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CoolProp  6.7.1dev
An open-source fluid property and humid air property database
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Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
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 CAbstractCubicAlphaFunctionAn abstract alpha function for the EOS, defining the interface for the alpha function
 CODEIntegrators::AbstractODEIntegratorThe abstract class defining the interface for the integrator routines
 CCoolProp::AbstractStateThe mother of all state classes
 CCoolProp::BaseHelmholtzTermThe base class class for the Helmholtz energy terms
 CUNIFACLibrary::ComponentA structure containing the groups and additional information for a component
 CComponentDataStructure containing data for the pure fluid in the mixture
 CUNIFACLibrary::ComponentGroupA structure containing a group (its count, index, etc.) for a subgroup forming a part of a component
 CCoolProp::CoolPropFluidA thermophysical property provider for critical and reducing values as well as derivatives of Helmholtz energy
 CCoolProp::DepartureFunctionThe abstract base class for departure functions used in the excess part of the Helmholtz energy
 CSpline< X, Y >::Element
 CCoolProp::EOSLimitsA set of limits for the eos parameters
 CCoolProp::EquationOfStateThe core class for an equation of state
 CCoolProp::GeneratorInitializer< T >
 CUNIFACLibrary::GroupA structure containing references for a single group (its multiplicity, main group index, etc.)
 CCoolProp::IncompressibleFluidA property provider for incompressible solutions and pure fluids
 CUNIFACLibrary::InteractionParametersA structure containing the parameters for a given mgi-mgi pair
 CCoolProp::JSONFluidLibraryA container for the fluid parameters for the CoolProp fluids
 CCoolProp::JSONIncompressibleLibraryA container for the fluid parameters for the incompressible fluids
 CCoolProp::LemmonAirHFCReducingFunctionReducing function converter for dry air and HFC blends
 CCoolProp::MeltingLinePiecewisePolynomialInThetaSegmentThe evaluator class for a melting curve formed of segments in the form
 CCoolProp::MeltingLinePiecewisePolynomialInTrSegmentThe evaluator class for a melting curve formed of segments in the form
 CCoolProp::MixtureBinaryPairLibraryA library of binary pair parameters for the mixture
 CCoolProp::MixtureDepartureFunctionsLibraryA container for the departure functions for CoolProp mixtures
 CCoolProp::SaturationSolvers::newton_raphson_saturationA class to do newton raphson solver mixture bubble point and dew point calculations
 CCoolProp::SaturationSolvers::newton_raphson_twophaseA class to do newton raphson solver for mixture VLE for p,Q or T,Q
 CCoolProp::PhaseEnvelopeDataA data structure to hold the data for a phase envelope
 CCoolProp::Polynomial2DThe base class for all Polynomials
 CCoolProp::PredefinedMixturesLibraryA library of predefined mixtures
 CCoolProp::PureFluidSaturationTableDataThis class holds the data for a two-phase table that is log spaced in p
 CCoolProp::ReducingFunctionAbstract base class for reducing function An abstract base class for the reducing function to allow for Lemmon-Jacobsen, GERG, or other reducing function to yield the reducing parameters \rho_r and T_r
 CCoolProp::REFPROP_binary_elementA Data structure for holding BIP coming from REFPROP
 CCoolProp::REFPROP_departure_functionA data structure for holding departure functions coming from REFPROP
 CCoolProp::SinglePhaseGriddedTableDataThis class holds the data for a single-phase interpolation table that is regularly spaced
 CSpline< X, Y >
 CCoolProp::StabilityRoutines::StabilityEvaluationClassEvaluate phase stability Based on the work of Gernert et al., J. Chem. Thermodyn., 2014
 CCoolProp::TabularDataSetThis class contains the data for one set of Tabular data including single-phase and two-phase data
 CUNIFACLibrary::UNIFACParameterLibraryA container for the parameters for a given UNIFAC model
 CVectorNd< dimcount, T >A wrapper around std::vector
 CVectorNd< 0, T >
 CCoolProp::ViscosityDiluteGasCollisionIntegralDataVariables for the dilute gas part