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CoolProp  6.7.1dev
An open-source fluid property and humid air property database
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CoolProp Namespace Reference

Detailed Description

Code for all the binary pairs in the mixture.

This file contains flash routines in which the state is unknown, and a solver of some kind must be used to obtain temperature and density, the two state variables upon which the equation of state is based.

This file contains derivatives needed in the mixture model. The derivatives are quite nasty, and there are a lot of them, so they are put in this file for cleanness. The MixtureDerivatives class is a friend class of the HelmholtzEOSMixtureBackend, so it can access all the private members of the HelmholtzEOSMixtureBackend class

This includes both binary pair information for the reducing functions as well as the departure functions for the given binary pair.




class  BackendLibrary
class  IF97BackendGenerator
class  SRKGenerator
class  PRGenerator
class  IncompressibleBackendGenerator
class  VTPRGenerator
class  PCSAFTGenerator
class  AbstractCubicBackend
class  SRKBackend
class  PengRobinsonBackend
class  CubicResidualHelmholtz
class  VTPRBackend
class  DepartureFunction
 The abstract base class for departure functions used in the excess part of the Helmholtz energy. More...
class  GERG2008DepartureFunction
 The departure function used by the GERG-2008 formulation. More...
class  GaussianExponentialDepartureFunction
 A hybrid gaussian with temperature and density dependence along with. More...
class  ExponentialDepartureFunction
 A polynomial/exponential departure function. More...
class  ExcessTerm
class  solver_DP_resid
class  DQ_flash_residual
class  FlashRoutines
class  solver_TP_resid
class  PY_singlephase_flash_resid
class  JSONFluidLibrary
 A container for the fluid parameters for the CoolProp fluids. More...
class  HelmholtzEOSBackend
class  HEOSGenerator
class  SolverTPResid
class  OneDimObjective
 This class is the objective function for the one-dimensional solver used to find the first intersection with the L1*=0 contour. More...
class  L0CurveTracer
class  MoleFractions
class  HelmholtzEOSMixtureBackend
class  CorrespondingStatesTerm
class  ResidualHelmholtz
class  MixtureDerivatives
class  PredefinedMixturesLibrary
 A library of predefined mixtures. More...
class  MixtureBinaryPairLibrary
 A library of binary pair parameters for the mixture. More...
class  MixtureDepartureFunctionsLibrary
 A container for the departure functions for CoolProp mixtures. More...
class  MixtureParameters
struct  REFPROP_binary_element
 A Data structure for holding BIP coming from REFPROP. More...
struct  REFPROP_departure_function
 A data structure for holding departure functions coming from REFPROP. More...
class  PhaseEnvelopeRoutines
class  ReducingFunction
 Abstract base class for reducing function An abstract base class for the reducing function to allow for Lemmon-Jacobsen, GERG, or other reducing function to yield the reducing parameters \rho_r and T_r. More...
class  GERG2008ReducingFunction
 The reducing function model of GERG-2008. More...
class  ConstantReducingFunction
 A constant reducing function that does not vary with composition. Think for instance the reducing function for the cubic EOS. More...
class  LemmonAirHFCReducingFunction
 Reducing function converter for dry air and HFC blends. More...
class  TransportRoutines
class  RachfordRiceResidual
class  IF97Backend
class  IncompressibleBackend
class  JSONIncompressibleLibrary
 A container for the fluid parameters for the incompressible fluids. More...
class  PCSAFTBackend
class  REFPROPBackend
class  REFPROPGenerator
class  REFPROPMixtureBackend
class  BicubicBackend
class  PackablePhaseEnvelopeData
class  PureFluidSaturationTableData
 This class holds the data for a two-phase table that is log spaced in p. More...
class  SinglePhaseGriddedTableData
 This class holds the data for a single-phase interpolation table that is regularly spaced. More...
class  LogPHTable
 This class holds the single-phase data for a log(p)-h gridded table. More...
class  LogPTTable
 This class holds the single-phase data for a log(p)-T gridded table. More...
class  CellCoeffs
class  TabularDataSet
 This class contains the data for one set of Tabular data including single-phase and two-phase data. More...
class  TabularDataLibrary
class  TabularBackend
 This class contains the general code for tabular backends (TTSE, bicubic, etc.) More...
class  TTSEBackend
struct  delim
struct  output_parameter
struct  parameter_info
class  ParameterInformation
struct  phase_info
class  PhaseInformation
struct  scheme_info
class  SchemeInformation
struct  input_pair_info
class  InputPairInformation
struct  backend_family_info
struct  backend_info
class  BackendInformation
class  SpinodalData
class  GuessesStructure
class  AbstractState
 The mother of all state classes. More...
class  AbstractStateGenerator
class  GeneratorInitializer
class  SurfaceTensionCorrelation
class  SaturationAncillaryFunction
struct  MeltingLinePiecewiseSimonSegment
struct  MeltingLinePiecewiseSimonData
class  MeltingLinePiecewisePolynomialInTrSegment
 The evaluator class for a melting curve formed of segments in the form. More...
struct  MeltingLinePiecewisePolynomialInTrData
class  MeltingLinePiecewisePolynomialInThetaSegment
 The evaluator class for a melting curve formed of segments in the form. More...
struct  MeltingLinePiecewisePolynomialInThetaData
class  MeltingLineVariables
class  CachedElement
class  ConfigurationItem
class  Configuration
struct  BibTeXKeysStruct
struct  EnvironmentalFactorsStruct
struct  CriticalRegionSplines
struct  EOSLimits
 A set of limits for the eos parameters. More...
struct  ConductivityECSVariables
struct  ConductivityDiluteEta0AndPolyData
struct  ConductivityDiluteRatioPolynomialsData
struct  ConductivityDiluteVariables
struct  ConductivityResidualPolynomialAndExponentialData
struct  ConductivityResidualPolynomialData
struct  ConductivityResidualVariables
struct  ConductivityCriticalSimplifiedOlchowySengersData
struct  ConductivityCriticalVariables
struct  ViscosityDiluteGasCollisionIntegralData
 Variables for the dilute gas part. More...
struct  ViscosityDiluteCollisionIntegralPowersOfTstarData
struct  ViscosityDiluteGasPowersOfT
struct  ViscosityDiluteGasPowersOfTr
struct  ViscosityDiluteVariables
struct  ViscosityRainWaterFriendData
struct  ViscosityInitialDensityEmpiricalData
struct  ViscosityInitialDensityVariables
struct  ViscosityModifiedBatschinskiHildebrandData
struct  ViscosityFrictionTheoryData
struct  ViscosityHigherOrderVariables
struct  ViscosityRhoSrVariables
struct  ViscosityECSVariables
struct  ViscosityChungData
class  TransportPropertyData
struct  Ancillaries
class  EquationOfState
 The core class for an equation of state. More...
class  CoolPropFluid
 A thermophysical property provider for critical and reducing values as well as derivatives of Helmholtz energy. More...
struct  SimpleState
struct  CriticalState
struct  SsatSimpleState
 A modified class for the state point at the maximum saturation entropy on the vapor curve. More...
class  CoolPropBaseError
class  CoolPropError
class  ValueErrorSpec
struct  HelmholtzDerivatives
class  BaseHelmholtzTerm
 The base class class for the Helmholtz energy terms. More...
struct  ResidualHelmholtzGeneralizedExponentialElement
class  ResidualHelmholtzGeneralizedExponential
 A generalized residual helmholtz energy container that can deal with a wide range of terms which can be converted to this general form. More...
struct  ResidualHelmholtzNonAnalyticElement
class  ResidualHelmholtzNonAnalytic
class  ResidualHelmholtzGeneralizedCubic
class  ResidualHelmholtzGaoB
class  ResidualHelmholtzXiangDeiters
 The generalized Lee-Kesler formulation of Xiang & Deiters: doi:10.1016/j.ces.2007.11.029. More...
class  ResidualHelmholtzSAFTAssociating
class  BaseHelmholtzContainer
class  ResidualHelmholtzContainer
class  IdealHelmholtzLead
 The leading term in the EOS used to set the desired reference state. More...
class  IdealHelmholtzEnthalpyEntropyOffset
 The term in the EOS used to shift the reference state of the fluid. More...
class  IdealHelmholtzLogTau
class  IdealHelmholtzPower
class  IdealHelmholtzPlanckEinsteinGeneralized
class  IdealHelmholtzCP0Constant
class  IdealHelmholtzCP0PolyT
class  IdealHelmholtzGERG2004Sinh
class  IdealHelmholtzGERG2004Cosh
class  IdealHelmholtzContainer
class  CurveTracer
class  IdealCurveTracer
class  BoyleCurveTracer
class  JouleInversionCurveTracer
class  JouleThomsonCurveTracer
struct  IncompressibleData
class  IncompressibleFluid
 A property provider for incompressible solutions and pure fluids. More...
struct  PCSAFTValues
class  PCSAFTFluid
class  PhaseEnvelopeData
 A data structure to hold the data for a phase envelope. More...
class  Polynomial2D
 The base class for all Polynomials. More...
class  Poly2DResidual
class  Polynomial2DFrac
 A class for polynomials starting at an arbitrary degree. More...
class  Poly2DFracResidual
class  Poly2DFracIntResidual
class  FuncWrapper1D
class  FuncWrapper1DWithDeriv
class  FuncWrapper1DWithTwoDerivs
class  FuncWrapper1DWithThreeDerivs
class  FuncWrapperND


typedef std::vector< std::vector< CoolPropDbl > > STLMatrix
typedef shared_ptr< DepartureFunctionDepartureFunctionPointer
typedef std::vector< std::vector< double > > mat
 This class implements bicubic interpolation, as very clearly laid out by the page on wikipedia: More...
typedef CoolPropError< CoolPropBaseError::eNotImplementedNotImplementedError
typedef CoolPropError< CoolPropBaseError::eSolutionSolutionError
typedef CoolPropError< CoolPropBaseError::eAttributeAttributeError
typedef CoolPropError< CoolPropBaseError::eOutOfRangeOutOfRangeError
typedef CoolPropError< CoolPropBaseError::eValueValueError
typedef CoolPropError< CoolPropBaseError::eKeyKeyError
typedef CoolPropError< CoolPropBaseError::eHandleHandleError
typedef CoolPropError< CoolPropBaseError::eUnableToLoadUnableToLoadError
typedef CoolPropError< CoolPropBaseError::eDirectorySizeDirectorySizeError
typedef ValueErrorSpec< CoolPropBaseError::eWrongFluidWrongFluidError
typedef ValueErrorSpec< CoolPropBaseError::eCompositionCompositionError
typedef ValueErrorSpec< CoolPropBaseError::eInputInputError
typedef ValueErrorSpec< CoolPropBaseError::eNotAvailableNotAvailableError


enum  x_N_dependency_flag { XN_INDEPENDENT , XN_DEPENDENT }
enum  parameters {
  INVALID_PARAMETER = 0 , igas_constant , imolar_mass , iacentric_factor ,
  irhomolar_reducing , irhomolar_critical , iT_reducing , iT_critical ,
  irhomass_reducing , irhomass_critical , iP_critical , iP_reducing ,
  iT_triple , iP_triple , iT_min , iT_max ,
  iP_max , iP_min , idipole_moment , iT ,
  iP , iQ , iTau , iDelta ,
  iDmolar , iHmolar , iSmolar , iCpmolar ,
  iCp0molar , iCvmolar , iUmolar , iGmolar ,
  iHelmholtzmolar , iHmolar_residual , iSmolar_residual , iGmolar_residual ,
  iDmass , iHmass , iSmass , iCpmass ,
  iCp0mass , iCvmass , iUmass , iGmass ,
  iHelmholtzmass , iviscosity , iconductivity , isurface_tension ,
  iPrandtl , ispeed_sound , iisothermal_compressibility , iisobaric_expansion_coefficient ,
  iisentropic_expansion_coefficient , ifundamental_derivative_of_gas_dynamics , ialphar , idalphar_dtau_constdelta ,
  idalphar_ddelta_consttau , ialpha0 , idalpha0_dtau_constdelta , idalpha0_ddelta_consttau ,
  id2alpha0_ddelta2_consttau , id3alpha0_ddelta3_consttau , iBvirial , iCvirial ,
  idBvirial_dT , idCvirial_dT , iZ , iPIP ,
  ifraction_min , ifraction_max , iT_freeze , iGWP20 ,
  iGWP100 , iGWP500 , iFH , iHH ,
  iPH , iODP , iPhase , iundefined_parameter
enum  phases {
  iphase_liquid , iphase_supercritical , iphase_supercritical_gas , iphase_supercritical_liquid ,
  iphase_critical_point , iphase_gas , iphase_twophase , iphase_unknown ,
 These are constants for the phases of the fluid. More...
enum  schemes {
  i1 , i2a , i2b , i3a ,
  i3b , i4a , i4b , i4c
 Constants for the different PC-SAFT association schemes (see Huang and Radosz 1990) More...
enum  composition_types {
 These are constants for the compositions. More...
enum  fluid_types {
 These are unit types for the fluid. More...
enum  input_pairs {
  QSmass_INPUTS , HmolarQ_INPUTS , HmassQ_INPUTS , DmolarQ_INPUTS ,
  HmolarT_INPUTS , HmassT_INPUTS , SmolarT_INPUTS , SmassT_INPUTS ,
  TUmolar_INPUTS , TUmass_INPUTS , DmassP_INPUTS , DmolarP_INPUTS ,
  HmassP_INPUTS , HmolarP_INPUTS , PSmass_INPUTS , PSmolar_INPUTS ,
  PUmass_INPUTS , PUmolar_INPUTS , HmassSmass_INPUTS , HmolarSmolar_INPUTS ,
  SmassUmass_INPUTS , SmolarUmolar_INPUTS , DmassHmass_INPUTS , DmolarHmolar_INPUTS ,
  DmassSmass_INPUTS , DmolarSmolar_INPUTS , DmassUmass_INPUTS , DmolarUmolar_INPUTS
 These are input pairs that can be used for the update function (in each pair, input keys are sorted alphabetically) More...
enum  backend_families {
 The structure is taken directly from the AbstractState class. More...
enum  backends {


BackendLibraryget_backend_library ()
void register_backend (const backend_families &bf, shared_ptr< AbstractStateGenerator > gen)
void get_dT_drho (AbstractState &AS, parameters index, CoolPropDbl &dT, CoolPropDbl &drho)
void get_dT_drho_second_derivatives (AbstractState &AS, int index, CoolPropDbl &dT2, CoolPropDbl &drho_dT, CoolPropDbl &drho2)
void get_Henrys_coeffs_FP (const std::string &CAS, double &A, double &B, double &C, double &Tmin, double &Tmax)
void load ()
JSONFluidLibraryget_library (void)
 Get a reference to the library instance. More...
CoolPropFluid get_fluid (const std::string &fluid_string)
 Get the fluid structure. More...
std::string get_fluid_as_JSONstring (const std::string &indentifier)
 Get the fluid as a JSON string, suitable for modification and reloading. More...
std::string get_fluid_list (void)
 Get a comma-separated-list of fluids that are included. More...
void set_fluid_enthalpy_entropy_offset (const std::string &fluid, double delta_a1, double delta_a2, const std::string &ref)
 Set the internal enthalpy and entropy offset variables. More...
int get_debug_level ()
std::string vecstring_to_string (const std::vector< std::string > &a)
 Templates for turning vectors (1D-matrices) into strings. More...
void get_dT_drho (HelmholtzEOSMixtureBackend *HEOS, parameters index, CoolPropDbl &dT, CoolPropDbl &drho)
std::string get_csv_predefined_mixtures ()
 Get a comma-separated list of predefined mixtures in CoolProp. More...
bool is_predefined_mixture (const std::string &name, Dictionary &dict)
 Get the parameters for a predefined mixture - R410A, R404A, etc. if the mixture is predefined. More...
void set_predefined_mixtures (const std::string &string_data)
 Set predefined mixtures at runtime. More...
void apply_simple_mixing_rule (const std::string &identifier1, const std::string &identifier2, const std::string &rule)
 Add a simple mixing rule. More...
std::string get_csv_mixture_binary_pairs ()
 Get a comma-separated list of CAS code pairs. More...
std::string get_mixture_binary_pair_data (const std::string &CAS1, const std::string &CAS2, const std::string &param)
 Get a string for the given binary pair. More...
void set_mixture_binary_pair_data (const std::string &CAS1, const std::string &CAS2, const std::string &param, const double val)
 Set a parameter for the given binary pair. More...
std::string get_reducing_function_name (const std::string &CAS1, const std::string &CAS2)
void set_interaction_parameters (const std::string &string_data)
 Set the interaction parameters from a string format. More...
DepartureFunctionget_departure_function (const std::string &Name)
 Get the allocated Departure function for a given departure function name. More...
void parse_HMX_BNC (const std::string &s, std::vector< REFPROP_binary_element > &BIP, std::vector< REFPROP_departure_function > &functions)
void set_departure_functions (const std::string &string_data)
 Set the departure functions in the departure function library from a string format. More...
CoolPropDbl sign (CoolPropDbl x)
void load_incompressible_library ()
JSONIncompressibleLibraryget_incompressible_library (void)
 Get a reference to the library instance. More...
IncompressibleFluidget_incompressible_fluid (const std::string &fluid_string)
 Get the fluid structure returned as a reference. More...
std::string get_incompressible_list_pure (void)
 Return a comma-separated list of incompressible pure fluid names. More...
std::string get_incompressible_list_solution (void)
 Return a comma-separated list of solution names. More...
std::string get_mixture_binary_pair_pcsaft (const std::string &CAS1, const std::string &CAS2, const std::string &key)
void set_mixture_binary_pair_pcsaft (const std::string &CAS1, const std::string &CAS2, const std::string &key, const double value)
bool force_load_REFPROP ()
bool force_unload_REFPROP ()
void REFPROP_SETREF (char hrf[3], int ixflag, double x0[1], double &h0, double &s0, double &T0, double &p0, int &ierr, char herr[255], int l1, int l2)
template<typename T >
void load_table (T &table, const std::string &path_to_tables, const std::string &filename)
template<typename T >
void write_table (const T &table, const std::string &path_to_tables, const std::string &name)
void mass_to_molar (parameters &param, double &conversion_factor, double molar_mass)
 Get a conversion factor from mass to molar if needed. More...
std::string config_key_to_string (configuration_keys keys)
 Convert the configuration key to a string in a 1-1 representation. More...
std::string config_key_description (configuration_keys keys)
 Return a string description of the configuration key. More...
std::string config_key_description (const std::string &key)
 Return a string description of the configuration key (with the key passed as a string) More...
configuration_keys config_string_to_key (const std::string &s)
 Go from string to enum key. More...
void set_config_bool (configuration_keys key, bool val)
 Set the value of a boolean configuration value. More...
void set_config_int (configuration_keys key, int val)
 Set the value of an integer configuration value. More...
void set_config_double (configuration_keys key, double val)
 Set the value of a double configuration value. More...
void set_config_string (configuration_keys key, const std::string &val)
 Set the value of a string configuration value. More...
bool get_config_bool (configuration_keys key)
 Return the value of a boolean key from the configuration. More...
int get_config_int (configuration_keys key)
 Return the value of an integer key from the configuration. More...
double get_config_double (configuration_keys key)
 Return the value of a double configuration key. More...
std::string get_config_string (configuration_keys key)
 Return the value of a string configuration key. More...
void get_config_as_json (rapidjson::Document &doc)
std::string get_config_as_json_string ()
 Get all the values in the configuration as a json-formatted string. More...
void set_config_as_json (rapidjson::Value &val)
void set_config_as_json_string (const std::string &s)
 Set the entire configuration based on a json-formatted string. More...
void set_debug_level (int level)
void set_warning_string (const std::string &warning)
void set_error_string (const std::string &error)
bool has_backend_in_string (const std::string &fluid_string, std::size_t &i)
void extract_backend (std::string fluid_string, std::string &backend, std::string &fluid)
 Extract the backend from a string - something like "HEOS::Water" would split to "HEOS" and "Water". If no backend is specified, the backend will be set to "?". More...
bool has_fractions_in_string (const std::string &fluid_string)
bool has_solution_concentration (const std::string &fluid_string)
std::string extract_fractions (const std::string &fluid_string, std::vector< double > &fractions)
 Extract fractions (molar, mass, etc.) encoded in the string if any. More...
void _PropsSI_initialize (const std::string &backend, const std::vector< std::string > &fluid_names, const std::vector< double > &z, shared_ptr< AbstractState > &State)
void _PropsSI_outputs (shared_ptr< AbstractState > &State, const std::vector< output_parameter > &output_parameters, CoolProp::input_pairs input_pair, const std::vector< double > &in1, const std::vector< double > &in2, std::vector< std::vector< double >> &IO)
bool StripPhase (std::string &Name, shared_ptr< AbstractState > &State)
void _PropsSImulti (const std::vector< std::string > &Outputs, const std::string &Name1, const std::vector< double > &Prop1, const std::string &Name2, const std::vector< double > &Prop2, const std::string &backend, const std::vector< std::string > &fluids, const std::vector< double > &fractions, std::vector< std::vector< double >> &IO)
std::vector< std::vector< double > > PropsSImulti (const std::vector< std::string > &Outputs, const std::string &Name1, const std::vector< double > &Prop1, const std::string &Name2, const std::vector< double > &Prop2, const std::string &backend, const std::vector< std::string > &fluids, const std::vector< double > &fractions)
 Get a matrix of outputs for a given input. Can handle both vector inputs as well as a vector of output strings. More...
double PropsSI (const std::string &Output, const std::string &Name1, double Prop1, const std::string &Name2, double Prop2, const std::string &Ref)
bool add_fluids_as_JSON (const std::string &backend, const std::string &fluidstring)
 Add fluids as a JSON-formatted string. More...
double Props1SI (std::string FluidName, std::string Output)
std::vector< std::vector< double > > Props1SImulti (const std::vector< std::string > &Outputs, const std::string &backend, const std::vector< std::string > &fluids, const std::vector< double > &fractions)
 Get a matrix of outputs that do not depend on the thermodynamic state - this is a convenience function that does the call PropsSImulti(Outputs, "", {0}, "", {0}, backend, fluids, fractions) More...
bool is_valid_fluid_string (const std::string &fluidstring)
 Check if the fluid name is valid. More...
double saturation_ancillary (const std::string &fluid_name, const std::string &output, int Q, const std::string &input, double value)
void set_reference_stateS (const std::string &FluidName, const std::string &reference_state)
 Set the reference state based on a string representation. More...
void set_reference_stateD (const std::string &Ref, double T, double rhomolar, double hmolar0, double smolar0)
std::string get_global_param_string (const std::string &ParamName)
std::string get_fluid_param_string (const std::string &FluidName, const std::string &ParamName)
 Get a string for a value from a fluid (numerical values for the fluid can be obtained from Props1SI function) More...
std::string phase_lookup_string (phases Phase)
std::string PhaseSI (const std::string &Name1, double Prop1, const std::string &Name2, double Prop2, const std::string &FluidName)
const ParameterInformationget_parameter_information ()
bool is_trivial_parameter (int key)
 Returns true if the input is trivial (constants, critical parameters, etc.) More...
std::string get_parameter_information (int key, const std::string &info)
std::string get_csv_parameter_list ()
 Return a list of parameters. More...
bool is_valid_parameter (const std::string &name, parameters &iOutput)
 Returns true if a valid parameter, and sets value in the variable iOutput. More...
bool is_valid_first_derivative (const std::string &name, parameters &iOf, parameters &iWrt, parameters &iConstant)
bool is_valid_first_saturation_derivative (const std::string &name, parameters &iOf, parameters &iWrt)
bool is_valid_second_derivative (const std::string &name, parameters &iOf1, parameters &iWrt1, parameters &iConstant1, parameters &iWrt2, parameters &iConstant2)
const PhaseInformationget_phase_information ()
const std::string & get_phase_short_desc (phases phase)
bool is_valid_phase (const std::string &phase_name, phases &iOutput)
phases get_phase_index (const std::string &param_name)
 Return the enum key corresponding to the phase name ("phase_liquid" for instance) More...
const SchemeInformationget_scheme_information ()
const std::string & get_scheme_short_desc (schemes scheme)
bool is_valid_scheme (const std::string &scheme_name, schemes &iOutput)
schemes get_scheme_index (const std::string &scheme_name)
 Return the enum key corresponding to the association scheme name ("2B" for instance) More...
parameters get_parameter_index (const std::string &param_name)
 Return the enum key corresponding to the parameter name ("Dmolar" for instance) More...
const InputPairInformationget_input_pair_information ()
input_pairs get_input_pair_index (const std::string &input_pair_name)
 Get the input pair index associated with its string representation. More...
const std::string & get_input_pair_short_desc (input_pairs pair)
 Return the short description of an input pair key ("DmolarT_INPUTS" for instance) More...
const std::string & get_input_pair_long_desc (input_pairs pair)
 Return the long description of an input pair key ("Molar density in mol/m^3, Temperature in K" for instance) More...
void split_input_pair (input_pairs pair, parameters &p1, parameters &p2)
 Split an input pair into parameters for the two parts that form the pair. More...
const BackendInformationget_backend_information ()
void extract_backend_families (std::string backend_string, backend_families &f1, backend_families &f2)
 Convert a string into the enum values. More...
void extract_backend_families_string (std::string backend_string, backend_families &f1, std::string &f2)
std::string get_backend_string (backends backend)
CoolPropDbl kahanSum (const std::vector< CoolPropDbl > &x)
bool wayToSort (CoolPropDbl i, CoolPropDbl j)
double ramp (double x)
double Xdd (double X, double delta, double Delta, double Delta_d, double Delta_dd)
const std::string ERR_NOT_A_TWO_PHASE_FLUID ("This is not a two-phase fluid. Please select another fluid or avoid two-phase functions.")
const std::string ERR_NOT_A_TWO_PHASE_STATE ("This is not a two-phase state, update state with a two-phase set of inputs")
const std::string ERR_NOT_COMPRESSIBLE ("This function is invalid for incompressible fluids.")
const std::string ERR_NOT_A_TWO_PHASE_FUNCTION ("This function is invalid in the two-phase region.")
std::vector< double > NDNewtonRaphson_Jacobian (FuncWrapperND *f, const std::vector< double > &x, double tol, int maxiter, double w)
double Newton (FuncWrapper1DWithDeriv *f, double x0, double ftol, int maxiter)
double Halley (FuncWrapper1DWithTwoDerivs *f, double x0, double ftol, int maxiter, double xtol_rel)
double Householder4 (FuncWrapper1DWithThreeDerivs *f, double x0, double ftol, int maxiter, double xtol_rel)
double Secant (FuncWrapper1D *f, double x0, double dx, double tol, int maxiter)
double BoundedSecant (FuncWrapper1D *f, double x0, double xmin, double xmax, double dx, double tol, int maxiter)
double ExtrapolatingSecant (FuncWrapper1D *f, double x0, double dx, double tol, int maxiter)
double Brent (FuncWrapper1D *f, double a, double b, double macheps, double t, int maxiter)
void compare_REFPROP_and_CoolProp (const std::string &fluid, CoolProp::input_pairs inputs, double val1, double val2, std::size_t N, double d1, double d2)
void set_config_json (rapidjson::Document &doc)
 Set values in the configuration based on a json file. More...
bool match_pair (parameters key1, parameters key2, parameters x1, parameters x2, bool &swap)
template<class T >
CoolProp::input_pairs generate_update_pair (parameters key1, T value1, parameters key2, T value2, T &out1, T &out2) throw ()
 Generate an update pair from key, value pairs. More...
template<class T >
std::size_t num_rows (std::vector< T > const &in)
 Some shortcuts and regularly needed operations. More...
template<class T >
std::size_t num_rows (std::vector< std::vector< T >> const &in)
template<class T >
std::size_t max_cols (std::vector< std::vector< T >> const &in)
template<class T >
bool is_squared (std::vector< std::vector< T >> const &in)
template<class T >
std::size_t num_cols (std::vector< T > const &in)
template<class T >
std::size_t num_cols (std::vector< std::vector< T >> const &in)
template<typename T >
std::vector< T > eigen_to_vec1D (const Eigen::Matrix< T, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic > &coefficients, int axis=0)
 Convert vectors and matrices. More...
template<class T >
std::vector< std::vector< T > > eigen_to_vec (const Eigen::Matrix< T, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic > &coefficients)
template<class T >
Eigen::Matrix< T, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic > vec_to_eigen (const std::vector< std::vector< T >> &coefficients)
template<class T >
Eigen::Matrix< T, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic > vec_to_eigen (const std::vector< T > &coefficients, int axis=0)
template<class T >
Eigen::Matrix< T, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic > vec_to_eigen (const T &coefficient)
template<class T >
Eigen::Matrix< T, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > makeColVector (const Eigen::Matrix< T, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic > &matrix)
 Convert 1D matrix to vector. More...
template<class T >
Eigen::Matrix< T, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > makeVector (const Eigen::Matrix< T, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic > &matrix)
template<class T >
Eigen::Matrix< T, 1, Eigen::Dynamic > makeRowVector (const Eigen::Matrix< T, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic > &matrix)
template<class T >
void removeRow (Eigen::Matrix< T, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic > &matrix, std::size_t rowToRemove)
 Remove rows and columns from matrices. More...
template<class T >
void removeColumn (Eigen::Matrix< T, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic > &matrix, std::size_t colToRemove)
template<class T >
std::string vec_to_string (const std::vector< T > &a, const char *fmt)
 Templates for turning vectors (1D-matrices) into strings. More...
template<class T >
std::string vec_to_string (const std::vector< T > &a)
std::string stringvec_to_string (const std::vector< std::string > &a)
 Templates for turning vectors (1D-matrices) into strings. More...
template<class T >
std::string vec_to_string (const T &a, const char *fmt)
 Templates for turning numbers (0D-matrices) into strings. More...
template<class T >
std::string vec_to_string (const T &a)
template<class T >
std::string vec_to_string (const std::vector< std::vector< T >> &A, const char *fmt)
 Templates for turning 2D-matrices into strings. More...
template<class T >
std::string vec_to_string (const std::vector< std::vector< T >> &A)
template<class T >
std::string mat_to_string (const Eigen::Matrix< T, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic > &A, const char *fmt)
 Templates for turning Eigen matrices into strings. More...
template<class T >
std::string mat_to_string (const Eigen::Matrix< T, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic > &A)
template<typename T >
void swap_rows (std::vector< std::vector< T >> *A, size_t row1, size_t row2)
 Template class for turning numbers (0D-matrices) into strings. More...
template<typename T >
void subtract_row_multiple (std::vector< std::vector< T >> *A, size_t row, T multiple, size_t pivot_row)
template<typename T >
void divide_row_by (std::vector< std::vector< T >> *A, size_t row, T value)
template<typename T >
size_t get_pivot_row (std::vector< std::vector< T >> *A, size_t col)
template<typename T >
std::vector< std::vector< T > > linsolve_Gauss_Jordan (std::vector< std::vector< T >> const &A, std::vector< std::vector< T >> const &B)
template<class T >
std::vector< std::vector< T > > linsolve (std::vector< std::vector< T >> const &A, std::vector< std::vector< T >> const &B)
template<class T >
std::vector< T > linsolve (std::vector< std::vector< T >> const &A, std::vector< T > const &b)
template<class T >
std::vector< T > get_row (std::vector< std::vector< T >> const &in, size_t row)
template<class T >
std::vector< T > get_col (std::vector< std::vector< T >> const &in, size_t col)
template<class T >
std::vector< std::vector< T > > make_squared (std::vector< std::vector< T >> const &in)
template<class T >
multiply (std::vector< T > const &a, std::vector< T > const &b)
template<class T >
std::vector< T > multiply (std::vector< std::vector< T >> const &A, std::vector< T > const &b)
template<class T >
std::vector< std::vector< T > > multiply (std::vector< std::vector< T >> const &A, std::vector< std::vector< T >> const &B)
template<class T >
dot_product (std::vector< T > const &a, std::vector< T > const &b)
template<class T >
std::vector< T > cross_product (std::vector< T > const &a, std::vector< T > const &b)
template<class T >
std::vector< std::vector< T > > transpose (std::vector< std::vector< T >> const &in)
template<class T >
std::vector< std::vector< T > > invert (std::vector< std::vector< T >> const &in)
void removeRow (Eigen::MatrixXd &matrix, unsigned int rowToRemove)
void removeColumn (Eigen::MatrixXd &matrix, unsigned int colToRemove)
template<typename Derived >
Eigen::MatrixXd minor_matrix (const Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived > &A, std::size_t i, std::size_t j)
double Brent (FuncWrapper1D &f, double a, double b, double macheps, double t, int maxiter)
double Secant (FuncWrapper1D &f, double x0, double dx, double ftol, int maxiter)
double ExtrapolatingSecant (FuncWrapper1D &f, double x0, double dx, double ftol, int maxiter)
double BoundedSecant (FuncWrapper1D &f, double x0, double xmin, double xmax, double dx, double ftol, int maxiter)
double Newton (FuncWrapper1DWithDeriv &f, double x0, double ftol, int maxiter)
double Halley (FuncWrapper1DWithTwoDerivs &f, double x0, double ftol, int maxiter, double xtol_rel=1e-12)
double Householder4 (FuncWrapper1DWithThreeDerivs &f, double x0, double ftol, int maxiter, double xtol_rel=1e-12)
void compare_REFPROP_and_CoolProp (const std::string &fluid, int inputs, double val1, double val2, std::size_t N, double d1=0, double d2=0)


const parameter_info parameter_info_list []
ParameterInformationparameter_information_p = nullptr
const phase_info phase_info_list []
PhaseInformationphase_information_p = nullptr
const scheme_info scheme_info_list []
SchemeInformationscheme_information_p = nullptr
const input_pair_info input_pair_list []
InputPairInformationinput_pair_information_p = nullptr
const backend_family_info backend_family_list []
const backend_info backend_list []
BackendInformationbackend_information_p = nullptr
constexpr double CPPOLY_EPSILON = DBL_EPSILON * 100.0
constexpr double CPPOLY_DELTA = CPPOLY_EPSILON * 10.0

Typedef Documentation

◆ AttributeError

Definition at line 53 of file Exceptions.h.

◆ CompositionError

Definition at line 70 of file Exceptions.h.

◆ DepartureFunctionPointer

Definition at line 196 of file ExcessHEFunction.h.

◆ DirectorySizeError

Definition at line 59 of file Exceptions.h.

◆ HandleError

Definition at line 57 of file Exceptions.h.

◆ InputError

Definition at line 71 of file Exceptions.h.

◆ KeyError

Definition at line 56 of file Exceptions.h.

◆ mat

typedef std::vector<std::vector<double> > CoolProp::mat

This class implements bicubic interpolation, as very clearly laid out by the page on wikipedia:

Essentially you have an already-inverted matrix that you need to multiply

A^{-1} = \left[ \begin{array}{*{16}c} 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ -3 & 3 & 0 & 0 & -2 & -1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 2 & -2 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & -3 & 3 & 0 & 0 & -2 & -1 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 2 & -2 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 0 & 0 \\ -3 & 0 & 3 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & -2 & 0 & -1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & -3 & 0 & 3 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & -2 & 0 & -1 & 0 \\ 9 & -9 & -9 & 9 & 6 & 3 & -6 & -3 & 6 & -6 & 3 & -3 & 4 & 2 & 2 & 1 \\ -6 & 6 & 6 & -6 & -3 & -3 & 3 & 3 & -4 & 4 & -2 & 2 & -2 & -2 & -1 & -1 \\ 2 & 0 & -2 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 2 & 0 & -2 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ -6 & 6 & 6 & -6 & -4 & -2 & 4 & 2 & -3 & 3 & -3 & 3 & -2 & -1 & -2 & -1 \\ 4 & -4 & -4 & 4 & 2 & 2 & -2 & -2 & 2 & -2 & 2 & -2 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 \end{array} \right]

x = \frac{h-h_i}{h_{i+1}-h_i}

\frac{\partial x}{\partial h} = \frac{1}{h_{i+1}-h_i}

\frac{\partial h}{\partial x} = h_{i+1}-h_i

y = \frac{p-p_j}{p_{j+1}-p_j}

\frac{\partial y}{\partial p} = \frac{1}{p_{j+1}-p_j}

\frac{\partial p}{\partial y} = p_{j+1}-p_j

\frac{\partial f}{\partial x} = \frac{\partial f}{\partial h}\cdot\frac{\partial h}{\partial x}


Definition at line 60 of file BicubicBackend.h.

◆ NotAvailableError

Definition at line 72 of file Exceptions.h.

◆ NotImplementedError

Definition at line 51 of file Exceptions.h.

◆ OutOfRangeError

Definition at line 54 of file Exceptions.h.

◆ SolutionError

Definition at line 52 of file Exceptions.h.

◆ STLMatrix

typedef std::vector< std::vector< CoolPropDbl > > CoolProp::STLMatrix

Definition at line 13 of file ExcessHEFunction.h.

◆ UnableToLoadError

Definition at line 58 of file Exceptions.h.

◆ ValueError

Definition at line 55 of file Exceptions.h.

◆ WrongFluidError

Definition at line 69 of file Exceptions.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ backend_families

The structure is taken directly from the AbstractState class.


Definition at line 438 of file DataStructures.h.

◆ backends


Definition at line 453 of file DataStructures.h.

◆ composition_types

These are constants for the compositions.


Definition at line 252 of file DataStructures.h.

◆ fluid_types

These are unit types for the fluid.


Definition at line 262 of file DataStructures.h.

◆ input_pairs

These are input pairs that can be used for the update function (in each pair, input keys are sorted alphabetically)


Molar quality, Temperature in K.


Pressure in Pa, Molar quality.


Molar quality, Entropy in J/mol/K.


Molar quality, Entropy in J/kg/K.


Enthalpy in J/mol, Molar quality.


Enthalpy in J/kg, Molar quality.


Density in mol/m^3, Molar quality.


Density in kg/m^3, Molar quality.


Pressure in Pa, Temperature in K.


Mass density in kg/m^3, Temperature in K.


Molar density in mol/m^3, Temperature in K.


Enthalpy in J/mol, Temperature in K.


Enthalpy in J/kg, Temperature in K.


Entropy in J/mol/K, Temperature in K.


Entropy in J/kg/K, Temperature in K.


Temperature in K, Internal energy in J/mol.


Temperature in K, Internal energy in J/kg.


Mass density in kg/m^3, Pressure in Pa.


Molar density in mol/m^3, Pressure in Pa.


Enthalpy in J/kg, Pressure in Pa.


Enthalpy in J/mol, Pressure in Pa.


Pressure in Pa, Entropy in J/kg/K.


Pressure in Pa, Entropy in J/mol/K.


Pressure in Pa, Internal energy in J/kg.


Pressure in Pa, Internal energy in J/mol.


Enthalpy in J/kg, Entropy in J/kg/K.


Enthalpy in J/mol, Entropy in J/mol/K.


Entropy in J/kg/K, Internal energy in J/kg.


Entropy in J/mol/K, Internal energy in J/mol.


Mass density in kg/m^3, Enthalpy in J/kg.


Molar density in mol/m^3, Enthalpy in J/mol.


Mass density in kg/m^3, Entropy in J/kg/K.


Molar density in mol/m^3, Entropy in J/mol/K.


Mass density in kg/m^3, Internal energy in J/kg.


Molar density in mol/m^3, Internal energy in J/mol.

Definition at line 274 of file DataStructures.h.

◆ parameters

Define some constants that will be used throughout

These are constants for the input and output parameters The structure is taken directly from the AbstractState class.


Ideal-gas constant.


Molar mass.


Acentric factor.


Molar density used for the reducing state.


Molar density used for the critical point.


Temperature at the reducing state.


Temperature at the critical point.


Mass density at the reducing state.


Mass density at the critical point.


Pressure at the critical point.


Pressure at the reducing point.


Triple point temperature.


Triple point pressure.


Minimum temperature.


Maximum temperature.


Maximum pressure.


Minimum pressure.


Dipole moment.






Vapor quality.


Reciprocal reduced temperature.


Reduced density.


Mole-based density.


Mole-based enthalpy.


Mole-based entropy.


Mole-based constant-pressure specific heat.


Mole-based ideal-gas constant-pressure specific heat.


Mole-based constant-volume specific heat.


Mole-based internal energy.


Mole-based Gibbs energy.


Mole-based Helmholtz energy.


The residual molar enthalpy.


The residual molar entropy (as a function of temperature and density)


The residual molar Gibbs energy.


Mass-based density.


Mass-based enthalpy.


Mass-based entropy.


Mass-based constant-pressure specific heat.


Mass-based ideal-gas specific heat.


Mass-based constant-volume specific heat.


Mass-based internal energy.


Mass-based Gibbs energy.


Mass-based Helmholtz energy.




Thermal conductivity.


Surface tension.


The Prandtl number.


Speed of sound.


Isothermal compressibility.


Isobaric expansion coefficient.


Isentropic expansion coefficient.


The fundamental derivative of gas dynamics.


Second virial coefficient.


Third virial coefficient.


Derivative of second virial coefficient with temperature.


Derivative of third virial coefficient with temperature.


The compressibility factor Z = p*v/(R*T)


The phase identification parameter of Venkatarathnam and Oellrich.


The minimum fraction (mole, mass, volume) for incompressibles.


The maximum fraction (mole,mass,volume) for incompressibles.


The freezing temperature for incompressibles.


The 20-year global warming potential.


The 100-year global warming potential.


The 500-year global warming potential.


Fire hazard index.


Health hazard index.


Physical hazard index.


Ozone depletion potential (R-11 = 1.0)


The phase index of the given state.


The last parameter, so we can check that all parameters are described in DataStructures.cpp.

Definition at line 64 of file DataStructures.h.

◆ phases

These are constants for the phases of the fluid.


Subcritical liquid.


Supercritical (p > pc, T > Tc)


Supercritical gas (p < pc, T > Tc)


Supercritical liquid (p > pc, T < Tc)


At the critical point.


Subcritical gas.




Unknown phase.


Definition at line 176 of file DataStructures.h.

◆ schemes

Constants for the different PC-SAFT association schemes (see Huang and Radosz 1990)


Definition at line 190 of file DataStructures.h.

◆ x_N_dependency_flag


x_N is an independent variable, and not calculated by x_N = 1-\sum_i x_i


x_N is an dependent variable, calculated by x_N = 1-\sum_i x_i

Definition at line 18 of file ReducingFunctions.h.

Function Documentation

◆ _PropsSI_initialize()

void CoolProp::_PropsSI_initialize ( const std::string &  backend,
const std::vector< std::string > &  fluid_names,
const std::vector< double > &  z,
shared_ptr< AbstractState > &  State 

Definition at line 213 of file CoolProp.cpp.

◆ _PropsSI_outputs()

void CoolProp::_PropsSI_outputs ( shared_ptr< AbstractState > &  State,
const std::vector< output_parameter > &  output_parameters,
CoolProp::input_pairs  input_pair,
const std::vector< double > &  in1,
const std::vector< double > &  in2,
std::vector< std::vector< double >> &  IO 

Definition at line 315 of file CoolProp.cpp.

◆ _PropsSImulti()

void CoolProp::_PropsSImulti ( const std::vector< std::string > &  Outputs,
const std::string &  Name1,
const std::vector< double > &  Prop1,
const std::string &  Name2,
const std::vector< double > &  Prop2,
const std::string &  backend,
const std::vector< std::string > &  fluids,
const std::vector< double > &  fractions,
std::vector< std::vector< double >> &  IO 

Definition at line 539 of file CoolProp.cpp.

◆ add_fluids_as_JSON()

bool CoolProp::add_fluids_as_JSON ( const std::string &  backend,
const std::string &  fluidstring 

Add fluids as a JSON-formatted string.

backendThe backend to which these should be added; e.g. "HEOS", "SRK", "PR"
output Returns true if the fluids were able to be added

Definition at line 661 of file CoolProp.cpp.

◆ apply_simple_mixing_rule()

void CoolProp::apply_simple_mixing_rule ( const std::string &  identifier1,
const std::string &  identifier2,
const std::string &  rule 

Add a simple mixing rule.

Apply a simple mixing rule for a given binary pair.

identifier1The CAS # (or name) for the first fluid
identifier2The CAS # (or name) for the second fluid
ruleThe simple mixing rule to be used ("linear", "Lorentz-Berthelot")

Definition at line 291 of file MixtureParameters.cpp.

◆ BoundedSecant() [1/2]

double CoolProp::BoundedSecant ( FuncWrapper1D f,
double  x0,
double  xmin,
double  xmax,
double  dx,
double  ftol,
int  maxiter 

Definition at line 92 of file Solvers.h.

◆ BoundedSecant() [2/2]

double CoolProp::BoundedSecant ( FuncWrapper1D f,
double  x0,
double  xmin,
double  xmax,
double  dx,
double  tol,
int  maxiter 

In the secant function, a 1-D Newton-Raphson solver is implemented. An initial guess for the solution is provided.

fA pointer to an instance of the FuncWrapper1D class that implements the call() function
x0The initial guess for the solution
xmaxThe upper bound for the solution
xminThe lower bound for the solution
dxThe initial amount that is added to x in order to build the numerical derivative
tolThe absolute value of the tolerance accepted for the objective function
maxiterMaximum number of iterations
If no errors are found, the solution, otherwise the value _HUGE, the value for infinity

Definition at line 358 of file Solvers.cpp.

◆ Brent() [1/2]

double CoolProp::Brent ( FuncWrapper1D f,
double  a,
double  b,
double  macheps,
double  t,
int  maxiter 

Definition at line 82 of file Solvers.h.

◆ Brent() [2/2]

double CoolProp::Brent ( FuncWrapper1D f,
double  a,
double  b,
double  macheps,
double  t,
int  maxiter 

This function implements a 1-D bounded solver using the algorithm from Brent, R. P., Algorithms for Minimization Without Derivatives. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1973. Ch. 3-4.

a and b must bound the solution of interest and f(a) and f(b) must have opposite signs. If the function is continuous, there must be at least one solution in the interval [a,b].

fA pointer to an instance of the FuncWrapper1D class that must implement the class() function
aThe minimum bound for the solution of f=0
bThe maximum bound for the solution of f=0
machepsThe machine precision
tTolerance (absolute)
maxiterMaximum number of steps allowed. Will throw a SolutionError if the solution cannot be found

Definition at line 492 of file Solvers.cpp.

◆ compare_REFPROP_and_CoolProp() [1/2]

void CoolProp::compare_REFPROP_and_CoolProp ( const std::string &  fluid,
CoolProp::input_pairs  inputs,
double  val1,
double  val2,
std::size_t  N,
double  d1,
double  d2 

Definition at line 16 of file SpeedTest.cpp.

◆ compare_REFPROP_and_CoolProp() [2/2]

void CoolProp::compare_REFPROP_and_CoolProp ( const std::string &  fluid,
int  inputs,
double  val1,
double  val2,
std::size_t  N,
double  d1 = 0,
double  d2 = 0 

◆ config_key_description() [1/2]

std::string CoolProp::config_key_description ( configuration_keys  keys)

Return a string description of the configuration key.

Definition at line 22 of file Configuration.cpp.

◆ config_key_description() [2/2]

std::string CoolProp::config_key_description ( const std::string &  key)

Return a string description of the configuration key (with the key passed as a string)

Definition at line 38 of file Configuration.cpp.

◆ config_key_to_string()

std::string CoolProp::config_key_to_string ( configuration_keys  keys)

Convert the configuration key to a string in a 1-1 representation.

Definition at line 6 of file Configuration.cpp.

◆ config_string_to_key()

configuration_keys CoolProp::config_string_to_key ( const std::string &  s)

Go from string to enum key.

Convert a string description to a configuration key.

Definition at line 53 of file Configuration.cpp.

◆ cross_product()

template<class T >
std::vector<T> CoolProp::cross_product ( std::vector< T > const &  a,
std::vector< T > const &  b 

Definition at line 842 of file MatrixMath.h.

◆ divide_row_by()

template<typename T >
void CoolProp::divide_row_by ( std::vector< std::vector< T >> *  A,
size_t  row,

Definition at line 571 of file MatrixMath.h.

◆ dot_product()

template<class T >
T CoolProp::dot_product ( std::vector< T > const &  a,
std::vector< T > const &  b 

Definition at line 834 of file MatrixMath.h.

◆ eigen_to_vec()

template<class T >
std::vector<std::vector<T> > CoolProp::eigen_to_vec ( const Eigen::Matrix< T, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic > &  coefficients)
coefficientsmatrix containing the ordered coefficients

Definition at line 119 of file MatrixMath.h.

◆ eigen_to_vec1D()

template<typename T >
std::vector<T> CoolProp::eigen_to_vec1D ( const Eigen::Matrix< T, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic > &  coefficients,
int  axis = 0 

Convert vectors and matrices.

Conversion functions for the different kinds of object-like parameters. This might be obsolete at a later stage, but now it is still needed.

coefficientsmatrix containing the ordered coefficients
axisaxis along which to extract

Definition at line 97 of file MatrixMath.h.


const std::string CoolProp::ERR_NOT_A_TWO_PHASE_FLUID ( "This is not a two-phase fluid. Please select another fluid or avoid two-phase functions."  )


const std::string CoolProp::ERR_NOT_A_TWO_PHASE_FUNCTION ( "This function is invalid in the two-phase region."  )


const std::string CoolProp::ERR_NOT_A_TWO_PHASE_STATE ( "This is not a two-phase  state,
update state with a two-phase set of inputs"   


const std::string CoolProp::ERR_NOT_COMPRESSIBLE ( "This function is invalid for incompressible fluids."  )

◆ extract_backend()

void CoolProp::extract_backend ( std::string  fluid_string,
std::string &  backend,
std::string &  fluid 

Extract the backend from a string - something like "HEOS::Water" would split to "HEOS" and "Water". If no backend is specified, the backend will be set to "?".

fluid_stringThe input string
backendThe output backend, if none found, "?"
fluidThe output fluid string (minus the backend string)

Definition at line 85 of file CoolProp.cpp.

◆ extract_backend_families()

void CoolProp::extract_backend_families ( std::string  backend_string,
backend_families f1,
backend_families f2 

Convert a string into the enum values.

Definition at line 829 of file DataStructures.cpp.

◆ extract_backend_families_string()

void CoolProp::extract_backend_families_string ( std::string  backend_string,
backend_families f1,
std::string &  f2 

Definition at line 846 of file DataStructures.cpp.

◆ extract_fractions()

std::string CoolProp::extract_fractions ( const std::string &  fluid_string,
std::vector< double > &  fractions 

Extract fractions (molar, mass, etc.) encoded in the string if any.

fluid_stringThe input string
fractionsThe fractions
The fluids, as a '&' delimited string

Definition at line 126 of file CoolProp.cpp.

◆ ExtrapolatingSecant() [1/2]

double CoolProp::ExtrapolatingSecant ( FuncWrapper1D f,
double  x0,
double  dx,
double  ftol,
int  maxiter 

Definition at line 89 of file Solvers.h.

◆ ExtrapolatingSecant() [2/2]

double CoolProp::ExtrapolatingSecant ( FuncWrapper1D f,
double  x0,
double  dx,
double  tol,
int  maxiter 

In the secant function, a 1-D Newton-Raphson solver is implemented. An initial guess for the solution is provided. Note that this is different than the Secant function because if something goes out of bounds, it will just make its best guess.

fA pointer to an instance of the FuncWrapper1D class that implements the call() function
x0The initial guess for the solutionh
dxThe initial amount that is added to x in order to build the numerical derivative
tolThe absolute value of the tolerance accepted for the objective function
maxiterMaximum number of iterations
If no errors are found, the solution, otherwise the value _HUGE, the value for infinity

Definition at line 414 of file Solvers.cpp.

◆ force_load_REFPROP()

bool CoolProp::force_load_REFPROP ( )

Definition at line 2120 of file REFPROPMixtureBackend.cpp.

◆ force_unload_REFPROP()

bool CoolProp::force_unload_REFPROP ( )

Definition at line 2133 of file REFPROPMixtureBackend.cpp.

◆ generate_update_pair()

template<class T >
CoolProp::input_pairs CoolProp::generate_update_pair ( parameters  key1,
parameters  key2,
T &  out1,
T &  out2 
throw (

Generate an update pair from key, value pairs.

If the input pair is valid, v1 and v2 will correspond to the returned output pair

key1The first input key
value1The first input value
key2The second input key
value2The second input value
out1The first output value
out2The second output value
pair, or INPUT_PAIR_INVALID if not valid

< Molar quality, Temperature in K

< Pressure in Pa, Molar quality

< Pressure in Pa, Temperature in K

< Entropy in J/kg/K, Internal energy in J/kg

< Entropy in J/mol/K, Internal energy in J/mol

Definition at line 338 of file DataStructures.h.

◆ get_backend_information()

const BackendInformation& CoolProp::get_backend_information ( )

Definition at line 820 of file DataStructures.cpp.

◆ get_backend_library()

BackendLibrary& CoolProp::get_backend_library ( )

Definition at line 51 of file AbstractState.cpp.

◆ get_backend_string()

std::string CoolProp::get_backend_string ( backends  backend)

Definition at line 858 of file DataStructures.cpp.

◆ get_col()

template<class T >
std::vector<T> CoolProp::get_col ( std::vector< std::vector< T >> const &  in,
size_t  col 

Definition at line 742 of file MatrixMath.h.

◆ get_config_as_json()

void CoolProp::get_config_as_json ( rapidjson::Document &  doc)

Definition at line 98 of file Configuration.cpp.

◆ get_config_as_json_string()

std::string CoolProp::get_config_as_json_string ( )

Get all the values in the configuration as a json-formatted string.

Definition at line 105 of file Configuration.cpp.

◆ get_config_bool()

bool CoolProp::get_config_bool ( configuration_keys  key)

Return the value of a boolean key from the configuration.


Definition at line 86 of file Configuration.cpp.

◆ get_config_double()

double CoolProp::get_config_double ( configuration_keys  key)

Return the value of a double configuration key.

Definition at line 92 of file Configuration.cpp.

◆ get_config_int()

int CoolProp::get_config_int ( configuration_keys  key)

Return the value of an integer key from the configuration.

Definition at line 89 of file Configuration.cpp.

◆ get_config_string()

std::string CoolProp::get_config_string ( configuration_keys  key)

Return the value of a string configuration key.

Definition at line 95 of file Configuration.cpp.

◆ get_csv_mixture_binary_pairs()

std::string CoolProp::get_csv_mixture_binary_pairs ( )

Get a comma-separated list of CAS code pairs.

Each of the pairs will be CAS1&CAS2 ("&" delimited)

Definition at line 295 of file MixtureParameters.cpp.

◆ get_csv_parameter_list()

std::string CoolProp::get_csv_parameter_list ( )

Return a list of parameters.

Get a comma separated list of parameters.

Definition at line 200 of file DataStructures.cpp.

◆ get_csv_predefined_mixtures()

std::string CoolProp::get_csv_predefined_mixtures ( )

Get a comma-separated list of predefined mixtures in CoolProp.

Definition at line 55 of file MixtureParameters.cpp.

◆ get_debug_level()

int CoolProp::get_debug_level ( )

Get the debug level

level The level of the verbosity for the debugging output (0-10) 0: no debgging output

Definition at line 64 of file CoolProp.cpp.

◆ get_departure_function()

DepartureFunction * CoolProp::get_departure_function ( const std::string &  Name)

Get the allocated Departure function for a given departure function name.

NameThe name of the function to be used, or its alias
The pointer points to an instance created with new, you should manage the pointer with shared_ptr or similar

Definition at line 518 of file MixtureParameters.cpp.

◆ get_dT_drho() [1/2]

void CoolProp::get_dT_drho ( AbstractState AS,
parameters  index,
CoolPropDbl dT,
CoolPropDbl drho 

Definition at line 753 of file AbstractState.cpp.

◆ get_dT_drho() [2/2]

void CoolProp::get_dT_drho ( HelmholtzEOSMixtureBackend HEOS,
parameters  index,
CoolPropDbl dT,
CoolPropDbl drho 

Definition at line 2098 of file HelmholtzEOSMixtureBackend.cpp.

◆ get_dT_drho_second_derivatives()

void CoolProp::get_dT_drho_second_derivatives ( AbstractState AS,
int  index,
CoolPropDbl dT2,
CoolPropDbl drho_dT,
CoolPropDbl drho2 

Definition at line 923 of file AbstractState.cpp.

◆ get_fluid()

CoolPropFluid CoolProp::get_fluid ( const std::string &  fluid_string)

Get the fluid structure.

Definition at line 360 of file FluidLibrary.cpp.

◆ get_fluid_as_JSONstring()

std::string CoolProp::get_fluid_as_JSONstring ( const std::string &  identifier)

Get the fluid as a JSON string, suitable for modification and reloading.

Definition at line 367 of file FluidLibrary.cpp.

◆ get_fluid_list()

std::string CoolProp::get_fluid_list ( void  )

Get a comma-separated-list of fluids that are included.

Definition at line 374 of file FluidLibrary.cpp.

◆ get_fluid_param_string()

std::string CoolProp::get_fluid_param_string ( const std::string &  FluidName,
const std::string &  ParamName 

Get a string for a value from a fluid (numerical values for the fluid can be obtained from Props1SI function)

FluidNameThe name of the fluid that is part of CoolProp, for instance "n-Propane"
ParamNameA string, can be in one of the terms described in the following table
ParamName Description
"aliases" A comma separated list of aliases for the fluid
"CAS", "CAS_number" The CAS number
"ASHRAE34" The ASHRAE standard 34 safety rating
"REFPROPName","REFPROP_name" The name of the fluid used in REFPROP
"Bibtex-XXX" A BibTeX key, where XXX is one of the bibtex keys used in get_BibTeXKey
"pure" "true" if the fluid is pure, "false" otherwise
"formula" The chemical formula of the fluid in LaTeX form if available, "" otherwise
The string, or an error message if not valid input

Definition at line 1040 of file CoolProp.cpp.

◆ get_global_param_string()

std::string CoolProp::get_global_param_string ( const std::string &  ParamName)

Get a globally-defined string

ParamNameA string, one of "version", "errstring", "warnstring", "gitrevision", "FluidsList", "fluids_list", "parameter_list","predefined_mixtures"
str The string, or an error message if not valid input

Definition at line 985 of file CoolProp.cpp.

◆ get_Henrys_coeffs_FP()

void CoolProp::get_Henrys_coeffs_FP ( const std::string &  CAS,
double &  A,
double &  B,
double &  C,
double &  Tmin,
double &  Tmax 

Definition at line 464 of file FlashRoutines.cpp.

◆ get_incompressible_fluid()

IncompressibleFluid & CoolProp::get_incompressible_fluid ( const std::string &  fluid_string)

Get the fluid structure returned as a reference.

Definition at line 566 of file IncompressibleLibrary.cpp.

◆ get_incompressible_library()

JSONIncompressibleLibrary & CoolProp::get_incompressible_library ( void  )

Get a reference to the library instance.

Definition at line 559 of file IncompressibleLibrary.cpp.

◆ get_incompressible_list_pure()

std::string CoolProp::get_incompressible_list_pure ( void  )

Return a comma-separated list of incompressible pure fluid names.

Definition at line 573 of file IncompressibleLibrary.cpp.

◆ get_incompressible_list_solution()

std::string CoolProp::get_incompressible_list_solution ( void  )

Return a comma-separated list of solution names.

Definition at line 579 of file IncompressibleLibrary.cpp.

◆ get_input_pair_index()

input_pairs CoolProp::get_input_pair_index ( const std::string &  input_pair_name)

Get the input pair index associated with its string representation.

Definition at line 588 of file DataStructures.cpp.

◆ get_input_pair_information()

const InputPairInformation& CoolProp::get_input_pair_information ( )

Definition at line 580 of file DataStructures.cpp.

◆ get_input_pair_long_desc()

const std::string & CoolProp::get_input_pair_long_desc ( input_pairs  pair)

Return the long description of an input pair key ("Molar density in mol/m^3, Temperature in K" for instance)

Definition at line 605 of file DataStructures.cpp.

◆ get_input_pair_short_desc()

const std::string & CoolProp::get_input_pair_short_desc ( input_pairs  pair)

Return the short description of an input pair key ("DmolarT_INPUTS" for instance)

Definition at line 597 of file DataStructures.cpp.

◆ get_library()

JSONFluidLibrary & CoolProp::get_library ( void  )

Get a reference to the library instance.

Definition at line 353 of file FluidLibrary.cpp.

◆ get_mixture_binary_pair_data()

std::string CoolProp::get_mixture_binary_pair_data ( const std::string &  CAS1,
const std::string &  CAS2,
const std::string &  key 

Get a string for the given binary pair.

Definition at line 305 of file MixtureParameters.cpp.

◆ get_mixture_binary_pair_pcsaft()

std::string CoolProp::get_mixture_binary_pair_pcsaft ( const std::string &  CAS1,
const std::string &  CAS2,
const std::string &  key 

Definition at line 16 of file PCSAFTLibrary.cpp.

◆ get_parameter_index()

parameters CoolProp::get_parameter_index ( const std::string &  param_name)

Return the enum key corresponding to the parameter name ("Dmolar" for instance)

Definition at line 504 of file DataStructures.cpp.

◆ get_parameter_information() [1/2]

const ParameterInformation& CoolProp::get_parameter_information ( )

Definition at line 159 of file DataStructures.cpp.

◆ get_parameter_information() [2/2]

std::string CoolProp::get_parameter_information ( int  key,
const std::string &  info 

Return information about the parameter

keyThe key, one of iT, iP, etc.
infoThe thing you want, one of "IO" ("IO" if input/output, "O" if output only), "short" (very short description), "long" (a longer description), "units"

Definition at line 176 of file DataStructures.cpp.

◆ get_phase_index()

phases CoolProp::get_phase_index ( const std::string &  param_name)

Return the enum key corresponding to the phase name ("phase_liquid" for instance)

Definition at line 420 of file DataStructures.cpp.

◆ get_phase_information()

const PhaseInformation& CoolProp::get_phase_information ( )

Definition at line 390 of file DataStructures.cpp.

◆ get_phase_short_desc()

const std::string& CoolProp::get_phase_short_desc ( phases  phase)

Definition at line 398 of file DataStructures.cpp.

◆ get_pivot_row()

template<typename T >
size_t CoolProp::get_pivot_row ( std::vector< std::vector< T >> *  A,
size_t  col 

Definition at line 578 of file MatrixMath.h.

◆ get_reducing_function_name()

std::string CoolProp::get_reducing_function_name ( const std::string &  CAS1,
const std::string &  CAS2 

Definition at line 382 of file MixtureParameters.cpp.

◆ get_row()

template<class T >
std::vector<T> CoolProp::get_row ( std::vector< std::vector< T >> const &  in,
size_t  row 

Definition at line 738 of file MatrixMath.h.

◆ get_scheme_index()

schemes CoolProp::get_scheme_index ( const std::string &  param_name)

Return the enum key corresponding to the association scheme name ("2B" for instance)

Definition at line 494 of file DataStructures.cpp.

◆ get_scheme_information()

const SchemeInformation& CoolProp::get_scheme_information ( )

Definition at line 463 of file DataStructures.cpp.

◆ get_scheme_short_desc()

const std::string& CoolProp::get_scheme_short_desc ( schemes  scheme)

Definition at line 471 of file DataStructures.cpp.

◆ Halley() [1/2]

double CoolProp::Halley ( FuncWrapper1DWithTwoDerivs f,
double  x0,
double  ftol,
int  maxiter,
double  xtol_rel = 1e-12 

Definition at line 98 of file Solvers.h.

◆ Halley() [2/2]

double CoolProp::Halley ( FuncWrapper1DWithTwoDerivs f,
double  x0,
double  ftol,
int  maxiter,
double  xtol_rel 

In the Halley's method solver, two derivatives of the input variable are needed, it yields the following method:

x_{n+1} = x_n - \frac {2 f(x_n) f'(x_n)} {2 {[f'(x_n)]}^2 - f(x_n) f''(x_n)}

fA pointer to an instance of the FuncWrapper1DWithTwoDerivs class that implements the call() and two derivatives
x0The initial guess for the solution
ftolThe absolute value of the tolerance accepted for the objective function
maxiterMaximum number of iterations
xtol_relThe minimum allowable (relative) step size
If no errors are found, the solution, otherwise the value _HUGE, the value for infinity

Definition at line 152 of file Solvers.cpp.

◆ has_backend_in_string()

bool CoolProp::has_backend_in_string ( const std::string &  fluid_string,
std::size_t &  i 

Definition at line 80 of file CoolProp.cpp.

◆ has_fractions_in_string()

bool CoolProp::has_fractions_in_string ( const std::string &  fluid_string)

Definition at line 108 of file CoolProp.cpp.

◆ has_solution_concentration()

bool CoolProp::has_solution_concentration ( const std::string &  fluid_string)

Definition at line 112 of file CoolProp.cpp.

◆ Householder4() [1/2]

double CoolProp::Householder4 ( FuncWrapper1DWithThreeDerivs f,
double  x0,
double  ftol,
int  maxiter,
double  xtol_rel = 1e-12 

Definition at line 101 of file Solvers.h.

◆ Householder4() [2/2]

double CoolProp::Householder4 ( FuncWrapper1DWithThreeDerivs f,
double  x0,
double  ftol,
int  maxiter,
double  xtol_rel 

In the 4-th order Householder method, three derivatives of the input variable are needed, it yields the following method:

x_{n+1} = x_n - f(x_n)\left( \frac {[f'(x_n)]^2 - f(x_n)f''(x_n)/2 } {[f'(x_n)]^3-f(x_n)f'(x_n)f''(x_n)+f'''(x_n)*[f(x_n)]^2/6 } \right)

fA pointer to an instance of the FuncWrapper1DWithThreeDerivs class that implements the call() and three derivatives
x0The initial guess for the solution
ftolThe absolute value of the tolerance accepted for the objective function
maxiterMaximum number of iterations
xtol_relThe minimum allowable (relative) step size
If no errors are found, the solution, otherwise the value _HUGE, the value for infinity

Definition at line 212 of file Solvers.cpp.

◆ invert()

template<class T >
std::vector<std::vector<T> > CoolProp::invert ( std::vector< std::vector< T >> const &  in)

Definition at line 865 of file MatrixMath.h.

◆ is_predefined_mixture()

bool CoolProp::is_predefined_mixture ( const std::string &  name,
Dictionary dict 

Get the parameters for a predefined mixture - R410A, R404A, etc. if the mixture is predefined.

Definition at line 64 of file MixtureParameters.cpp.

◆ is_squared()

template<class T >
bool CoolProp::is_squared ( std::vector< std::vector< T >> const &  in)

Definition at line 58 of file MatrixMath.h.

◆ is_trivial_parameter()

bool CoolProp::is_trivial_parameter ( int  key)

Returns true if the input is trivial (constants, critical parameters, etc.)

Definition at line 167 of file DataStructures.cpp.

◆ is_valid_first_derivative()

bool CoolProp::is_valid_first_derivative ( const std::string &  name,
parameters iOf,
parameters iWrt,
parameters iConstant 

Returns true if the string corresponds to a valid first derivative

If it is a value derivative, the variables are set to the parts of the derivative

Definition at line 222 of file DataStructures.cpp.

◆ is_valid_first_saturation_derivative()

bool CoolProp::is_valid_first_saturation_derivative ( const std::string &  name,
parameters iOf,
parameters iWrt 

Returns true if the string corresponds to a valid first saturation derivative - e.g. "d(P)/d(T)|sigma" for instance

If it is a valid derivative, the variables are set to the parts of the derivative

Definition at line 265 of file DataStructures.cpp.

◆ is_valid_fluid_string()

bool CoolProp::is_valid_fluid_string ( const std::string &  fluidstring)

Check if the fluid name is valid.

output Returns true if the fluid string is valid
"gfreilgregre" -> false; "HEOS::Water" -> true; "Water" -> true

Definition at line 867 of file CoolProp.cpp.

◆ is_valid_parameter()

bool CoolProp::is_valid_parameter ( const std::string &  param_name,
parameters iOutput 

Returns true if a valid parameter, and sets value in the variable iOutput.

Definition at line 208 of file DataStructures.cpp.

◆ is_valid_phase()

bool CoolProp::is_valid_phase ( const std::string &  phase_name,
phases iOutput 

Return true if passed phase name is valid, otherwise false

phase_nameThe phase name string to be checked ("phase_liquid" for instance)
iOutputGets updated with the phases enum value if phase_name is found

Definition at line 406 of file DataStructures.cpp.

◆ is_valid_scheme()

bool CoolProp::is_valid_scheme ( const std::string &  scheme_name,
schemes iOutput 

Return true if passed PC-SAFT association scheme name is valid, otherwise false

scheme_nameThe association scheme string to be checked ("2B" for instance)
iOutputGets updated with the schemes enum value if scheme_name is found

Definition at line 480 of file DataStructures.cpp.

◆ is_valid_second_derivative()

bool CoolProp::is_valid_second_derivative ( const std::string &  name,
parameters iOf1,
parameters iWrt1,
parameters iConstant1,
parameters iWrt2,
parameters iConstant2 

Returns true if the string corresponds to a valid second derivative

If it is a value derivative, the variables are set to the parts of the derivative

Definition at line 307 of file DataStructures.cpp.

◆ kahanSum()

CoolPropDbl CoolProp::kahanSum ( const std::vector< CoolPropDbl > &  x)

Definition at line 13 of file Helmholtz.cpp.

◆ linsolve() [1/2]

template<class T >
std::vector<std::vector<T> > CoolProp::linsolve ( std::vector< std::vector< T >> const &  A,
std::vector< std::vector< T >> const &  B 

Definition at line 719 of file MatrixMath.h.

◆ linsolve() [2/2]

template<class T >
std::vector<T> CoolProp::linsolve ( std::vector< std::vector< T >> const &  A,
std::vector< T > const &  b 

Definition at line 724 of file MatrixMath.h.

◆ linsolve_Gauss_Jordan()

template<typename T >
std::vector<std::vector<T> > CoolProp::linsolve_Gauss_Jordan ( std::vector< std::vector< T >> const &  A,
std::vector< std::vector< T >> const &  B 

Definition at line 593 of file MatrixMath.h.

◆ load()

void CoolProp::load ( )

Definition at line 28 of file FluidLibrary.cpp.

◆ load_incompressible_library()

void CoolProp::load_incompressible_library ( )

Definition at line 542 of file IncompressibleLibrary.cpp.

◆ load_table()

template<typename T >
void CoolProp::load_table ( T &  table,
const std::string &  path_to_tables,
const std::string &  filename 

Definition at line 34 of file TabularBackends.cpp.

◆ make_squared()

template<class T >
std::vector<std::vector<T> > CoolProp::make_squared ( std::vector< std::vector< T >> const &  in)

Definition at line 758 of file MatrixMath.h.

◆ makeColVector()

template<class T >
Eigen::Matrix<T, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> CoolProp::makeColVector ( const Eigen::Matrix< T, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic > &  matrix)

Convert 1D matrix to vector.

Returns either a row- or a column-based vector. By default, Eigen prefers column major ordering, just like Fortran.

Definition at line 181 of file MatrixMath.h.

◆ makeRowVector()

template<class T >
Eigen::Matrix<T, 1, Eigen::Dynamic> CoolProp::makeRowVector ( const Eigen::Matrix< T, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic > &  matrix)

Definition at line 199 of file MatrixMath.h.

◆ makeVector()

template<class T >
Eigen::Matrix<T, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> CoolProp::makeVector ( const Eigen::Matrix< T, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic > &  matrix)

Definition at line 195 of file MatrixMath.h.

◆ mass_to_molar()

void CoolProp::mass_to_molar ( parameters param,
double &  conversion_factor,
double  molar_mass 

Get a conversion factor from mass to molar if needed.

Definition at line 174 of file TabularBackends.h.

◆ mat_to_string() [1/2]

template<class T >
std::string CoolProp::mat_to_string ( const Eigen::Matrix< T, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic > &  A)

Definition at line 398 of file MatrixMath.h.

◆ mat_to_string() [2/2]

template<class T >
std::string CoolProp::mat_to_string ( const Eigen::Matrix< T, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic > &  A,
const char *  fmt 

Templates for turning Eigen matrices into strings.

Definition at line 376 of file MatrixMath.h.

◆ match_pair()

bool CoolProp::match_pair ( parameters  key1,
parameters  key2,
parameters  x1,
parameters  x2,
bool &  swap 

Definition at line 320 of file DataStructures.h.

◆ max_cols()

template<class T >
std::size_t CoolProp::max_cols ( std::vector< std::vector< T >> const &  in)

Definition at line 46 of file MatrixMath.h.

◆ minor_matrix()

template<typename Derived >
Eigen::MatrixXd CoolProp::minor_matrix ( const Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived > &  A,
std::size_t  i,
std::size_t  j 

Definition at line 901 of file MatrixMath.h.

◆ multiply() [1/3]

template<class T >
std::vector<std::vector<T> > CoolProp::multiply ( std::vector< std::vector< T >> const &  A,
std::vector< std::vector< T >> const &  B 

Definition at line 809 of file MatrixMath.h.

◆ multiply() [2/3]

template<class T >
std::vector<T> CoolProp::multiply ( std::vector< std::vector< T >> const &  A,
std::vector< T > const &  b 

Definition at line 795 of file MatrixMath.h.

◆ multiply() [3/3]

template<class T >
T CoolProp::multiply ( std::vector< T > const &  a,
std::vector< T > const &  b 

Definition at line 791 of file MatrixMath.h.

◆ NDNewtonRaphson_Jacobian()

std::vector< double > CoolProp::NDNewtonRaphson_Jacobian ( FuncWrapperND f,
const std::vector< double > &  x,
double  tol,
int  maxiter,
double  w 

In this formulation of the Multi-Dimensional Newton-Raphson solver the Jacobian matrix is known. Therefore, the dx vector can be obtained from


for a given value of x. The pointer to the class FuncWrapperND that is passed in must implement the call() and Jacobian() functions, each of which take the vector x. The data is managed using std::vector<double> vectors

fA pointer to an subclass of the FuncWrapperND class that implements the call() and Jacobian() functions
x0The initial guess value for the solution
tolThe root-sum-square of the errors from each of the components
maxiterThe maximum number of iterations
errstringA string with the returned error. If the length of errstring is zero, no errors were found
wA relaxation multiplier on the step size, multiplying the normal step size
If no errors are found, the solution. Otherwise, _HUGE, the value for infinity

Definition at line 50 of file Solvers.cpp.

◆ Newton() [1/2]

double CoolProp::Newton ( FuncWrapper1DWithDeriv f,
double  x0,
double  ftol,
int  maxiter 

Definition at line 95 of file Solvers.h.

◆ Newton() [2/2]

double CoolProp::Newton ( FuncWrapper1DWithDeriv f,
double  x0,
double  ftol,
int  maxiter 

In the newton function, a 1-D Newton-Raphson solver is implemented using exact solutions. An initial guess for the solution is provided.

fA pointer to an instance of the FuncWrapper1D class that implements the call() function
x0The initial guess for the solution
ftolThe absolute value of the tolerance accepted for the objective function
maxiterMaximum number of iterations
If no errors are found, the solution, otherwise the value _HUGE, the value for infinity

Definition at line 109 of file Solvers.cpp.

◆ num_cols() [1/2]

template<class T >
std::size_t CoolProp::num_cols ( std::vector< std::vector< T >> const &  in)

Definition at line 77 of file MatrixMath.h.

◆ num_cols() [2/2]

template<class T >
std::size_t CoolProp::num_cols ( std::vector< T > const &  in)

Definition at line 73 of file MatrixMath.h.

◆ num_rows() [1/2]

template<class T >
std::size_t CoolProp::num_rows ( std::vector< std::vector< T >> const &  in)

Definition at line 41 of file MatrixMath.h.

◆ num_rows() [2/2]

template<class T >
std::size_t CoolProp::num_rows ( std::vector< T > const &  in)

Some shortcuts and regularly needed operations.

Definition at line 37 of file MatrixMath.h.

◆ parse_HMX_BNC()

void CoolProp::parse_HMX_BNC ( const std::string &  s,
std::vector< REFPROP_binary_element > &  BIP,
std::vector< REFPROP_departure_function > &  functions 

Definition at line 651 of file MixtureParameters.cpp.

◆ phase_lookup_string()

std::string CoolProp::phase_lookup_string ( phases  Phase)

An internal function to extract the phase string, given the phase index; Handy for printing the actual phase string in debug, warning, and error messages.

PhaseThe enumerated phase index to be looked up

< Liquid

< Supercritical (p > pc, T > Tc)

< Supercritical gas (p < pc, T > Tc)

< Supercritical liquid (p > pc, T < Tc)

< At the critical point

< Subcritical gas

< Twophase (between saturation curves - inclusive)

< Unknown phase

Definition at line 1074 of file CoolProp.cpp.

◆ PhaseSI()

std::string CoolProp::PhaseSI ( const std::string &  Name1,
double  Prop1,
const std::string &  Name2,
double  Prop2,
const std::string &  FluidName 

Return a string representation of the phase

Name1The first state variable name, one of "T","D","H",etc.
Prop1The first state variable value
Name2The second state variable name, one of "T","D","H",etc.
Prop2The second state variable value
FluidNameThe fluid name
Returns empty string if there was an error; use get_global_param_string("errstring") to retrieve the error

Definition at line 1097 of file CoolProp.cpp.

◆ Props1SI()

double CoolProp::Props1SI ( std::string  FluidName,
std::string  Output 

Return a value that does not depend on the thermodynamic state - this is a convenience function that does the call PropsSI(Output, "", 0, "", 0, FluidName)

FluidNameThe fluid name
OutputThe output parameter, one of "Tcrit","D","H",etc.

Definition at line 812 of file CoolProp.cpp.

◆ Props1SImulti()

std::vector< std::vector< double > > CoolProp::Props1SImulti ( const std::vector< std::string > &  Outputs,
const std::string &  backend,
const std::vector< std::string > &  fluids,
const std::vector< double > &  fractions 

Get a matrix of outputs that do not depend on the thermodynamic state - this is a convenience function that does the call PropsSImulti(Outputs, "", {0}, "", {0}, backend, fluids, fractions)

OutputsA vector of strings for the output parameters
backendThe string representation of the backend (HEOS, REFPROP, INCOMP, etc.)
fluidsThe fluid name(s)
fractionsThe fractions (molar, mass, volume, etc.) of the components

Definition at line 839 of file CoolProp.cpp.

◆ PropsSI()

double CoolProp::PropsSI ( const std::string &  Output,
const std::string &  Name1,
double  Prop1,
const std::string &  Name2,
double  Prop2,
const std::string &  FluidName 

Return a value that depends on the thermodynamic state

OutputThe output parameter, one of "T","D","H",etc.
Name1The first state variable name, one of "T","D","H",etc.
Prop1The first state variable value
Name2The second state variable name, one of "T","D","H",etc.
Prop2The second state variable value
FluidNameThe fluid name

Definition at line 613 of file CoolProp.cpp.

◆ PropsSImulti()

std::vector< std::vector< double > > CoolProp::PropsSImulti ( const std::vector< std::string > &  Outputs,
const std::string &  Name1,
const std::vector< double > &  Prop1,
const std::string &  Name2,
const std::vector< double > &  Prop2,
const std::string &  backend,
const std::vector< std::string > &  fluids,
const std::vector< double > &  fractions 

Get a matrix of outputs for a given input. Can handle both vector inputs as well as a vector of output strings.

OutputsA vector of strings for the output parameters
Name1The name of the first input variable
Prop1A vector of the first input values
Name2The name of the second input variable
Prop2A vector of the second input values
backendThe string representation of the backend (HEOS, REFPROP, INCOMP, etc.)
fluidsThe fluid name(s)
fractionsThe fractions (molar, mass, volume, etc.) of the components

Definition at line 584 of file CoolProp.cpp.

◆ ramp()

double CoolProp::ramp ( double  x)

Definition at line 29 of file Helmholtz.cpp.


void CoolProp::REFPROP_SETREF ( char  hrf[3],
int  ixflag,
double  x0[1],
double &  h0,
double &  s0,
double &  T0,
double &  p0,
int &  ierr,
char  herr[255],
int  l1,
int  l2 

Definition at line 2147 of file REFPROPMixtureBackend.cpp.

◆ register_backend()

void CoolProp::register_backend ( const backend_families bf,
shared_ptr< AbstractStateGenerator gen 

Register a backend in the backend library (statically defined in AbstractState.cpp and not publicly accessible)

Definition at line 56 of file AbstractState.cpp.

◆ removeColumn() [1/2]

template<class T >
void CoolProp::removeColumn ( Eigen::Matrix< T, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic > &  matrix,
std::size_t  colToRemove 

Definition at line 236 of file MatrixMath.h.

◆ removeColumn() [2/2]

void CoolProp::removeColumn ( Eigen::MatrixXd &  matrix,
unsigned int  colToRemove 

Definition at line 889 of file MatrixMath.h.

◆ removeRow() [1/2]

template<class T >
void CoolProp::removeRow ( Eigen::Matrix< T, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic > &  matrix,
std::size_t  rowToRemove 

Remove rows and columns from matrices.

A set of convenience functions inspired by but altered to respect templates.

Definition at line 218 of file MatrixMath.h.

◆ removeRow() [2/2]

void CoolProp::removeRow ( Eigen::MatrixXd &  matrix,
unsigned int  rowToRemove 

Definition at line 877 of file MatrixMath.h.

◆ saturation_ancillary()

double CoolProp::saturation_ancillary ( const std::string &  fluid_name,
const std::string &  output,
int  Q,
const std::string &  input,
double  value 

Definition at line 881 of file CoolProp.cpp.

◆ Secant() [1/2]

double CoolProp::Secant ( FuncWrapper1D f,
double  x0,
double  dx,
double  ftol,
int  maxiter 

Definition at line 85 of file Solvers.h.

◆ Secant() [2/2]

double CoolProp::Secant ( FuncWrapper1D f,
double  x0,
double  dx,
double  tol,
int  maxiter 

In the secant function, a 1-D Newton-Raphson solver is implemented. An initial guess for the solution is provided.

fA pointer to an instance of the FuncWrapper1D class that implements the call() function
x0The initial guess for the solutionh
dxThe initial amount that is added to x in order to build the numerical derivative
tolThe absolute value of the tolerance accepted for the objective function
maxiterMaximum number of iterations
If no errors are found, the solution, otherwise the value _HUGE, the value for infinity

Definition at line 273 of file Solvers.cpp.

◆ set_config_as_json()

void CoolProp::set_config_as_json ( rapidjson::Value &  val)

Definition at line 111 of file Configuration.cpp.

◆ set_config_as_json_string()

void CoolProp::set_config_as_json_string ( const std::string &  s)

Set the entire configuration based on a json-formatted string.

Definition at line 141 of file Configuration.cpp.

◆ set_config_bool()

void CoolProp::set_config_bool ( configuration_keys  key,
bool  val 

Set the value of a boolean configuration value.


Definition at line 70 of file Configuration.cpp.

◆ set_config_double()

void CoolProp::set_config_double ( configuration_keys  key,
double  val 

Set the value of a double configuration value.

Definition at line 76 of file Configuration.cpp.

◆ set_config_int()

void CoolProp::set_config_int ( configuration_keys  key,
int  val 

Set the value of an integer configuration value.

Definition at line 73 of file Configuration.cpp.

◆ set_config_json()

void CoolProp::set_config_json ( rapidjson::Document &  doc)

Set values in the configuration based on a json file.

◆ set_config_string()

void CoolProp::set_config_string ( configuration_keys  key,
const std::string &  val 

Set the value of a string configuration value.

Definition at line 79 of file Configuration.cpp.

◆ set_debug_level()

void CoolProp::set_debug_level ( int  level)

Set the debug level

levelThe level of the verbosity for the debugging output (0-10) 0: no debgging output

Definition at line 61 of file CoolProp.cpp.

◆ set_departure_functions()

void CoolProp::set_departure_functions ( const std::string &  string_data)

Set the departure functions in the departure function library from a string format.

string_dataThe departure functions to be set, either provided as a JSON-formatted string or as a string of the contents of a HMX.BNC file from REFPROP
By default, if a departure function already exists in the library, this is an error, unless the configuration variable OVERWRITE_DEPARTURE_FUNCTIONS is set to true

Definition at line 797 of file MixtureParameters.cpp.

◆ set_error_string()

void CoolProp::set_error_string ( const std::string &  error)

Set the global error string

errorThe error string to use

Definition at line 75 of file CoolProp.cpp.

◆ set_fluid_enthalpy_entropy_offset()

void CoolProp::set_fluid_enthalpy_entropy_offset ( const std::string &  fluid,
double  delta_a1,
double  delta_a2,
const std::string &  ref 

Set the internal enthalpy and entropy offset variables.

Definition at line 381 of file FluidLibrary.cpp.

◆ set_interaction_parameters()

void CoolProp::set_interaction_parameters ( const std::string &  string_data)

Set the interaction parameters from a string format.

string_dataThe model parameters, as a JSON-formatted string

Definition at line 398 of file MixtureParameters.cpp.

◆ set_mixture_binary_pair_data()

void CoolProp::set_mixture_binary_pair_data ( const std::string &  CAS1,
const std::string &  CAS2,
const std::string &  param,
const double  val 

Set a parameter for the given binary pair.

CAS1The CAS # for the first fluid (order matters!)
CAS2The CAS # for the second fluid (order matters!)
paramThe parameter you want to set
valThe value of the parameter

Definition at line 355 of file MixtureParameters.cpp.

◆ set_mixture_binary_pair_pcsaft()

void CoolProp::set_mixture_binary_pair_pcsaft ( const std::string &  CAS1,
const std::string &  CAS2,
const std::string &  key,
const double  value 

Definition at line 20 of file PCSAFTLibrary.cpp.

◆ set_predefined_mixtures()

void CoolProp::set_predefined_mixtures ( const std::string &  string_data)

Set predefined mixtures at runtime.

string_dataThe predefined mixtures, as a JSON-formatted string

Definition at line 74 of file MixtureParameters.cpp.

◆ set_reference_stateD()

void CoolProp::set_reference_stateD ( const std::string &  FluidName,
double  T,
double  rhomolar,
double  hmolar0,
double  smolar0 

Set the reference state based on a thermodynamic state point specified by temperature and molar density

FluidNameThe name of the fluid
TTemperature at reference state [K]
rhomolarMolar density at reference state [mol/m^3]
hmolar0Molar enthalpy at reference state [J/mol]
smolar0Molar entropy at reference state [J/mol/K]

Definition at line 971 of file CoolProp.cpp.

◆ set_reference_stateS()

void CoolProp::set_reference_stateS ( const std::string &  FluidName,
const std::string &  reference_state 

Set the reference state based on a string representation.

FluidNameThe name of the fluid (Backend can be provided like "REFPROP::Water", or if no backend is provided, "HEOS" is the assumed backend)
reference_stateThe reference state to use, one of
Reference State Description
"IIR" h = 200 kJ/kg, s=1 kJ/kg/K at 0C saturated liquid
"ASHRAE" h = 0, s = 0 @ -40C saturated liquid
"NBP" h = 0, s = 0 @ 1.0 bar saturated liquid
"DEF" Reset to the default reference state for the fluid
"RESET" Remove the offset

The offset in the ideal gas Helmholtz energy can be obtained from

\displaystyle\frac{\Delta s}{R_u/M}+\frac{\Delta h}{(R_u/M)T}\tau

where \Delta s = s-s_{spec} and \Delta h = h-h_{spec}

Definition at line 892 of file CoolProp.cpp.

◆ set_warning_string()

void CoolProp::set_warning_string ( const std::string &  warning)

An internal function to set the global warning string

warningThe string to set as the warning string

Definition at line 72 of file CoolProp.cpp.

◆ sign()

CoolPropDbl CoolProp::sign ( CoolPropDbl  x)

Definition at line 915 of file VLERoutines.cpp.

◆ split_input_pair()

void CoolProp::split_input_pair ( input_pairs  pair,
parameters p1,
parameters p2 

Split an input pair into parameters for the two parts that form the pair.

Definition at line 613 of file DataStructures.cpp.

◆ stringvec_to_string()

std::string CoolProp::stringvec_to_string ( const std::vector< std::string > &  a)

Templates for turning vectors (1D-matrices) into strings.

Definition at line 334 of file MatrixMath.h.

◆ StripPhase()

bool CoolProp::StripPhase ( std::string &  Name,
shared_ptr< AbstractState > &  State 

Definition at line 495 of file CoolProp.cpp.

◆ subtract_row_multiple()

template<typename T >
void CoolProp::subtract_row_multiple ( std::vector< std::vector< T >> *  A,
size_t  row,
size_t  pivot_row 

Definition at line 565 of file MatrixMath.h.

◆ swap_rows()

template<typename T >
void CoolProp::swap_rows ( std::vector< std::vector< T >> *  A,
size_t  row1,
size_t  row2 

Template class for turning numbers (0D-matrices) into strings.

Definition at line 559 of file MatrixMath.h.

◆ transpose()

template<class T >
std::vector<std::vector<T> > CoolProp::transpose ( std::vector< std::vector< T >> const &  in)

Definition at line 847 of file MatrixMath.h.

◆ vec_to_eigen() [1/3]

template<class T >
Eigen::Matrix<T, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic> CoolProp::vec_to_eigen ( const std::vector< std::vector< T >> &  coefficients)
coefficientsmatrix containing the ordered coefficients

Definition at line 136 of file MatrixMath.h.

◆ vec_to_eigen() [2/3]

template<class T >
Eigen::Matrix<T, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic> CoolProp::vec_to_eigen ( const std::vector< T > &  coefficients,
int  axis = 0 
coefficientsmatrix containing the ordered coefficients
axisaxis along which to extract data

Definition at line 151 of file MatrixMath.h.

◆ vec_to_eigen() [3/3]

template<class T >
Eigen::Matrix<T, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic> CoolProp::vec_to_eigen ( const T &  coefficient)

Definition at line 168 of file MatrixMath.h.

◆ vec_to_string() [1/6]

template<class T >
std::string CoolProp::vec_to_string ( const std::vector< std::vector< T >> &  A)

Definition at line 370 of file MatrixMath.h.

◆ vec_to_string() [2/6]

template<class T >
std::string CoolProp::vec_to_string ( const std::vector< std::vector< T >> &  A,
const char *  fmt 

Templates for turning 2D-matrices into strings.

Definition at line 359 of file MatrixMath.h.

◆ vec_to_string() [3/6]

template<class T >
std::string CoolProp::vec_to_string ( const std::vector< T > &  a)

Definition at line 330 of file MatrixMath.h.

◆ vec_to_string() [4/6]

template<class T >
std::string CoolProp::vec_to_string ( const std::vector< T > &  a,
const char *  fmt 

Templates for turning vectors (1D-matrices) into strings.

Definition at line 319 of file MatrixMath.h.

◆ vec_to_string() [5/6]

template<class T >
std::string CoolProp::vec_to_string ( const T &  a)

Definition at line 353 of file MatrixMath.h.

◆ vec_to_string() [6/6]

template<class T >
std::string CoolProp::vec_to_string ( const T &  a,
const char *  fmt 

Templates for turning numbers (0D-matrices) into strings.

Definition at line 347 of file MatrixMath.h.

◆ vecstring_to_string()

std::string CoolProp::vecstring_to_string ( const std::vector< std::string > &  a)

Templates for turning vectors (1D-matrices) into strings.

Definition at line 20 of file HelmholtzEOSBackend.h.

◆ wayToSort()

bool CoolProp::wayToSort ( CoolPropDbl  i,
CoolPropDbl  j 

Definition at line 24 of file Helmholtz.cpp.

◆ write_table()

template<typename T >
void CoolProp::write_table ( const T &  table,
const std::string &  path_to_tables,
const std::string &  name 

Definition at line 91 of file TabularBackends.cpp.

◆ Xdd()

double CoolProp::Xdd ( double  X,
double  delta,
double  Delta,
double  Delta_d,
double  Delta_dd 

Definition at line 1011 of file Helmholtz.cpp.

Variable Documentation

◆ backend_family_list

const backend_family_info CoolProp::backend_family_list[]
Initial value:

Definition at line 773 of file DataStructures.cpp.

◆ backend_information_p

BackendInformation* CoolProp::backend_information_p = nullptr

Definition at line 819 of file DataStructures.cpp.

◆ backend_list

const backend_info CoolProp::backend_list[]
Initial value:
{PR_BACKEND, "PengRobinsonBackend", PR_BACKEND_FAMILY},

Definition at line 778 of file DataStructures.cpp.


constexpr double CoolProp::CPPOLY_DELTA = CPPOLY_EPSILON * 10.0

Definition at line 21 of file PolyMath.cpp.


constexpr double CoolProp::CPPOLY_EPSILON = DBL_EPSILON * 100.0

Definition at line 20 of file PolyMath.cpp.

◆ input_pair_information_p

InputPairInformation* CoolProp::input_pair_information_p = nullptr

Definition at line 579 of file DataStructures.cpp.

◆ input_pair_list

const input_pair_info CoolProp::input_pair_list[]

Definition at line 519 of file DataStructures.cpp.

◆ parameter_info_list

const parameter_info CoolProp::parameter_info_list[]

Definition at line 18 of file DataStructures.cpp.

◆ parameter_information_p

ParameterInformation* CoolProp::parameter_information_p = nullptr

Definition at line 158 of file DataStructures.cpp.

◆ phase_info_list

const phase_info CoolProp::phase_info_list[]
Initial value:
= {
{iphase_liquid, "phase_liquid", ""},
{iphase_gas, "phase_gas", ""},
{iphase_twophase, "phase_twophase", ""},
{iphase_supercritical, "phase_supercritical", ""},
{iphase_supercritical_gas, "phase_supercritical_gas", "p < pc, T > Tc"},
{iphase_supercritical_liquid, "phase_supercritical_liquid", "p > pc, T < Tc"},
{iphase_critical_point, "phase_critical_point", "p = pc, T = Tc"},
{iphase_unknown, "phase_unknown", ""},
{iphase_not_imposed, "phase_not_imposed", ""},

Definition at line 361 of file DataStructures.cpp.

◆ phase_information_p

PhaseInformation* CoolProp::phase_information_p = nullptr

Definition at line 389 of file DataStructures.cpp.

◆ scheme_info_list

const scheme_info CoolProp::scheme_info_list[]
Initial value:
= {
{ i1, "1"},
{ i2a, "2A"},
{ i2b, "2B"},
{ i3a, "3A"},
{ i3b, "3B"},
{ i4a, "4A"},
{ i4b, "4B"},
{ i4c, "4C"},

Definition at line 435 of file DataStructures.cpp.

◆ scheme_information_p

SchemeInformation* CoolProp::scheme_information_p = nullptr

Definition at line 462 of file DataStructures.cpp.