►CAbstractCubic | |
►CPengRobinson | |
CVTPRCubic | |
CSRK | |
►CAbstractCubicAlphaFunction | An abstract alpha function for the EOS, defining the interface for the alpha function |
CBasicMathiasCopemanAlphaFunction | An implementation of AbstractCubicAlphaFunction for the baseline alpha function of PR or SRK |
CMathiasCopemanAlphaFunction | An implementation of AbstractCubicAlphaFunction for the Mathias-Copeman alpha function |
CTwuAlphaFunction | An implementation of AbstractCubicAlphaFunction for the Twu alpha function |
CODEIntegrators::AbstractODEIntegrator | The abstract class defining the interface for the integrator routines |
►CCoolProp::AbstractState | The mother of all state classes |
►CCoolProp::HelmholtzEOSMixtureBackend | |
►CCoolProp::AbstractCubicBackend | |
►CCoolProp::PengRobinsonBackend | |
CCoolProp::VTPRBackend | |
CCoolProp::SRKBackend | |
CCoolProp::HelmholtzEOSBackend | |
CCoolProp::IF97Backend | |
CCoolProp::IncompressibleBackend | |
CCoolProp::PCSAFTBackend | |
►CCoolProp::REFPROPMixtureBackend | |
CCoolProp::REFPROPBackend | |
►CCoolProp::TabularBackend | This class contains the general code for tabular backends (TTSE, bicubic, etc.) |
CCoolProp::BicubicBackend | |
CCoolProp::TTSEBackend | |
►CCoolProp::AbstractStateGenerator | |
CCoolProp::HEOSGenerator | |
CCoolProp::IF97BackendGenerator | |
CCoolProp::IncompressibleBackendGenerator | |
CCoolProp::PCSAFTGenerator | |
CCoolProp::PRGenerator | |
CCoolProp::REFPROPGenerator | |
CCoolProp::SRKGenerator | |
CCoolProp::VTPRGenerator | |
CAbstractStateLibrary | |
CCoolProp::Ancillaries | |
CCoolProp::Plot::PropertyPlot::Axis | |
CCoolProp::backend_family_info | |
CCoolProp::backend_info | |
CCoolProp::BackendInformation | |
CCoolProp::BackendLibrary | |
►CCoolProp::BaseHelmholtzContainer | |
CCoolProp::IdealHelmholtzContainer |
CCoolProp::ResidualHelmholtzContainer | |
►CCoolProp::BaseHelmholtzTerm | The base class class for the Helmholtz energy terms |
CCoolProp::IdealHelmholtzCP0Constant | |
CCoolProp::IdealHelmholtzCP0PolyT | |
CCoolProp::IdealHelmholtzEnthalpyEntropyOffset | The term in the EOS used to shift the reference state of the fluid |
CCoolProp::IdealHelmholtzGERG2004Cosh | |
CCoolProp::IdealHelmholtzGERG2004Sinh | |
CCoolProp::IdealHelmholtzLead | The leading term in the EOS used to set the desired reference state |
CCoolProp::IdealHelmholtzLogTau | |
CCoolProp::IdealHelmholtzPlanckEinsteinGeneralized | |
CCoolProp::IdealHelmholtzPower | |
CCoolProp::ResidualHelmholtzGaoB | |
CCoolProp::ResidualHelmholtzGeneralizedCubic | |
CCoolProp::ResidualHelmholtzGeneralizedExponential | A generalized residual helmholtz energy container that can deal with a wide range of terms which can be converted to this general form |
CCoolProp::ResidualHelmholtzNonAnalytic | |
CCoolProp::ResidualHelmholtzSAFTAssociating | |
CCoolProp::ResidualHelmholtzXiangDeiters | The generalized Lee-Kesler formulation of Xiang & Deiters: doi:10.1016/j.ces.2007.11.029 |
CCoolProp::BibTeXKeysStruct | |
CCoolProp::CachedElement | |
CCoolProp::CellCoeffs | |
CUNIFACLibrary::Component | A structure containing the groups and additional information for a component |
CComponentData | Structure containing data for the pure fluid in the mixture |
CUNIFACLibrary::ComponentGroup | A structure containing a group (its count, index, etc.) for a subgroup forming a part of a component |
CCoolProp::ConductivityCriticalSimplifiedOlchowySengersData | |
CCoolProp::ConductivityCriticalVariables | |
CCoolProp::ConductivityDiluteEta0AndPolyData | |
CCoolProp::ConductivityDiluteRatioPolynomialsData | |
CCoolProp::ConductivityDiluteVariables | |
CCoolProp::ConductivityECSVariables | |
CCoolProp::ConductivityResidualPolynomialAndExponentialData | |
CCoolProp::ConductivityResidualPolynomialData | |
CCoolProp::ConductivityResidualVariables | |
CCoolProp::Configuration | |
CCoolProp::ConfigurationItem | |
CCoolProp::CoolPropFluid | A thermophysical property provider for critical and reducing values as well as derivatives of Helmholtz energy |
CCoolProp::CorrespondingStatesTerm | |
CCoolProp::CriticalRegionSplines | |
CCoolProp::CubicLibrary::CubicsLibraryClass | |
CCoolProp::CubicLibrary::CubicsValues | |
►CCoolProp::DepartureFunction | The abstract base class for departure functions used in the excess part of the Helmholtz energy |
CCoolProp::ExponentialDepartureFunction | A polynomial/exponential departure function |
CCoolProp::GERG2008DepartureFunction | The departure function used by the GERG-2008 formulation |
CCoolProp::GaussianExponentialDepartureFunction | A hybrid gaussian with temperature and density dependence along with |
CDictionary | |
CSpline< X, Y >::Element | |
CCoolProp::EnvironmentalFactorsStruct | |
CCoolProp::EOSLimits | A set of limits for the eos parameters |
CCoolProp::EquationOfState | The core class for an equation of state |
►Cstd::exception | |
►CCoolProp::CoolPropBaseError | |
►CCoolProp::CoolPropError< errcode > | |
CCoolProp::ValueErrorSpec< errcode > | |
CCoolProp::ExcessTerm | |
CCoolProp::FlashRoutines | |
Cfpu_reset_guard | |
►CCoolProp::FuncWrapper1D | |
►CCoolProp::CurveTracer | |
CCoolProp::BoyleCurveTracer | |
CCoolProp::IdealCurveTracer | |
CCoolProp::JouleInversionCurveTracer | |
CCoolProp::JouleThomsonCurveTracer | |
►CCoolProp::FuncWrapper1DWithDeriv | |
►CCoolProp::FuncWrapper1DWithTwoDerivs | |
CCoolProp::DQ_flash_residual | |
►CCoolProp::FuncWrapper1DWithThreeDerivs | |
CCoolProp::SolverTPResid | |
CCoolProp::OneDimObjective | This class is the objective function for the one-dimensional solver used to find the first intersection with the L1*=0 contour |
CCoolProp::solver_DP_resid | |
CCoolProp::L0CurveTracer | |
►CCoolProp::Poly2DResidual | |
►CCoolProp::Poly2DFracResidual | |
CCoolProp::Poly2DFracIntResidual | |
CCoolProp::RachfordRiceResidual | |
CCoolProp::solver_TP_resid | |
CCoolProp::PY_singlephase_flash_resid | |
CCoolProp::SaturationSolvers::WilsonK_resid | |
CHumidAir::HAProps_T_Residual | |
CHumidAir::HAProps_W_Residual | |
CHumidAir::WetBulbSolver | |
CHumidAir::WetBulbTminSolver | |
CSaturationResidual | |
CCoolProp::FuncWrapperND | |
CCoolProp::GeneratorInitializer< T > | |
CUNIFACLibrary::Group | A structure containing references for a single group (its multiplicity, main group index, etc.) |
CCoolProp::GuessesStructure | |
CCoolProp::HelmholtzDerivatives | |
CCoolProp::FlashRoutines::HS_flash_singlephaseOptions | |
CCoolProp::FlashRoutines::HS_flash_twophaseOptions | |
CCoolProp::IncompressibleData | |
CCoolProp::IncompressibleFluid | A property provider for incompressible solutions and pure fluids |
CCoolProp::input_pair_info | |
CCoolProp::InputPairInformation | |
CUNIFACLibrary::InteractionParameters | A structure containing the parameters for a given mgi-mgi pair |
CCoolProp::Plot::Isoline | |
CCoolProp::JSONFluidLibrary | A container for the fluid parameters for the CoolProp fluids |
CCoolProp::JSONIncompressibleLibrary | A container for the fluid parameters for the incompressible fluids |
CCoolProp::LemmonAirHFCReducingFunction | Reducing function converter for dry air and HFC blends |
CCoolProp::MeltingLinePiecewisePolynomialInThetaData | |
CCoolProp::MeltingLinePiecewisePolynomialInThetaSegment | The evaluator class for a melting curve formed of segments in the form |
CCoolProp::MeltingLinePiecewisePolynomialInTrData | |
CCoolProp::MeltingLinePiecewisePolynomialInTrSegment | The evaluator class for a melting curve formed of segments in the form |
CCoolProp::MeltingLinePiecewiseSimonData | |
CCoolProp::MeltingLinePiecewiseSimonSegment | |
CCoolProp::MeltingLineVariables | |
CCoolProp::SaturationSolvers::mixture_VLE_IO | |
CCoolProp::MixtureBinaryPairLibrary | A library of binary pair parameters for the mixture |
CCoolProp::MixtureDepartureFunctionsLibrary | A container for the departure functions for CoolProp mixtures |
CCoolProp::MixtureDerivatives | |
CCoolProp::MixtureParameters | |
CCoolProp::MoleFractions | |
Cmz_stream_s | |
Cmz_zip_archive | |
Cmz_zip_archive_file_stat | |
Cmz_zip_reader_extract_iter_state | |
CCoolProp::SaturationSolvers::newton_raphson_saturation | A class to do newton raphson solver mixture bubble point and dew point calculations |
CCoolProp::SaturationSolvers::newton_raphson_saturation_options | |
CCoolProp::SaturationSolvers::newton_raphson_twophase | A class to do newton raphson solver for mixture VLE for p,Q or T,Q |
CCoolProp::SaturationSolvers::newton_raphson_twophase_options | |
►Cstd::numpunct | |
CCoolProp::delim | |
CCoolProp::output_parameter | |
CCoolProp::parameter_info | |
CCoolProp::ParameterInformation | |
CCoolProp::PCSAFTFluid | |
CCoolProp::PCSAFTLibrary::PCSAFTLibraryClass | |
CCoolProp::PCSAFTValues | |
CCoolProp::phase_info | |
►CCoolProp::PhaseEnvelopeData | A data structure to hold the data for a phase envelope |
CCoolProp::PackablePhaseEnvelopeData | |
CCoolProp::PhaseEnvelopeRoutines | |
CCoolProp::PhaseInformation | |
►CCoolProp::Polynomial2D | The base class for all Polynomials |
CCoolProp::Polynomial2DFrac | A class for polynomials starting at an arbitrary degree |
CCoolProp::PredefinedMixturesLibrary | A library of predefined mixtures |
CCoolProp::Plot::PropertyPlot | |
CCoolProp::SaturationSolvers::PTflash_twophase | |
CCoolProp::SaturationSolvers::PTflash_twophase_options | |
CCoolProp::PureFluidSaturationTableData | This class holds the data for a two-phase table that is log spaced in p |
CCoolProp::Plot::Range | |
►CCoolProp::ReducingFunction | Abstract base class for reducing function An abstract base class for the reducing function to allow for Lemmon-Jacobsen, GERG, or other reducing function to yield the reducing parameters \rho_r and T_r |
CCoolProp::ConstantReducingFunction | A constant reducing function that does not vary with composition. Think for instance the reducing function for the cubic EOS |
CCoolProp::GERG2008ReducingFunction | The reducing function model of GERG-2008 |
CCoolProp::REFPROP_binary_element | A Data structure for holding BIP coming from REFPROP |
CCoolProp::REFPROP_departure_function | A data structure for holding departure functions coming from REFPROP |
►CCoolProp::ResidualHelmholtz | |
CCoolProp::CubicResidualHelmholtz | |
CCoolProp::ResidualHelmholtzGeneralizedExponentialElement | |
CCoolProp::ResidualHelmholtzNonAnalyticElement | |
CCoolProp::SaturationSolvers::saturation_D_pure_options | |
CCoolProp::SaturationSolvers::saturation_PHSU_pure_options | |
CCoolProp::SaturationSolvers::saturation_T_pure_Akasaka_options | |
CCoolProp::SaturationSolvers::saturation_T_pure_options | |
CCoolProp::SaturationAncillaryFunction | |
CCoolProp::scheme_info | |
CCoolProp::SchemeInformation | |
►CCoolProp::SimpleState | |
CCoolProp::CriticalState | |
CCoolProp::SsatSimpleState | A modified class for the state point at the maximum saturation entropy on the vapor curve |
►CCoolProp::SinglePhaseGriddedTableData | This class holds the data for a single-phase interpolation table that is regularly spaced |
CCoolProp::LogPHTable | This class holds the single-phase data for a log(p)-h gridded table |
CCoolProp::LogPTTable | This class holds the single-phase data for a log(p)-T gridded table |
CCoolProp::SpinodalData | |
CSpline< X, Y > | |
CSplineClass | |
CCoolProp::StabilityRoutines::StabilityEvaluationClass | Evaluate phase stability Based on the work of Gernert et al., J. Chem. Thermodyn., 2014 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.fluid.2014.05.012 |
CCoolProp::SaturationSolvers::SuccessiveSubstitutionStep | |
CCoolProp::SurfaceTensionCorrelation | |
CCoolProp::TabularDataLibrary | |
CCoolProp::TabularDataSet | This class contains the data for one set of Tabular data including single-phase and two-phase data |
Ctdefl_compressor | |
Ctinfl_decompressor_tag | |
CCoolProp::TransportPropertyData | |
CCoolProp::TransportRoutines | |
CUNIFACLibrary::UNIFACParameterLibrary | A container for the parameters for a given UNIFAC model |
Ccpjson::value_information | |
CVectorNd< dimcount, T > | A wrapper around std::vector |
CVectorNd< 0, T > | |
CCoolProp::ViscosityChungData | |
CCoolProp::ViscosityDiluteCollisionIntegralPowersOfTstarData | |
CCoolProp::ViscosityDiluteGasCollisionIntegralData | Variables for the dilute gas part |
CCoolProp::ViscosityDiluteGasPowersOfT | |
CCoolProp::ViscosityDiluteGasPowersOfTr | |
CCoolProp::ViscosityDiluteVariables | |
CCoolProp::ViscosityECSVariables | |
CCoolProp::ViscosityFrictionTheoryData | |
CCoolProp::ViscosityHigherOrderVariables | |
CCoolProp::ViscosityInitialDensityEmpiricalData | |
CCoolProp::ViscosityInitialDensityVariables | |
CCoolProp::ViscosityModifiedBatschinskiHildebrandData | |
CCoolProp::ViscosityRainWaterFriendData | |
CCoolProp::ViscosityRhoSrVariables | |