, mass, volume) for the AbstractState.

handleThe integer handle for the state class stored in memory
fractionsThe array of fractions
NThe length of the fractions array
errcodeThe errorcode that is returned (0 = no error, !0 = error)
message_bufferA buffer for the error code
buffer_lengthThe length of the buffer for the error code

Definition at line 541 of file CoolPropLib.cpp.

◆ AbstractState_specify_phase()

EXPORT_CODE void CONVENTION AbstractState_specify_phase ( const long  handle,
const char *  phase,
long *  errcode,
char *  message_buffer,
const long  buffer_length 

Specify the phase to be used for all further calculations.

handleThe integer handle for the state class stored in memory
phaseThe string with the phase to use
errcodeThe errorcode that is returned (0 = no error, !0 = error)
message_bufferA buffer for the error code
buffer_lengthThe length of the buffer for the error code

Definition at line 644 of file CoolPropLib.cpp.

◆ AbstractState_unspecify_phase()

EXPORT_CODE void CONVENTION AbstractState_unspecify_phase ( const long  handle,
long *  errcode,
char *  message_buffer,
const long  buffer_length 

Unspecify the phase to be used for all further calculations.

handleThe integer handle for the state class stored in memory
errcodeThe errorcode that is returned (0 = no error, !0 = error)
message_bufferA buffer for the error code
buffer_lengthThe length of the buffer for the error code

Definition at line 654 of file CoolPropLib.cpp.

◆ AbstractState_update()

EXPORT_CODE void CONVENTION AbstractState_update ( const long  handle,
const long  input_pair,
const double  value1,
const double  value2,
long *  errcode,
char *  message_buffer,
const long  buffer_length 

Update the state of the AbstractState.

handleThe integer handle for the state class stored in memory
input_pairThe integer value for the input pair obtained from XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
value1The first input value
value2The second input value
errcodeThe errorcode that is returned (0 = no error, !0 = error)
message_bufferA buffer for the error code
buffer_lengthThe length of the buffer for the error code

Definition at line 634 of file CoolPropLib.cpp.

◆ AbstractState_update_and_1_out()

EXPORT_CODE void CONVENTION AbstractState_update_and_1_out ( const long  handle,
const long  input_pair,
const double *  value1,
const double *  value2,
const long  length,
const long  output,
double *  out,
long *  errcode,
char *  message_buffer,
const long  buffer_length 

Update the state of the AbstractState and get one output value (temperature, pressure, molar density, molar enthalpy and molar entropy)

from the AbstractState using pointers as inputs and output to allow array computation.

handleThe integer handle for the state class stored in memory
input_pairThe integer value for the input pair obtained from get_input_pair_index
value1The pointer to the array of the first input parameters
value2The pointer to the array of the second input parameters
lengthThe number of elements stored in the arrays (both inputs and outputs MUST be the same length)
outputThe indice for the output desired
outThe pointer to the array for output
errcodeThe errorcode that is returned (0 = no error, !0 = error)
message_bufferA buffer for the error code
buffer_lengthThe length of the buffer for the error code
If there is an error in an update call for one of the inputs, no change in the output array will be made

Definition at line 781 of file CoolPropLib.cpp.

◆ AbstractState_update_and_5_out()

EXPORT_CODE void CONVENTION AbstractState_update_and_5_out ( const long  handle,
const long  input_pair,
const double *  value1,
const double *  value2,
const long  length,
long *  outputs,
double *  out1,
double *  out2,
double *  out3,
double *  out4,
double *  out5,
long *  errcode,
char *  message_buffer,
const long  buffer_length 

Update the state of the AbstractState and get an output value five common outputs (temperature, pressure, molar density, molar enthalpy and molar entropy)

from the AbstractState using pointers as inputs and output to allow array computation.

handleThe integer handle for the state class stored in memory
input_pairThe integer value for the input pair obtained from get_input_pair_index
value1The pointer to the array of the first input parameters
value2The pointer to the array of the second input parameters
lengthThe number of elements stored in the arrays (both inputs and outputs MUST be the same length)
outputsThe 5-element vector of indices for the outputs desired
out1The pointer to the array for the first output
out2The pointer to the array for the second output
out3The pointer to the array for the third output
out4The pointer to the array for the fourth output
out5The pointer to the array for the fifth output
errcodeThe errorcode that is returned (0 = no error, !0 = error)
message_bufferA buffer for the error code
buffer_lengthThe length of the buffer for the error code
If there is an error in an update call for one of the inputs, no change in the output array will be made

Definition at line 800 of file CoolPropLib.cpp.

◆ AbstractState_update_and_common_out()

EXPORT_CODE void CONVENTION AbstractState_update_and_common_out ( const long  handle,
const long  input_pair,
const double *  value1,
const double *  value2,
const long  length,
double *  T,
double *  p,
double *  rhomolar,
double *  hmolar,
double *  smolar,
long *  errcode,
char *  message_buffer,
const long  buffer_length 

Update the state of the AbstractState and get an output value five common outputs (temperature, pressure, molar density, molar enthalpy and molar entropy)

from the AbstractState using pointers as inputs and output to allow array computation.

handleThe integer handle for the state class stored in memory
input_pairThe integer value for the input pair obtained from get_input_pair_index
value1The pointer to the array of the first input parameters
value2The pointer to the array of the second input parameters
lengthThe number of elements stored in the arrays (both inputs and outputs MUST be the same length)
TThe pointer to the array of temperature
pThe pointer to the array of pressure
rhomolarThe pointer to the array of molar density
hmolarThe pointer to the array of molar enthalpy
smolarThe pointer to the array of molar entropy
errcodeThe errorcode that is returned (0 = no error, !0 = error)
message_bufferA buffer for the error code
buffer_lengthThe length of the buffer for the error code
If there is an error in an update call for one of the inputs, no change in the output array will be made

Definition at line 758 of file CoolPropLib.cpp.

◆ add_fluids_as_JSON()

EXPORT_CODE void CONVENTION add_fluids_as_JSON ( const char *  backend,
const char *  fluidstring,
long *  errcode,
char *  message_buffer,
const long  buffer_length 

Add fluids as a JSON-formatted string.

backendThe backend to which these should be added; e.g. "HEOS", "SRK", "PR"
fluidstringThe JSON-formatted string

Definition at line 1077 of file CoolPropLib.cpp.

◆ C_extract_backend()

EXPORT_CODE int CONVENTION C_extract_backend ( const char *  fluid_string,
char *  backend,
const long  backend_length,
char *  fluid,
const long  fluid_length 

Definition at line 1092 of file CoolPropLib.cpp.

◆ C_is_valid_fluid_string()

EXPORT_CODE int CONVENTION C_is_valid_fluid_string ( const char *  fluidName)

Definition at line 1088 of file CoolPropLib.cpp.

◆ cair_sat()

EXPORT_CODE double CONVENTION cair_sat ( double  T)

Humid air saturation specific heat at 1 atmosphere, based on a correlation from EES.

See also
T[K] good from 250K to 300K, no error bound checking is carried out.
Equals partial derivative of enthalpy with respect to temperature at constant relative humidity of 100 percent and pressure of 1 atmosphere.

Definition at line 445 of file CoolPropLib.cpp.

◆ F2K()

EXPORT_CODE double CONVENTION F2K ( double  T_F)

Convert from degrees Fahrenheit to Kelvin (useful primarily for testing)

Definition at line 331 of file CoolPropLib.cpp.

◆ get_debug_level()

EXPORT_CODE int CONVENTION get_debug_level ( )

Get the debug level

level The level of the verbosity for the debugging output (0-10) 0: no debgging output

Definition at line 334 of file CoolPropLib.cpp.

◆ get_fluid_param_string()

EXPORT_CODE long CONVENTION get_fluid_param_string ( const char *  fluid,
const char *  param,
char *  Output,
int  n 

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

See also
error_code 1 = Ok 0 = error

Definition at line 393 of file CoolPropLib.cpp.

◆ get_global_param_string()

EXPORT_CODE long CONVENTION get_global_param_string ( const char *  param,
char *  Output,
int  n 

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

See also
error_code 1 = Ok 0 = error
This function returns the output string in pre-allocated char buffer. If buffer is not large enough, no copy is made

Definition at line 360 of file CoolPropLib.cpp.

◆ get_input_pair_index()

EXPORT_CODE long CONVENTION get_input_pair_index ( const char *  param)

Get the index for an input pair for AbstractState.update function.

index The index as a long. If input is invalid, returns -1

Definition at line 350 of file CoolPropLib.cpp.

◆ get_param_index()

EXPORT_CODE long CONVENTION get_param_index ( const char *  param)

Get the index for a parameter "T", "P", etc.

index The index as a long. If input is invalid, returns -1

Definition at line 340 of file CoolPropLib.cpp.

◆ get_parameter_information_string()

EXPORT_CODE long CONVENTION get_parameter_information_string ( const char *  key,
char *  Output,
int  n 

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

See also
This function returns the output string in pre-allocated char buffer. If buffer is not large enough, no copy is made
error_code 1 = Ok 0 = error

Definition at line 372 of file CoolPropLib.cpp.

◆ HAProps()

EXPORT_CODE double CONVENTION HAProps ( const char *  Output,
const char *  Name1,
double  Prop1,
const char *  Name2,
double  Prop2,
const char *  Name3,
double  Prop3 

DLL wrapper of the HAProps function.

See also
HumidAir::HAProps(const char *OutputName, const char *Input1Name, double Input1, const char *Input2Name, double Input2, const char *Input3Name, double Input3);
If there is an error, a huge value will be returned, you can get the error message by doing something like get_global_param_string("errstring",output)

Definition at line 453 of file CoolPropLib.cpp.

◆ haprops_()

EXPORT_CODE void CONVENTION haprops_ ( const char *  Output,
const char *  Name1,
const double *  Prop1,
const char *  Name2,
const double *  Prop2,
const char *  Name3,
const double *  Prop3,
double *  output 

FORTRAN 77 style wrapper of the HAProps function.

See also
HumidAir::HAProps(const char *OutputName, const char *Input1Name, double Input1, const char *Input2Name, double Input2, const char *Input3Name, double Input3);
If there is an error, a huge value will be returned, you can get the error message by doing something like get_global_param_string("errstring",output)

Definition at line 465 of file CoolPropLib.cpp.

◆ HAPropsSI()

EXPORT_CODE double CONVENTION HAPropsSI ( const char *  Output,
const char *  Name1,
double  Prop1,
const char *  Name2,
double  Prop2,
const char *  Name3,
double  Prop3 

DLL wrapper of the HAPropsSI function.

See also
HumidAir::HAPropsSI(const char *OutputName, const char *Input1Name, double Input1, const char *Input2Name, double Input2, const char *Input3Name, double Input3);
If there is an error, a huge value will be returned, you can get the error message by doing something like get_global_param_string("errstring",output)

Definition at line 440 of file CoolPropLib.cpp.

◆ hapropssi_()

EXPORT_CODE void CONVENTION hapropssi_ ( const char *  Output,
const char *  Name1,
const double *  Prop1,
const char *  Name2,
const double *  Prop2,
const char *  Name3,
const double *  Prop3,
double *  output 

FORTRAN 77 style wrapper of the HAPropsSI function.

See also
HumidAir::HAPropsSI(const char *OutputName, const char *Input1Name, double Input1, const char *Input2Name, double Input2, const char *Input3Name, double Input3);
If there is an error, a huge value will be returned, you can get the error message by doing something like get_global_param_string("errstring",output)

Definition at line 449 of file CoolPropLib.cpp.

◆ K2F()

EXPORT_CODE double CONVENTION K2F ( double  T_K)

Convert from Kelvin to degrees Fahrenheit (useful primarily for testing)

Definition at line 328 of file CoolPropLib.cpp.

◆ PhaseSI()

EXPORT_CODE long CONVENTION PhaseSI ( const char *  Name1,
double  Prop1,
const char *  Name2,
double  Prop2,
const char *  Ref,
char *  phase,
int  n 

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

See also
CoolProp::PhaseSI(const std::string &, double, const std::string &, double, const std::string&)
This function returns the phase string in pre-allocated phase variable. If buffer is not large enough, no copy is made

Definition at line 301 of file CoolPropLib.cpp.

◆ Props()

EXPORT_CODE double CONVENTION Props ( const char *  Output,
const char  Name1,
double  Prop1,
const char  Name2,
double  Prop2,
const char *  Ref 

Works just like CoolProp::PropsSI, but units are in KSI system. This function is deprecated, no longer supported, and users should transition to using the PropsSI function

Definition at line 168 of file CoolPropLib.cpp.

◆ Props1()

EXPORT_CODE double CONVENTION Props1 ( const char *  FluidName,
const char *  Output 

Works just like CoolProp::Props1SI, but units are in KSI system. This function is deprecated, no longer supported, and users should transition to using the Props1SI function

Definition at line 155 of file CoolPropLib.cpp.

◆ Props1SI()

EXPORT_CODE double CONVENTION Props1SI ( const char *  FluidName,
const char *  Output 

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

See also
CoolProp::Props1SI(std::string, std::string)
If there is an error, a huge value will be returned, you can get the error message by doing something like get_global_param_string("errstring",output)

Definition at line 206 of file CoolPropLib.cpp.

◆ Props1SImulti()

EXPORT_CODE void CONVENTION Props1SImulti ( const char *  Outputs,
char *  backend,
const char *  FluidNames,
const double *  fractions,
const long  length_fractions,
double *  result,
long *  resdim1 

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

See also
CoolProp::Props1SImulti(const std::vector<std::string>& Outputs, const std::string& backend, const std::vector<std::string>& fluids, const std::vector<double>& fractions)
If there is an error, a huge value will be returned, you can get the error message by doing something like get_global_param_string("errstring",output)

Definition at line 210 of file CoolPropLib.cpp.

◆ PropsS()

EXPORT_CODE double CONVENTION PropsS ( const char *  Output,
const char *  Name1,
double  Prop1,
const char *  Name2,
double  Prop2,
const char *  Ref 

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

See also
Props(const char *Output, const char Name1, double Prop1, const char Name2, double Prop2, const char *Ref)

Definition at line 165 of file CoolPropLib.cpp.

◆ PropsSI()

EXPORT_CODE double CONVENTION PropsSI ( const char *  Output,
const char *  Name1,
double  Prop1,
const char *  Name2,
double  Prop2,
const char *  Ref 

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

See also
CoolProp::PropsSI(const std::string &, const std::string &, double, const std::string &, double, const std::string&)
If there is an error, a huge value will be returned, you can get the error message by doing something like get_global_param_string("errstring",output)

Definition at line 244 of file CoolPropLib.cpp.

◆ propssi_()

EXPORT_CODE void CONVENTION propssi_ ( const char *  Output,
const char *  Name1,
const double *  Prop1,
const char *  Name2,
const double *  Prop2,
const char *  Ref,
double *  output 

FORTRAN 77 style wrapper of the PropsSI function This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

See also
CoolProp::PropsSI(const std::string &, const std::string &, double, const std::string &, double, const std::string&)
If there is an error, a huge value will be returned, you can get the error message by doing something like get_global_param_string("errstring",output)

Definition at line 323 of file CoolPropLib.cpp.

◆ PropsSImulti()

EXPORT_CODE void CONVENTION PropsSImulti ( const char *  Outputs,
const char *  Name1,
double *  Prop1,
const long  size_Prop1,
const char *  Name2,
double *  Prop2,
const long  size_Prop2,
char *  backend,
const char *  FluidNames,
const double *  fractions,
const long  length_fractions,
double *  result,
long *  resdim1,
long *  resdim2 

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

See also
CoolProp::PropsSImulti(const std::vector<std::string>& Outputs, const std::string& Name1, const std::vector<double>& Prop1, const std::string& Name2, const std::vector<double>& Prop2, const std::string& backend, const std::vector<std::string>& fluids, const std::vector<double>& fractions)
OutputsDelimited string separated by LIST_STRING_DELIMITER for the output parameters
Name1The name of the first input variable
Prop1A vector of the first input values
size_Prop1Size of Prop1 double*
Name2The name of the second input variable
Prop2A vector of the second input values
size_Prop2Size of Prop2 double*
backendThe string representation of the backend (HEOS, REFPROP, INCOMP, etc.)
FluidNamesDelimited string separated by LIST_STRING_DELIMITER for the fluid name(s)
fractionsThe fractions (molar, mass, volume, etc.) of the components
length_fractionsSize of fractions double*
resultAllocated memory for result vector
resdim1result vector dimension 1 pointer, to check allocated space and return actual result size
resdim2result vector dimension 2 pointer, to check allocated space and return actual result size
If there is an error, an empty vector will be returned, you can get the error message by doing something like get_global_param_string("errstring",output)

Definition at line 248 of file CoolPropLib.cpp.

◆ redirect_stdout()

EXPORT_CODE long CONVENTION redirect_stdout ( const char *  file)

Redirect all output that would go to console (stdout) to a file.

Definition at line 125 of file CoolPropLib.cpp.

◆ saturation_ancillary()

EXPORT_CODE double CONVENTION saturation_ancillary ( const char *  fluid_name,
const char *  output,
int  Q,
const char *  input,
double  value 

Definition at line 195 of file CoolPropLib.cpp.

◆ set_config_bool()

EXPORT_CODE void CONVENTION set_config_bool ( const char *  key,
const bool  val 

Set configuration value as a boolean.

keyThe key to configure
valThe value to set to the key
you can get the error message by doing something like get_global_param_string("errstring",output)

Definition at line 423 of file CoolPropLib.cpp.

◆ set_config_double()

EXPORT_CODE void CONVENTION set_config_double ( const char *  key,
const double  val 

Set configuration numerical value as double.

keyThe key to configure
valThe value to set to the key
you can get the error message by doing something like get_global_param_string("errstring",output)

Definition at line 414 of file CoolPropLib.cpp.

◆ set_config_string()

EXPORT_CODE void CONVENTION set_config_string ( const char *  key,
const char *  val 

Set configuration string.

keyThe key to configure
valThe value to set to the key
you can get the error message by doing something like get_global_param_string("errstring",output)

Definition at line 405 of file CoolPropLib.cpp.

◆ set_debug_level()

EXPORT_CODE void CONVENTION set_debug_level ( int  level)

Set the debug level

levelThe level of the verbosity for the debugging output (0-10) 0: no debgging output

Definition at line 337 of file CoolPropLib.cpp.

◆ set_departure_functions()

EXPORT_CODE void CONVENTION set_departure_functions ( const char *  string_data,
long *  errcode,
char *  message_buffer,
const long  buffer_length 

Set the departure functions in the departure function library from a string format.

string_dataThe departure functions to be set, either provided as a JSON-formatted string or as a string of the contents of a HMX.BNC file from REFPROP
errcodeThe errorcode that is returned (0 = no error, !0 = error)
message_bufferA buffer for the error code
buffer_lengthThe length of the buffer for the error code
By default, if a departure function already exists in the library, this is an error, unless the configuration variable OVERWRITE_DEPARTURE_FUNCTIONS is set to true

Definition at line 432 of file CoolPropLib.cpp.

◆ set_reference_stateD()

EXPORT_CODE int CONVENTION set_reference_stateD ( const char *  Ref,
double  T,
double  rhomolar,
double  hmolar0,
double  smolar0 

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

See also
error_code 1 = Ok 0 = error

Definition at line 141 of file CoolPropLib.cpp.

◆ set_reference_stateS()

EXPORT_CODE int CONVENTION set_reference_stateS ( const char *  Ref,
const char *  reference_state 

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

See also
error_code 1 = Ok 0 = error

Definition at line 129 of file CoolPropLib.cpp.