►NCoolProp | Code for all the binary pairs in the mixture |
►NCubicLibrary | |
CCubicsLibraryClass | |
CCubicsValues | |
►NPCSAFTLibrary | |
CPCSAFTLibraryClass | |
►NPlot | |
NDetail | |
CRange | |
CIsoline | |
►CPropertyPlot | |
CAxis | |
►NSaturationSolvers | |
Csaturation_T_pure_Akasaka_options | |
Csaturation_T_pure_options | |
Csaturation_D_pure_options | |
Cmixture_VLE_IO | |
Csaturation_PHSU_pure_options | |
CWilsonK_resid | |
CSuccessiveSubstitutionStep | |
Cnewton_raphson_twophase_options | |
Cnewton_raphson_twophase | A class to do newton raphson solver for mixture VLE for p,Q or T,Q |
Cnewton_raphson_saturation_options | |
Cnewton_raphson_saturation | A class to do newton raphson solver mixture bubble point and dew point calculations |
CPTflash_twophase_options | |
CPTflash_twophase | |
►NStabilityRoutines | |
CStabilityEvaluationClass | Evaluate phase stability Based on the work of Gernert et al., J. Chem. Thermodyn., 2014 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.fluid.2014.05.012 |
CBackendLibrary | |
CIF97BackendGenerator | |
CSRKGenerator | |
CPRGenerator | |
CIncompressibleBackendGenerator | |
CVTPRGenerator | |
CPCSAFTGenerator | |
CAbstractCubicBackend | |
CSRKBackend | |
CPengRobinsonBackend | |
CCubicResidualHelmholtz | |
CVTPRBackend | |
CDepartureFunction | The abstract base class for departure functions used in the excess part of the Helmholtz energy |
CGERG2008DepartureFunction | The departure function used by the GERG-2008 formulation |
CGaussianExponentialDepartureFunction | A hybrid gaussian with temperature and density dependence along with |
CExponentialDepartureFunction | A polynomial/exponential departure function |
CExcessTerm | |
Csolver_DP_resid | |
CDQ_flash_residual | |
►CFlashRoutines | |
CHS_flash_singlephaseOptions | |
CHS_flash_twophaseOptions | |
Csolver_TP_resid | |
CPY_singlephase_flash_resid | |
CJSONFluidLibrary | A container for the fluid parameters for the CoolProp fluids |
CHelmholtzEOSBackend | |
CHEOSGenerator | |
CSolverTPResid | |
COneDimObjective | This class is the objective function for the one-dimensional solver used to find the first intersection with the L1*=0 contour |
CL0CurveTracer | |
CMoleFractions | |
CHelmholtzEOSMixtureBackend | |
CCorrespondingStatesTerm | |
CResidualHelmholtz | |
CMixtureDerivatives | |
CPredefinedMixturesLibrary | A library of predefined mixtures |
CMixtureBinaryPairLibrary | A library of binary pair parameters for the mixture |
CMixtureDepartureFunctionsLibrary | A container for the departure functions for CoolProp mixtures |
CMixtureParameters | |
CREFPROP_binary_element | A Data structure for holding BIP coming from REFPROP |
CREFPROP_departure_function | A data structure for holding departure functions coming from REFPROP |
CPhaseEnvelopeRoutines | |
CReducingFunction | Abstract base class for reducing function An abstract base class for the reducing function to allow for Lemmon-Jacobsen, GERG, or other reducing function to yield the reducing parameters \(\rho_r\) and \(T_r\) |
CGERG2008ReducingFunction | The reducing function model of GERG-2008 |
CConstantReducingFunction | A constant reducing function that does not vary with composition. Think for instance the reducing function for the cubic EOS |
CLemmonAirHFCReducingFunction | Reducing function converter for dry air and HFC blends |
CTransportRoutines | |
CRachfordRiceResidual | |
CIF97Backend | |
CIncompressibleBackend | |
CJSONIncompressibleLibrary | A container for the fluid parameters for the incompressible fluids |
CPCSAFTBackend | |
CREFPROPBackend | |
CREFPROPGenerator | |
CREFPROPMixtureBackend | |
CBicubicBackend | |
CPackablePhaseEnvelopeData | |
CPureFluidSaturationTableData | This class holds the data for a two-phase table that is log spaced in p |
CSinglePhaseGriddedTableData | This class holds the data for a single-phase interpolation table that is regularly spaced |
CLogPHTable | This class holds the single-phase data for a log(p)-h gridded table |
CLogPTTable | This class holds the single-phase data for a log(p)-T gridded table |
CCellCoeffs | |
CTabularDataSet | This class contains the data for one set of Tabular data including single-phase and two-phase data |
CTabularDataLibrary | |
CTabularBackend | This class contains the general code for tabular backends (TTSE, bicubic, etc.) |
CTTSEBackend | |
Cdelim | |
Coutput_parameter | |
Cparameter_info | |
CParameterInformation | |
Cphase_info | |
CPhaseInformation | |
Cscheme_info | |
CSchemeInformation | |
Cinput_pair_info | |
CInputPairInformation | |
Cbackend_family_info | |
Cbackend_info | |
CBackendInformation | |
CSpinodalData | |
CGuessesStructure | |
CAbstractState | The mother of all state classes |
CAbstractStateGenerator | |
CGeneratorInitializer | |
CSurfaceTensionCorrelation | |
CSaturationAncillaryFunction | |
CMeltingLinePiecewiseSimonSegment | |
CMeltingLinePiecewiseSimonData | |
CMeltingLinePiecewisePolynomialInTrSegment | The evaluator class for a melting curve formed of segments in the form |
CMeltingLinePiecewisePolynomialInTrData | |
CMeltingLinePiecewisePolynomialInThetaSegment | The evaluator class for a melting curve formed of segments in the form |
CMeltingLinePiecewisePolynomialInThetaData | |
CMeltingLineVariables | |
CCachedElement | |
CConfigurationItem | |
CConfiguration | |
CBibTeXKeysStruct | |
CEnvironmentalFactorsStruct | |
CCriticalRegionSplines | |
CEOSLimits | A set of limits for the eos parameters |
CConductivityECSVariables | |
CConductivityDiluteEta0AndPolyData | |
CConductivityDiluteRatioPolynomialsData | |
CConductivityDiluteVariables | |
CConductivityResidualPolynomialAndExponentialData | |
CConductivityResidualPolynomialData | |
CConductivityResidualVariables | |
CConductivityCriticalSimplifiedOlchowySengersData | |
CConductivityCriticalVariables | |
CViscosityDiluteGasCollisionIntegralData | Variables for the dilute gas part |
CViscosityDiluteCollisionIntegralPowersOfTstarData | |
CViscosityDiluteGasPowersOfT | |
CViscosityDiluteGasPowersOfTr | |
CViscosityDiluteVariables | |
CViscosityRainWaterFriendData | |
CViscosityInitialDensityEmpiricalData | |
CViscosityInitialDensityVariables | |
CViscosityModifiedBatschinskiHildebrandData | |
CViscosityFrictionTheoryData | |
CViscosityHigherOrderVariables | |
CViscosityRhoSrVariables | |
CViscosityECSVariables | |
CViscosityChungData | |
CTransportPropertyData | |
CAncillaries | |
CEquationOfState | The core class for an equation of state |
CCoolPropFluid | A thermophysical property provider for critical and reducing values as well as derivatives of Helmholtz energy |
CSimpleState | |
CCriticalState | |
CSsatSimpleState | A modified class for the state point at the maximum saturation entropy on the vapor curve |
CCoolPropBaseError | |
CCoolPropError | |
CValueErrorSpec | |
CHelmholtzDerivatives | |
CBaseHelmholtzTerm | The base class class for the Helmholtz energy terms |
CResidualHelmholtzGeneralizedExponentialElement | |
CResidualHelmholtzGeneralizedExponential | A generalized residual helmholtz energy container that can deal with a wide range of terms which can be converted to this general form |
CResidualHelmholtzNonAnalyticElement | |
CResidualHelmholtzNonAnalytic | |
CResidualHelmholtzGeneralizedCubic | |
CResidualHelmholtzGaoB | |
CResidualHelmholtzXiangDeiters | The generalized Lee-Kesler formulation of Xiang & Deiters: doi:10.1016/j.ces.2007.11.029 |
CResidualHelmholtzSAFTAssociating | |
CBaseHelmholtzContainer | |
CResidualHelmholtzContainer | |
CIdealHelmholtzLead | The leading term in the EOS used to set the desired reference state |
CIdealHelmholtzEnthalpyEntropyOffset | The term in the EOS used to shift the reference state of the fluid |
CIdealHelmholtzLogTau | |
CIdealHelmholtzPower | |
CIdealHelmholtzPlanckEinsteinGeneralized | |
CIdealHelmholtzCP0Constant | |
CIdealHelmholtzCP0PolyT | |
CIdealHelmholtzGERG2004Sinh | |
CIdealHelmholtzGERG2004Cosh | |
CIdealHelmholtzContainer |
CCurveTracer | |
CIdealCurveTracer | |
CBoyleCurveTracer | |
CJouleInversionCurveTracer | |
CJouleThomsonCurveTracer | |
CIncompressibleData | |
CIncompressibleFluid | A property provider for incompressible solutions and pure fluids |
CPCSAFTValues | |
CPCSAFTFluid | |
CPhaseEnvelopeData | A data structure to hold the data for a phase envelope |
CPolynomial2D | The base class for all Polynomials |
CPoly2DResidual | |
CPolynomial2DFrac | A class for polynomials starting at an arbitrary degree |
CPoly2DFracResidual | |
CPoly2DFracIntResidual | |
CFuncWrapper1D | |
CFuncWrapper1DWithDeriv | |
CFuncWrapper1DWithTwoDerivs | |
CFuncWrapper1DWithThreeDerivs | |
CFuncWrapperND | |
►Ncpjson | |
Cvalue_information | |
►NHumidAir | |
CWetBulbSolver | |
CWetBulbTminSolver | |
CHAProps_W_Residual | |
CHAProps_T_Residual | |
►NODEIntegrators | |
CAbstractODEIntegrator | The abstract class defining the interface for the integrator routines |
CUNIFACMixture | |
►NUNIFACLibrary | |
CGroup | A structure containing references for a single group (its multiplicity, main group index, etc.) |
CInteractionParameters | A structure containing the parameters for a given mgi-mgi pair |
CComponentGroup | A structure containing a group (its count, index, etc.) for a subgroup forming a part of a component |
CComponent | A structure containing the groups and additional information for a component |
CUNIFACParameterLibrary | A container for the parameters for a given UNIFAC model |