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CoolProp  6.7.1dev
An open-source fluid property and humid air property database
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CoolProp::AbstractCubicBackend Class Referenceabstract

Detailed Description

Definition at line 32 of file CubicBackend.h.

#include <CubicBackend.h>

Inheritance diagram for CoolProp::AbstractCubicBackend:
CoolProp::HelmholtzEOSMixtureBackend CoolProp::AbstractState CoolProp::PengRobinsonBackend CoolProp::SRKBackend CoolProp::VTPRBackend

Public Member Functions

void setup (bool generate_SatL_and_SatV=true)
 Set the pointer to the residual helmholtz class, etc. More...
void set_alpha_from_components ()
 Set the alpha function based on the alpha function defined in the components vector;. More...
void set_alpha0_from_components ()
 Set the non-dimensionalized Helmholtz energy based on the fluids defined in the components vector. More...
shared_ptr< AbstractCubic > & get_cubic ()
 Get a reference to the shared pointer managing the generalized cubic class. More...
std::vector< std::string > calc_fluid_names (void)
 Using this backend, get a vector of fluid names. More...
bool using_mole_fractions (void)
bool using_mass_fractions (void)
bool using_volu_fractions (void)
void set_mass_fractions (const std::vector< CoolPropDbl > &mass_fractions)
void set_volu_fractions (const std::vector< CoolPropDbl > &volu_fractions)
const std::vector< CoolPropDbl > & get_mole_fractions (void)
 Get the mole fractions of the fluid. More...
const double get_fluid_constant (std::size_t i, parameters param) const
std::string fluid_param_string (const std::string &)
 Return a string from the backend for the mixture/fluid. More...
CoolPropDbl calc_gas_constant (void)
 Calculate the gas constant in J/mol/K. More...
SimpleState calc_reducing_state_nocache (const std::vector< CoolPropDbl > &mole_fractions)
 Get the reducing state to be used. More...
CoolPropDbl calc_reduced_density (void)
 Using this backend, calculate the reduced density (rho/rhoc) More...
CoolPropDbl calc_reciprocal_reduced_temperature (void)
 Using this backend, calculate the reciprocal reduced temperature (Tc/T) More...
std::vector< double > spinodal_densities ()
CoolPropDbl calc_T_critical (void)
 Using this backend, get the critical point temperature in K. More...
CoolPropDbl calc_p_critical (void)
 Using this backend, get the critical point pressure in Pa. More...
CoolPropDbl calc_acentric_factor (void)
 Using this backend, calculate the acentric factor. More...
CoolPropDbl calc_rhomolar_critical (void)
 Using this backend, get the critical point molar density in mol/m^3. More...
void get_linear_reducing_parameters (double &rhomolar, double &T)
 Get linear mole fraction weighting of the critical molar volumes and temperatures these are used in te. More...
void get_critical_point_starting_values (double &delta0, double &tau0)
 Get the the starting values for the critical point evaluation routines. More...
void get_critical_point_search_radii (double &R_delta, double &R_tau)
 Get the search radius in delta and tau for the tracer, scaled appropriately for cubic. More...
bool get_critical_is_terminated (double &delta, double &tau)
 Checking function to see if we should stop the tracing of the critical contour. More...
CoolPropDbl calc_alphar_deriv_nocache (const int nTau, const int nDelta, const std::vector< CoolPropDbl > &mole_fractions, const CoolPropDbl &tau, const CoolPropDbl &delta)
CoolPropDbl calc_pressure_nocache (CoolPropDbl T, CoolPropDbl rhomolar)
 Calculate the pressure in most computationally efficient manner. More...
virtual void update_DmolarT ()
 Update the state for DT inputs if phase is imposed. Otherwise delegate to base class. More...
virtual void update (CoolProp::input_pairs input_pair, double value1, double value2)
 The standard update function. More...
void rho_Tp_cubic (CoolPropDbl T, CoolPropDbl p, int &Nsolns, double &rho0, double &rho1, double &rho2)
CoolPropDbl solver_rho_Tp_SRK (CoolPropDbl T, CoolPropDbl p, phases phase)
 In this class, we are already doing cubic evaluation, just delegate to our function. More...
CoolPropDbl solver_rho_Tp (CoolPropDbl T, CoolPropDbl p, CoolPropDbl rho_guess=-1)
CoolPropDbl solver_rho_Tp_global (CoolPropDbl T, CoolPropDbl p, CoolPropDbl rhomax)
void update_TPD_state ()
 Update the state used to calculate the tangent-plane-distance. More...
void saturation (CoolProp::input_pairs inputs)
 Cubic backend flashes for PQ, and QT. More...
CoolPropDbl calc_molar_mass (void)
 Using this backend, calculate the molar mass in kg/mol. More...
void set_binary_interaction_double (const std::size_t i1, const std::size_t i2, const std::string &parameter, const double value)
 Set binary mixture floating point parameter. More...
double get_binary_interaction_double (const std::size_t i1, const std::size_t i2, const std::string &parameter)
 Get binary mixture double value. More...
void set_binary_interaction_double (const std::string &CAS1, const std::string &CAS2, const std::string &parameter, const double value)
 Set binary mixture floating point parameter (EXPERT USE ONLY!!!) More...
double get_binary_interaction_double (const std::string &CAS1, const std::string &CAS2, const std::string &parameter)
 Get binary mixture double value (EXPERT USE ONLY!!!) More...
virtual HelmholtzEOSMixtureBackendget_copy (bool generate_SatL_and_SatV=true)=0
void copy_k (AbstractCubicBackend *donor)
void copy_all_alpha_functions (AbstractCubicBackend *donor)
void copy_internals (AbstractCubicBackend &donor)
 Copy the internals from another class into this one (kij, alpha functions, cp0 functions, etc.) More...
void set_cubic_alpha_C (const size_t i, const std::string &parameter, const double c1, const double c2, const double c3)
 Set the cubic alpha function's constants: More...
void set_fluid_parameter_double (const size_t i, const std::string &parameter, const double value)
 Set fluid parameter (currently the volume translation parameter for cubic) More...
double get_fluid_parameter_double (const size_t i, const std::string &parameter)
 Double fluid parameter (currently the volume translation parameter for cubic) More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from CoolProp::HelmholtzEOSMixtureBackend
 HelmholtzEOSMixtureBackend ()
 HelmholtzEOSMixtureBackend (const std::vector< CoolPropFluid > &components, bool generate_SatL_and_SatV=true)
 HelmholtzEOSMixtureBackend (const std::vector< std::string > &component_names, bool generate_SatL_and_SatV=true)
void sync_linked_states (const HelmholtzEOSMixtureBackend *const)
virtual ~HelmholtzEOSMixtureBackend ()
std::string backend_name (void)
bool clear ()
 Clear all the cached values. More...
bool using_mole_fractions ()
bool using_mass_fractions ()
bool using_volu_fractions ()
bool is_pure ()
bool has_melting_line ()
 Return true if the fluid has a melting line - default is false, but can be re-implemented by derived class. More...
CoolPropDbl calc_melting_line (int param, int given, CoolPropDbl value)
std::string fluid_param_string (const std::string &)
 Return a string from the backend for the mixture/fluid. More...
virtual void set_reference_stateS (const std::string &reference_state)
 brief Set the reference state based on a string representation More...
virtual void set_reference_stateD (double T, double rhomolar, double hmolar0, double smolar0)
 Set the reference state based on a thermodynamic state point specified by temperature and molar density. More...
void set_binary_interaction_string (const std::size_t i, const std::size_t j, const std::string &parameter, const std::string &value)
 Set a binary interaction string. More...
void apply_simple_mixing_rule (std::size_t i, std::size_t j, const std::string &model)
 Apply a simple mixing rule. More...
phases calc_phase (void)
 Using this backend, calculate the phase. More...
void calc_specify_phase (phases phase_index)
 Specify the phase - this phase will always be used in calculations. More...
void calc_unspecify_phase ()
 Unspecify the phase - the phase is no longer imposed, different solvers can do as they like. More...
CoolPropDbl calc_saturation_ancillary (parameters param, int Q, parameters given, double value)
void calc_ssat_max (void)
void calc_hsat_max (void)
CoolPropDbl calc_GWP20 ()
 Using this backend, calculate the 20-year global warming potential (GWP) More...
CoolPropDbl calc_GWP500 ()
 Using this backend, calculate the 500-year global warming potential (GWP) More...
CoolPropDbl calc_GWP100 ()
 Using this backend, calculate the 100-year global warming potential (GWP) More...
CoolPropDbl calc_ODP ()
 Using this backend, calculate the ozone depletion potential (ODP) More...
CoolPropDbl calc_first_saturation_deriv (parameters Of1, parameters Wrt1)
CoolPropDbl calc_first_saturation_deriv (parameters Of1, parameters Wrt1, HelmholtzEOSMixtureBackend &SatL, HelmholtzEOSMixtureBackend &SatV)
CoolPropDbl calc_second_saturation_deriv (parameters Of1, parameters Wrt1, parameters Wrt2)
CoolPropDbl calc_first_two_phase_deriv (parameters Of, parameters Wrt, parameters Constant)
CoolPropDbl calc_second_two_phase_deriv (parameters Of, parameters Wrt1, parameters Constant1, parameters Wrt2, parameters Constant2)
CoolPropDbl calc_first_two_phase_deriv_splined (parameters Of, parameters Wrt, parameters Constant, CoolPropDbl x_end)
CriticalState calc_critical_point (double rho0, double T0)
std::vector< CoolProp::CriticalStatecalc_all_critical_points ()
 An overload to make the compiler (clang in this case) happy. More...
virtual void calc_build_spinodal ()
 Build the spinodal curve. More...
virtual SpinodalData calc_get_spinodal_data ()
 Get the data from the spinodal curve. More...
void calc_criticality_contour_values (double &L1star, double &M1star)
 Calculate the values \(\mathcal{L}_1^*\) and \(\mathcal{M}_1^*\). More...
double calc_tangent_plane_distance (const double T, const double p, const std::vector< double > &w, const double rhomolar_guess)
 Calculate tangent plane distance for given trial composition w. More...
void recalculate_singlephase_phase ()
 Calculate the phase once the state is fully calculated but you aren't sure if it is liquid or gas or ... More...
void calc_change_EOS (const std::size_t i, const std::string &EOS_name)
 Change the equation of state for one component. More...
const CoolProp::SimpleStatecalc_state (const std::string &state)
const std::vector< CoolPropFluid > & get_components () const
std::vector< CoolPropFluid > & get_components ()
std::vector< CoolPropDbl > & get_K ()
std::vector< CoolPropDbl > & get_lnK ()
HelmholtzEOSMixtureBackendget_SatL ()
HelmholtzEOSMixtureBackendget_SatV ()
std::vector< CoolPropDblcalc_mole_fractions_liquid (void)
std::vector< CoolPropDblcalc_mole_fractions_vapor (void)
const std::vector< CoolPropDblcalc_mass_fractions (void)
const CoolProp::PhaseEnvelopeDatacalc_phase_envelope_data ()
void calc_conformal_state (const std::string &reference_fluid, CoolPropDbl &T, CoolPropDbl &rhomolar)
 Calculate the conformal state (unity shape factors starting point if T < 0 and rhomolar < 0) More...
void resize (std::size_t N)
void update_with_guesses (CoolProp::input_pairs input_pair, double Value1, double Value2, const GuessesStructure &guesses)
 Update the state using guess values. More...
void update_internal (HelmholtzEOSMixtureBackend &HEOS)
 Update all the internal variables for a state by copying from another state. More...
void update_TP_guessrho (CoolPropDbl T, CoolPropDbl p, CoolPropDbl rho_guess)
 Update with TP and a guess for rho. More...
void update_DmolarT_direct (CoolPropDbl rhomolar, CoolPropDbl T)
void update_HmolarQ_with_guessT (CoolPropDbl hmolar, CoolPropDbl Q, CoolPropDbl Tguess)
virtual void set_components (const std::vector< CoolPropFluid > &components, bool generate_SatL_and_SatV=true)
 Set the components of the mixture. More...
void set_mixture_parameters ()
 Set the mixture parameters - binary pair reducing functions, departure functions, F_ij, etc. More...
void set_mole_fractions (const std::vector< CoolPropDbl > &mf)
 Set the mole fractions. More...
const std::vector< CoolPropDbl > & get_mole_fractions ()
 Get the mole fractions of the fluid. More...
std::vector< CoolPropDbl > & get_mole_fractions_ref ()
std::vector< double > & get_mole_fractions_doubleref (void)
void set_mass_fractions (const std::vector< CoolPropDbl > &mass_fractions)
 Set the mass fractions. More...
void calc_ideal_curve (const std::string &type, std::vector< double > &T, std::vector< double > &p)
CoolPropDbl calc_molar_mass (void)
 Using this backend, calculate the molar mass in kg/mol. More...
CoolPropDbl calc_gas_constant (void)
 Using this backend, calculate the universal gas constant \(R_u\) in J/mol/K. More...
CoolPropDbl calc_acentric_factor (void)
 Using this backend, calculate the acentric factor. More...
CoolPropDbl calc_Bvirial (void)
 Using this backend, calculate the second virial coefficient. More...
CoolPropDbl calc_Cvirial (void)
 Using this backend, calculate the third virial coefficient. More...
CoolPropDbl calc_dBvirial_dT (void)
 Using this backend, calculate the derivative dB/dT. More...
CoolPropDbl calc_dCvirial_dT (void)
 Using this backend, calculate the derivative dC/dT. More...
CoolPropDbl calc_pressure (void)
 Using this backend, calculate the pressure in Pa. More...
CoolPropDbl calc_cvmolar (void)
 Using this backend, calculate the molar constant-volume specific heat in J/mol/K. More...
CoolPropDbl calc_cpmolar (void)
 Using this backend, calculate the molar constant-pressure specific heat in J/mol/K. More...
CoolPropDbl calc_gibbsmolar (void)
 Using this backend, calculate the molar Gibbs function in J/mol. More...
CoolPropDbl calc_gibbsmolar_residual (void)
 Using this backend, calculate the residual molar Gibbs function in J/mol. More...
CoolPropDbl calc_gibbsmolar_nocache (CoolPropDbl T, CoolPropDbl rhomolar)
CoolPropDbl calc_helmholtzmolar (void)
 Using this backend, calculate the molar Helmholtz energy in J/mol. More...
CoolPropDbl calc_cpmolar_idealgas (void)
 Using this backend, calculate the ideal gas molar constant-pressure specific heat in J/mol/K. More...
CoolPropDbl calc_pressure_nocache (CoolPropDbl T, CoolPropDbl rhomolar)
CoolPropDbl calc_smolar (void)
 Using this backend, calculate the molar entropy in J/mol/K. More...
CoolPropDbl calc_smolar_residual (void)
 Using this backend, calculate the residual molar entropy in J/mol/K. More...
CoolPropDbl calc_smolar_nocache (CoolPropDbl T, CoolPropDbl rhomolar)
CoolPropDbl calc_hmolar (void)
 Using this backend, calculate the molar enthalpy in J/mol. More...
CoolPropDbl calc_hmolar_residual (void)
 Using this backend, calculate the residual molar enthalpy in J/mol. More...
CoolPropDbl calc_hmolar_nocache (CoolPropDbl T, CoolPropDbl rhomolar)
CoolPropDbl calc_umolar_nocache (CoolPropDbl T, CoolPropDbl rhomolar)
CoolPropDbl calc_umolar (void)
 Using this backend, calculate the molar internal energy in J/mol. More...
CoolPropDbl calc_speed_sound (void)
 Using this backend, calculate the speed of sound in m/s. More...
void calc_excess_properties ()
 Using this backend, calculate and cache the excess properties. More...
CoolPropDbl calc_phase_identification_parameter (void)
 The phase identification parameter of Venkatarathnam et al., FPE, 2011. More...
CoolPropDbl calc_fugacity (std::size_t i)
 Using this backend, calculate the fugacity in Pa. More...
virtual CoolPropDbl calc_fugacity_coefficient (std::size_t i)
 Using this backend, calculate the fugacity coefficient (dimensionless) More...
CoolPropDbl calc_chemical_potential (std::size_t i)
 Using this backend, calculate the chemical potential in J/mol. More...
CoolPropDbl calc_flame_hazard (void)
 Using this backend, calculate the flame hazard. More...
CoolPropDbl calc_health_hazard (void)
 Using this backend, calculate the health hazard. More...
CoolPropDbl calc_physical_hazard (void)
 Using this backend, calculate the physical hazard. More...
CoolPropDbl calc_alphar (void)
 Using this backend, calculate the residual Helmholtz energy term \(\alpha^r\) (dimensionless) More...
CoolPropDbl calc_dalphar_dDelta (void)
 Using this backend, calculate the residual Helmholtz energy term \(\alpha^r_{\delta}\) (dimensionless) More...
CoolPropDbl calc_dalphar_dTau (void)
 Using this backend, calculate the residual Helmholtz energy term \(\alpha^r_{\tau}\) (dimensionless) More...
CoolPropDbl calc_d2alphar_dDelta2 (void)
 Using this backend, calculate the residual Helmholtz energy term \(\alpha^r_{\delta\delta}\) (dimensionless) More...
CoolPropDbl calc_d2alphar_dDelta_dTau (void)
 Using this backend, calculate the residual Helmholtz energy term \(\alpha^r_{\delta\tau}\) (dimensionless) More...
CoolPropDbl calc_d2alphar_dTau2 (void)
 Using this backend, calculate the residual Helmholtz energy term \(\alpha^r_{\tau\tau}\) (dimensionless) More...
CoolPropDbl calc_d3alphar_dDelta3 (void)
 Using this backend, calculate the residual Helmholtz energy term \(\alpha^r_{\delta\delta\delta}\) (dimensionless) More...
CoolPropDbl calc_d3alphar_dDelta2_dTau (void)
 Using this backend, calculate the residual Helmholtz energy term \(\alpha^r_{\delta\delta\tau}\) (dimensionless) More...
CoolPropDbl calc_d3alphar_dDelta_dTau2 (void)
 Using this backend, calculate the residual Helmholtz energy term \(\alpha^r_{\delta\tau\tau}\) (dimensionless) More...
CoolPropDbl calc_d3alphar_dTau3 (void)
 Using this backend, calculate the residual Helmholtz energy term \(\alpha^r_{\tau\tau\tau}\) (dimensionless) More...
CoolPropDbl calc_d4alphar_dDelta4 (void)
 Using this backend, calculate the residual Helmholtz energy term \(\alpha^r_{\delta\delta\delta\delta}\) (dimensionless) More...
CoolPropDbl calc_d4alphar_dDelta3_dTau (void)
 Using this backend, calculate the residual Helmholtz energy term \(\alpha^r_{\delta\delta\delta\tau}\) (dimensionless) More...
CoolPropDbl calc_d4alphar_dDelta2_dTau2 (void)
 Using this backend, calculate the residual Helmholtz energy term \(\alpha^r_{\delta\delta\tau\tau}\) (dimensionless) More...
CoolPropDbl calc_d4alphar_dDelta_dTau3 (void)
 Using this backend, calculate the residual Helmholtz energy term \(\alpha^r_{\delta\tau\tau\tau}\) (dimensionless) More...
CoolPropDbl calc_d4alphar_dTau4 (void)
 Using this backend, calculate the residual Helmholtz energy term \(\alpha^r_{\tau\tau\tau\tau}\) (dimensionless) More...
CoolPropDbl calc_alpha0 (void)
 Using this backend, calculate the ideal-gas Helmholtz energy term \(\alpha^0\) (dimensionless) More...
CoolPropDbl calc_dalpha0_dDelta (void)
 Using this backend, calculate the ideal-gas Helmholtz energy term \(\alpha^0_{\delta}\) (dimensionless) More...
CoolPropDbl calc_dalpha0_dTau (void)
 Using this backend, calculate the ideal-gas Helmholtz energy term \(\alpha^0_{\tau}\) (dimensionless) More...
CoolPropDbl calc_d2alpha0_dDelta2 (void)
 Using this backend, calculate the ideal-gas Helmholtz energy term \(\alpha^0_{\delta\tau}\) (dimensionless) More...
CoolPropDbl calc_d2alpha0_dDelta_dTau (void)
 Using this backend, calculate the ideal-gas Helmholtz energy term \(\alpha^0_{\delta\delta}\) (dimensionless) More...
CoolPropDbl calc_d2alpha0_dTau2 (void)
 Using this backend, calculate the ideal-gas Helmholtz energy term \(\alpha^0_{\tau\tau}\) (dimensionless) More...
CoolPropDbl calc_d3alpha0_dDelta3 (void)
 Using this backend, calculate the ideal-gas Helmholtz energy term \(\alpha^0_{\delta\delta\delta}\) (dimensionless) More...
CoolPropDbl calc_d3alpha0_dDelta2_dTau (void)
 Using this backend, calculate the ideal-gas Helmholtz energy term \(\alpha^0_{\delta\delta\tau}\) (dimensionless) More...
CoolPropDbl calc_d3alpha0_dDelta_dTau2 (void)
 Using this backend, calculate the ideal-gas Helmholtz energy term \(\alpha^0_{\delta\tau\tau}\) (dimensionless) More...
CoolPropDbl calc_d3alpha0_dTau3 (void)
 Using this backend, calculate the ideal-gas Helmholtz energy term \(\alpha^0_{\tau\tau\tau}\) (dimensionless) More...
CoolPropDbl calc_surface_tension (void)
 Using this backend, calculate the surface tension in N/m. More...
CoolPropDbl calc_viscosity (void)
 Using this backend, calculate the viscosity in Pa-s. More...
CoolPropDbl calc_viscosity_dilute (void)
CoolPropDbl calc_viscosity_background (void)
CoolPropDbl calc_viscosity_background (CoolPropDbl eta_dilute, CoolPropDbl &initial_density, CoolPropDbl &residual)
CoolPropDbl calc_conductivity (void)
 Using this backend, calculate the thermal conductivity in W/m/K. More...
CoolPropDbl calc_conductivity_background (void)
void calc_viscosity_contributions (CoolPropDbl &dilute, CoolPropDbl &initial_density, CoolPropDbl &residual, CoolPropDbl &critical)
 Calculate each of the contributions to the viscosity. More...
void calc_conductivity_contributions (CoolPropDbl &dilute, CoolPropDbl &initial_density, CoolPropDbl &residual, CoolPropDbl &critical)
 Calculate each of the contributions to the conductivity. More...
CoolPropDbl calc_saturated_liquid_keyed_output (parameters key)
CoolPropDbl calc_saturated_vapor_keyed_output (parameters key)
CoolPropDbl calc_Tmin (void)
 Using this backend, calculate the minimum temperature in K. More...
CoolPropDbl calc_Tmax (void)
 Using this backend, calculate the maximum temperature in K. More...
CoolPropDbl calc_pmax (void)
 Using this backend, calculate the maximum pressure in Pa. More...
CoolPropDbl calc_Ttriple (void)
 Using this backend, get the triple point temperature in K. More...
CoolPropDbl calc_p_triple (void)
 Using this backend, get the triple point pressure in Pa. More...
CoolPropDbl calc_pmax_sat (void)
CoolPropDbl calc_Tmax_sat (void)
void calc_Tmin_sat (CoolPropDbl &Tmin_satL, CoolPropDbl &Tmin_satV)
void calc_pmin_sat (CoolPropDbl &pmin_satL, CoolPropDbl &pmin_satV)
CoolPropDbl calc_T_reducing (void)
 Using this backend, get the reducing point temperature in K. More...
CoolPropDbl calc_rhomolar_reducing (void)
 Using this backend, get the reducing point molar density in mol/m^3. More...
CoolPropDbl calc_p_reducing (void)
 Using this backend, get the reducing point pressure in Pa. More...
CoolPropDbl calc_PIP (void)
 Using this backend, calculate the phase identification parameter (PIP) More...
std::string calc_name (void)
 Using this backend, get the name of the fluid. More...
std::vector< std::string > calc_fluid_names (void)
 Using this backend, get a vector of fluid names. More...
void calc_all_alphar_deriv_cache (const std::vector< CoolPropDbl > &mole_fractions, const CoolPropDbl &tau, const CoolPropDbl &delta)
CoolPropDbl calc_alpha0_deriv_nocache (const int nTau, const int nDelta, const std::vector< CoolPropDbl > &mole_fractions, const CoolPropDbl &tau, const CoolPropDbl &delta, const CoolPropDbl &Tr, const CoolPropDbl &rhor)
 Take derivatives of the ideal-gas part of the Helmholtz energy, don't use any cached values, or store any cached values. More...
virtual void calc_reducing_state (void)
const CoolProp::SimpleStateget_reducing_state ()
void update_states ()
 Update the states after having changed the reference state for enthalpy and entropy. More...
CoolPropDbl calc_compressibility_factor (void)
 Using this backend, calculate the compressibility factor Z \( Z = p/(\rho R T) \). More...
void calc_phase_envelope (const std::string &type)
 Using this backend, construct the phase envelope, the variable type describes the type of phase envelope to be built. More...
CoolPropDbl SRK_covolume ()
void T_phase_determination_pure_or_pseudopure (int other, CoolPropDbl value)
void p_phase_determination_pure_or_pseudopure (int other, CoolPropDbl value, bool &saturation_called)
void DmolarP_phase_determination ()
virtual StationaryPointReturnFlag solver_dpdrho0_Tp (CoolPropDbl T, CoolPropDbl p, CoolPropDbl rhomax, CoolPropDbl &light, CoolPropDbl &heavy)
- Public Member Functions inherited from CoolProp::AbstractState
 AbstractState ()
virtual ~AbstractState ()
void set_T (CoolPropDbl T)
 Set the internal variable T without a flash call (expert use only!) More...
std::vector< CoolPropDblmole_fractions_liquid (void)
 Get the mole fractions of the equilibrium liquid phase. More...
std::vector< double > mole_fractions_liquid_double (void)
 Get the mole fractions of the equilibrium liquid phase (but as a double for use in SWIG wrapper) More...
std::vector< CoolPropDblmole_fractions_vapor (void)
 Get the mole fractions of the equilibrium vapor phase. More...
std::vector< double > mole_fractions_vapor_double (void)
 Get the mole fractions of the equilibrium vapor phase (but as a double for use in SWIG wrapper) More...
virtual const std::vector< CoolPropDblget_mass_fractions (void)
 Get the mass fractions of the fluid. More...
virtual bool available_in_high_level (void)
std::vector< std::string > fluid_names (void)
 Return a vector of strings of the fluid names that are in use. More...
virtual void set_binary_interaction_string (const std::string &CAS1, const std::string &CAS2, const std::string &parameter, const std::string &value)
 Set binary mixture string parameter (EXPERT USE ONLY!!!) More...
virtual std::string get_binary_interaction_string (const std::string &CAS1, const std::string &CAS2, const std::string &parameter)
 Get binary mixture string value (EXPERT USE ONLY!!!) More...
virtual bool clear_comp_change ()
 When the composition changes, clear all cached values that are only dependent on composition, but not the thermodynamic state. More...
const CoolProp::SimpleStateget_state (const std::string &state)
 Get a desired state point - backend dependent. More...
double Tmin (void)
 Get the minimum temperature in K. More...
double Tmax (void)
 Get the maximum temperature in K. More...
double pmax (void)
 Get the maximum pressure in Pa. More...
double Ttriple (void)
 Get the triple point temperature in K. More...
phases phase (void)
 Get the phase of the state. More...
void specify_phase (phases phase)
 Specify the phase for all further calculations with this state class. More...
void unspecify_phase (void)
 Unspecify the phase and go back to calculating it based on the inputs. More...
double T_critical (void)
 Return the critical temperature in K. More...
double p_critical (void)
 Return the critical pressure in Pa. More...
double rhomolar_critical (void)
 Return the critical molar density in mol/m^3. More...
double rhomass_critical (void)
 Return the critical mass density in kg/m^3. More...
std::vector< CriticalStateall_critical_points (void)
 Return the vector of critical points, including points that are unstable or correspond to negative pressure. More...
void build_spinodal ()
 Construct the spinodal curve for the mixture (or pure fluid) More...
SpinodalData get_spinodal_data ()
 Get the data from the spinodal curve constructed in the call to build_spinodal() More...
void criticality_contour_values (double &L1star, double &M1star)
 Calculate the criticality contour values \(\mathcal{L}_1^*\) and \(\mathcal{M}_1^*\). More...
double tangent_plane_distance (const double T, const double p, const std::vector< double > &w, const double rhomolar_guess=-1)
double T_reducing (void)
 Return the reducing point temperature in K. More...
double rhomolar_reducing (void)
 Return the molar density at the reducing point in mol/m^3. More...
double rhomass_reducing (void)
 Return the mass density at the reducing point in kg/m^3. More...
double p_triple (void)
 Return the triple point pressure in Pa. More...
std::string name ()
 Return the name - backend dependent. More...
std::string description ()
 Return the description - backend dependent. More...
double dipole_moment ()
 Return the dipole moment in C-m (1 D = 3.33564e-30 C-m) More...
double keyed_output (parameters key)
 Retrieve a value by key. More...
double trivial_keyed_output (parameters key)
 A trivial keyed output like molar mass that does not depend on the state. More...
double saturated_liquid_keyed_output (parameters key)
 Get an output from the saturated liquid state by key. More...
double saturated_vapor_keyed_output (parameters key)
 Get an output from the saturated vapor state by key. More...
double T (void)
 Return the temperature in K. More...
double rhomolar (void)
 Return the molar density in mol/m^3. More...
double rhomass (void)
 Return the mass density in kg/m^3. More...
double p (void)
 Return the pressure in Pa. More...
double Q (void)
 Return the vapor quality (mol/mol); Q = 0 for saturated liquid. More...
double tau (void)
 Return the reciprocal of the reduced temperature ( \(\tau = T_c/T\)) More...
double delta (void)
 Return the reduced density ( \(\delta = \rho/\rho_c\)) More...
double molar_mass (void)
 Return the molar mass in kg/mol. More...
double acentric_factor (void)
 Return the acentric factor. More...
double gas_constant (void)
 Return the mole-fraction weighted gas constant in J/mol/K. More...
double Bvirial (void)
 Return the B virial coefficient. More...
double dBvirial_dT (void)
 Return the derivative of the B virial coefficient with respect to temperature. More...
double Cvirial (void)
 Return the C virial coefficient. More...
double dCvirial_dT (void)
 Return the derivative of the C virial coefficient with respect to temperature. More...
double compressibility_factor (void)
 Return the compressibility factor \( Z = p/(rho R T) \). More...
double hmolar (void)
 Return the molar enthalpy in J/mol. More...
double hmolar_residual (void)
 Return the residual molar enthalpy in J/mol. More...
double hmass (void)
 Return the mass enthalpy in J/kg. More...
double hmolar_excess (void)
 Return the excess molar enthalpy in J/mol. More...
double hmass_excess (void)
 Return the excess mass enthalpy in J/kg. More...
double smolar (void)
 Return the molar entropy in J/mol/K. More...
double smolar_residual (void)
 Return the residual molar entropy (as a function of temperature and density) in J/mol/K. More...
double neff (void)
 Return the effective hardness of interaction. More...
double smass (void)
 Return the molar entropy in J/kg/K. More...
double smolar_excess (void)
 Return the molar entropy in J/mol/K. More...
double smass_excess (void)
 Return the molar entropy in J/kg/K. More...
double umolar (void)
 Return the molar internal energy in J/mol. More...
double umass (void)
 Return the mass internal energy in J/kg. More...
double umolar_excess (void)
 Return the excess internal energy in J/mol. More...
double umass_excess (void)
 Return the excess internal energy in J/kg. More...
double cpmolar (void)
 Return the molar constant pressure specific heat in J/mol/K. More...
double cpmass (void)
 Return the mass constant pressure specific heat in J/kg/K. More...
double cp0molar (void)
 Return the molar constant pressure specific heat for ideal gas part only in J/mol/K. More...
double cp0mass (void)
 Return the mass constant pressure specific heat for ideal gas part only in J/kg/K. More...
double cvmolar (void)
 Return the molar constant volume specific heat in J/mol/K. More...
double cvmass (void)
 Return the mass constant volume specific heat in J/kg/K. More...
double gibbsmolar (void)
 Return the Gibbs energy in J/mol. More...
double gibbsmolar_residual (void)
 Return the residual Gibbs energy in J/mol. More...
double gibbsmass (void)
 Return the Gibbs energy in J/kg. More...
double gibbsmolar_excess (void)
 Return the excess Gibbs energy in J/mol. More...
double gibbsmass_excess (void)
 Return the excess Gibbs energy in J/kg. More...
double helmholtzmolar (void)
 Return the Helmholtz energy in J/mol. More...
double helmholtzmass (void)
 Return the Helmholtz energy in J/kg. More...
double helmholtzmolar_excess (void)
 Return the excess Helmholtz energy in J/mol. More...
double helmholtzmass_excess (void)
 Return the excess Helmholtz energy in J/kg. More...
double volumemolar_excess (void)
 Return the excess volume in m^3/mol. More...
double volumemass_excess (void)
 Return the excess volume in m^3/kg. More...
double speed_sound (void)
 Return the speed of sound in m/s. More...
double isothermal_compressibility (void)
 Return the isothermal compressibility \( \kappa = -\frac{1}{v}\left.\frac{\partial v}{\partial p}\right|_T=\frac{1}{\rho}\left.\frac{\partial \rho}{\partial p}\right|_T\) in 1/Pa. More...
double isobaric_expansion_coefficient (void)
 Return the isobaric expansion coefficient \( \beta = \frac{1}{v}\left.\frac{\partial v}{\partial T}\right|_p = -\frac{1}{\rho}\left.\frac{\partial \rho}{\partial T}\right|_p\) in 1/K. More...
double isentropic_expansion_coefficient (void)
 Return the isentropic expansion coefficient \( \kappa_s = -\frac{c_p}{c_v}\frac{v}{p}\left.\frac{\partial p}{\partial v}\right|_T = \frac{\rho}{p}\left.\frac{\partial p}{\partial \rho}\right|_s\). More...
double fugacity_coefficient (std::size_t i)
 Return the fugacity coefficient of the i-th component of the mixture. More...
std::vector< double > fugacity_coefficients ()
 Return a vector of the fugacity coefficients for all components in the mixture. More...
double fugacity (std::size_t i)
 Return the fugacity of the i-th component of the mixture. More...
double chemical_potential (std::size_t i)
 Return the chemical potential of the i-th component of the mixture. More...
double fundamental_derivative_of_gas_dynamics (void)
 Return the fundamental derivative of gas dynamics \( \Gamma \). More...
double PIP ()
 Return the phase identification parameter (PIP) of G. Venkatarathnam and L.R. Oellrich, "Identification of the phase of a fluid using partial derivatives of pressure, volume, and temperature without reference to saturation properties: Applications in phase equilibria calculations". More...
void true_critical_point (double &T, double &rho)
 Calculate the "true" critical point for pure fluids where dpdrho|T and d2p/drho2|T are equal to zero. More...
void ideal_curve (const std::string &type, std::vector< double > &T, std::vector< double > &p)
 Calculate an ideal curve for a pure fluid. More...
CoolPropDbl first_partial_deriv (parameters Of, parameters Wrt, parameters Constant)
 The first partial derivative in homogeneous phases. More...
CoolPropDbl second_partial_deriv (parameters Of1, parameters Wrt1, parameters Constant1, parameters Wrt2, parameters Constant2)
 The second partial derivative in homogeneous phases. More...
CoolPropDbl first_saturation_deriv (parameters Of1, parameters Wrt1)
 The first partial derivative along the saturation curve. More...
CoolPropDbl second_saturation_deriv (parameters Of1, parameters Wrt1, parameters Wrt2)
 The second partial derivative along the saturation curve. More...
double first_two_phase_deriv (parameters Of, parameters Wrt, parameters Constant)
 Calculate the first "two-phase" derivative as described by Thorade and Sadaat, EAS, 2013. More...
double second_two_phase_deriv (parameters Of, parameters Wrt1, parameters Constant1, parameters Wrt2, parameters Constant2)
 Calculate the second "two-phase" derivative as described by Thorade and Sadaat, EAS, 2013. More...
double first_two_phase_deriv_splined (parameters Of, parameters Wrt, parameters Constant, double x_end)
 Calculate the first "two-phase" derivative as described by Thorade and Sadaat, EAS, 2013. More...
void build_phase_envelope (const std::string &type="")
 Construct the phase envelope for a mixture. More...
const CoolProp::PhaseEnvelopeDataget_phase_envelope_data ()
 After having calculated the phase envelope, return the phase envelope data. More...
double melting_line (int param, int given, double value)
double saturation_ancillary (parameters param, int Q, parameters given, double value)
double viscosity (void)
 Return the viscosity in Pa-s. More...
void viscosity_contributions (CoolPropDbl &dilute, CoolPropDbl &initial_density, CoolPropDbl &residual, CoolPropDbl &critical)
 Return the viscosity contributions, each in Pa-s. More...
double conductivity (void)
 Return the thermal conductivity in W/m/K. More...
void conductivity_contributions (CoolPropDbl &dilute, CoolPropDbl &initial_density, CoolPropDbl &residual, CoolPropDbl &critical)
 Return the thermal conductivity contributions, each in W/m/K. More...
double surface_tension (void)
 Return the surface tension in N/m. More...
double Prandtl (void)
 Return the Prandtl number (dimensionless) More...
void conformal_state (const std::string &reference_fluid, CoolPropDbl &T, CoolPropDbl &rhomolar)
 Find the conformal state needed for ECS. More...
void change_EOS (const std::size_t i, const std::string &EOS_name)
 Change the equation of state for a given component to a specified EOS. More...
CoolPropDbl alpha0 (void)
 Return the term \( \alpha^0 \). More...
CoolPropDbl dalpha0_dDelta (void)
 Return the term \( \alpha^0_{\delta} \). More...
CoolPropDbl dalpha0_dTau (void)
 Return the term \( \alpha^0_{\tau} \). More...
CoolPropDbl d2alpha0_dDelta2 (void)
 Return the term \( \alpha^0_{\delta\delta} \). More...
CoolPropDbl d2alpha0_dDelta_dTau (void)
 Return the term \( \alpha^0_{\delta\tau} \). More...
CoolPropDbl d2alpha0_dTau2 (void)
 Return the term \( \alpha^0_{\tau\tau} \). More...
CoolPropDbl d3alpha0_dTau3 (void)
 Return the term \( \alpha^0_{\tau\tau\tau} \). More...
CoolPropDbl d3alpha0_dDelta_dTau2 (void)
 Return the term \( \alpha^0_{\delta\tau\tau} \). More...
CoolPropDbl d3alpha0_dDelta2_dTau (void)
 Return the term \( \alpha^0_{\delta\delta\tau} \). More...
CoolPropDbl d3alpha0_dDelta3 (void)
 Return the term \( \alpha^0_{\delta\delta\delta} \). More...
CoolPropDbl alphar (void)
 Return the term \( \alpha^r \). More...
CoolPropDbl dalphar_dDelta (void)
 Return the term \( \alpha^r_{\delta} \). More...
CoolPropDbl dalphar_dTau (void)
 Return the term \( \alpha^r_{\tau} \). More...
CoolPropDbl d2alphar_dDelta2 (void)
 Return the term \( \alpha^r_{\delta\delta} \). More...
CoolPropDbl d2alphar_dDelta_dTau (void)
 Return the term \( \alpha^r_{\delta\tau} \). More...
CoolPropDbl d2alphar_dTau2 (void)
 Return the term \( \alpha^r_{\tau\tau} \). More...
CoolPropDbl d3alphar_dDelta3 (void)
 Return the term \( \alpha^r_{\delta\delta\delta} \). More...
CoolPropDbl d3alphar_dDelta2_dTau (void)
 Return the term \( \alpha^r_{\delta\delta\tau} \). More...
CoolPropDbl d3alphar_dDelta_dTau2 (void)
 Return the term \( \alpha^r_{\delta\tau\tau} \). More...
CoolPropDbl d3alphar_dTau3 (void)
 Return the term \( \alpha^r_{\tau\tau\tau} \). More...
CoolPropDbl d4alphar_dDelta4 (void)
 Return the term \( \alpha^r_{\delta\delta\delta\delta} \). More...
CoolPropDbl d4alphar_dDelta3_dTau (void)
 Return the term \( \alpha^r_{\delta\delta\delta\tau} \). More...
CoolPropDbl d4alphar_dDelta2_dTau2 (void)
 Return the term \( \alpha^r_{\delta\delta\tau\tau} \). More...
CoolPropDbl d4alphar_dDelta_dTau3 (void)
 Return the term \( \alpha^r_{\delta\tau\tau\tau} \). More...
CoolPropDbl d4alphar_dTau4 (void)
 Return the term \( \alpha^r_{\tau\tau\tau\tau} \). More...

Protected Attributes

shared_ptr< AbstractCubiccubic
std::vector< CubicLibrary::CubicsValuescomponents
 The components that are in use. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from CoolProp::HelmholtzEOSMixtureBackend
std::vector< shared_ptr< HelmholtzEOSMixtureBackend > > linked_states
 States that are linked to this one, and should be updated (BIP, reference state, etc.) More...
shared_ptr< HelmholtzEOSMixtureBackendtransient_pure_state
 A temporary state used for calculations of pure fluid properties. More...
shared_ptr< HelmholtzEOSMixtureBackendTPD_state
 A temporary state used for calculations of the tangent-plane-distance. More...
shared_ptr< HelmholtzEOSMixtureBackendcritical_state
std::vector< CoolPropFluidcomponents
 The components that are in use. More...
bool is_pure_or_pseudopure
 A flag for whether the substance is a pure or pseudo-pure fluid (true) or a mixture (false) More...
MoleFractions mole_fractions
 The bulk mole fractions of the mixture. More...
std::vector< CoolPropDblK
 The K factors for the components. More...
std::vector< CoolPropDbllnK
 The natural logarithms of the K factors of the components. More...
SimpleState _crit
std::size_t N
 Number of components. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from CoolProp::AbstractState
long _fluid_type
 Some administrative variables. More...
phases _phase
 The key for the phase from CoolProp::phases enum. More...
phases imposed_phase_index
 If the phase is imposed, the imposed phase index. More...
SimpleState _critical
 Two important points. More...
SimpleState _reducing
CachedElement _molar_mass
 Molar mass [mol/kg]. More...
CachedElement _gas_constant
 Universal gas constant [J/mol/K]. More...
double _rhomolar
 Bulk values. More...
double _T
double _p
double _Q
double _R
CachedElement _tau
CachedElement _delta
CachedElement _viscosity
 Transport properties. More...
CachedElement _conductivity
CachedElement _surface_tension
CachedElement _hmolar
CachedElement _smolar
CachedElement _umolar
CachedElement _logp
CachedElement _logrhomolar
CachedElement _cpmolar
CachedElement _cp0molar
CachedElement _cvmolar
CachedElement _speed_sound
CachedElement _gibbsmolar
CachedElement _helmholtzmolar
CachedElement _hmolar_residual
 Residual properties. More...
CachedElement _smolar_residual
CachedElement _gibbsmolar_residual
CachedElement _hmolar_excess
 Excess properties. More...
CachedElement _smolar_excess
CachedElement _gibbsmolar_excess
CachedElement _umolar_excess
CachedElement _volumemolar_excess
CachedElement _helmholtzmolar_excess
CachedElement _rhoLanc
 Ancillary values. More...
CachedElement _rhoVanc
CachedElement _pLanc
CachedElement _pVanc
CachedElement _TLanc
CachedElement _TVanc
CachedElement _fugacity_coefficient
CachedElement _rho_spline
 Smoothing values. More...
CachedElement _drho_spline_dh__constp
CachedElement _drho_spline_dp__consth
CachedElement _alpha0
 Cached low-level elements for in-place calculation of other properties. More...
CachedElement _dalpha0_dTau
CachedElement _dalpha0_dDelta
CachedElement _d2alpha0_dTau2
CachedElement _d2alpha0_dDelta_dTau
CachedElement _d2alpha0_dDelta2
CachedElement _d3alpha0_dTau3
CachedElement _d3alpha0_dDelta_dTau2
CachedElement _d3alpha0_dDelta2_dTau
CachedElement _d3alpha0_dDelta3
CachedElement _alphar
CachedElement _dalphar_dTau
CachedElement _dalphar_dDelta
CachedElement _d2alphar_dTau2
CachedElement _d2alphar_dDelta_dTau
CachedElement _d2alphar_dDelta2
CachedElement _d3alphar_dTau3
CachedElement _d3alphar_dDelta_dTau2
CachedElement _d3alphar_dDelta2_dTau
CachedElement _d3alphar_dDelta3
CachedElement _d4alphar_dTau4
CachedElement _d4alphar_dDelta_dTau3
CachedElement _d4alphar_dDelta2_dTau2
CachedElement _d4alphar_dDelta3_dTau
CachedElement _d4alphar_dDelta4
CachedElement _dalphar_dDelta_lim
CachedElement _d2alphar_dDelta2_lim
CachedElement _d2alphar_dDelta_dTau_lim
CachedElement _d3alphar_dDelta2_dTau_lim
CachedElement _rhoLmolar
 Two-Phase variables. More...
CachedElement _rhoVmolar

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from CoolProp::HelmholtzEOSMixtureBackend
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from CoolProp::AbstractState
static AbstractStatefactory (const std::string &backend, const std::string &fluid_names)
 A factory function to return a pointer to a new-allocated instance of one of the backends. More...
static AbstractStatefactory (const std::string &backend, const std::vector< std::string > &fluid_names)
 A factory function to return a pointer to a new-allocated instance of one of the backends. More...
- Public Attributes inherited from CoolProp::HelmholtzEOSMixtureBackend
shared_ptr< ReducingFunctionReducing
shared_ptr< ResidualHelmholtzresidual_helmholtz
PhaseEnvelopeData PhaseEnvelope
SimpleState hsat_max
SsatSimpleState ssat_max
SpinodalData spinodal_values
shared_ptr< HelmholtzEOSMixtureBackendSatL
shared_ptr< HelmholtzEOSMixtureBackendSatV
- Protected Member Functions inherited from CoolProp::HelmholtzEOSMixtureBackend
void pre_update (CoolProp::input_pairs &input_pair, CoolPropDbl &value1, CoolPropDbl &value2)
void post_update (bool optional_checks=true)
virtual void add_TPD_state ()
 Update the state class used to calculate the tangent-plane-distance. More...
virtual void add_critical_state ()
 Update the state class used to calculate the critical point(s) More...
virtual void add_transient_pure_state ()
 Update the state class used to calculate the critical point(s) More...
std::vector< CoolProp::CriticalState_calc_all_critical_points (bool find_critical_points=true)
 This overload is protected because it doesn't follow the base class definition, since this function is needed for constructing spinodals. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from CoolProp::AbstractState
bool isSupercriticalPhase (void)
bool isHomogeneousPhase (void)
bool isTwoPhase (void)
virtual CoolPropDbl calc_neff (void)
 Using this backend, calculate effective hardness of interaction. More...
virtual CoolPropDbl calc_isothermal_compressibility (void)
 Using this backend, calculate the isothermal compressibility \( \kappa = -\frac{1}{v}\left.\frac{\partial v}{\partial p}\right|_T=\frac{1}{\rho}\left.\frac{\partial \rho}{\partial p}\right|_T\) in 1/Pa. More...
virtual CoolPropDbl calc_isobaric_expansion_coefficient (void)
 Using this backend, calculate the isobaric expansion coefficient \( \beta = \frac{1}{v}\left.\frac{\partial v}{\partial T}\right|_p = -\frac{1}{\rho}\left.\frac{\partial \rho}{\partial T}\right|_p\) in 1/K. More...
virtual CoolPropDbl calc_isentropic_expansion_coefficient (void)
 Using this backend, calculate the isentropic expansion coefficient \( \kappa_s = -\frac{c_p}{c_v}\frac{v}{p}\left.\frac{\partial p}{\partial v}\right|_T = \frac{\rho}{p}\left.\frac{\partial p}{\partial \rho}\right|_s\). More...
virtual std::vector< CoolPropDblcalc_fugacity_coefficients ()
 Using this backend, calculate the fugacity in Pa. More...
virtual CoolPropDbl calc_dipole_moment (void)
 Using this backend, calculate the dipole moment in C-m (1 D = 3.33564e-30 C-m) More...
virtual CoolPropDbl calc_first_partial_deriv (parameters Of, parameters Wrt, parameters Constant)
 Calculate the first partial derivative for the desired derivative. More...
virtual CoolPropDbl calc_second_partial_deriv (parameters Of1, parameters Wrt1, parameters Constant1, parameters Wrt2, parameters Constant2)
 Calculate the second partial derivative using the given backend. More...
virtual std::string calc_description (void)
 Using this backend, get the description of the fluid. More...
virtual CoolPropDbl calc_rhomass_critical (void)
 Using this backend, get the critical point mass density in kg/m^3 - Added for IF97Backend which is mass based. More...
virtual CoolPropDbl calc_rhomass (void)
virtual CoolPropDbl calc_hmass (void)
virtual CoolPropDbl calc_hmass_excess (void)
virtual CoolPropDbl calc_smass (void)
virtual CoolPropDbl calc_smass_excess (void)
virtual CoolPropDbl calc_cpmass (void)
virtual CoolPropDbl calc_cp0mass (void)
virtual CoolPropDbl calc_cvmass (void)
virtual CoolPropDbl calc_umass (void)
virtual CoolPropDbl calc_umass_excess (void)
virtual CoolPropDbl calc_gibbsmass (void)
virtual CoolPropDbl calc_gibbsmass_excess (void)
virtual CoolPropDbl calc_helmholtzmass (void)
virtual CoolPropDbl calc_helmholtzmass_excess (void)
virtual CoolPropDbl calc_volumemass_excess (void)
virtual CoolPropDbl calc_fraction_min (void)
 Get the minimum fraction (mole, mass, volume) for incompressible fluid. More...
virtual CoolPropDbl calc_fraction_max (void)
 Get the maximum fraction (mole, mass, volume) for incompressible fluid. More...
virtual CoolPropDbl calc_T_freeze (void)
virtual CoolPropDbl calc_T (void)
 Using this backend, get the temperature. More...
virtual CoolPropDbl calc_rhomolar (void)
 Using this backend, get the molar density in mol/m^3. More...
virtual void calc_true_critical_point (double &T, double &rho)
 Using this backend, return true critical point where dp/drho|T = 0 and d2p/drho^2|T = 0. More...
virtual void mass_to_molar_inputs (CoolProp::input_pairs &input_pair, CoolPropDbl &value1, CoolPropDbl &value2)
 Convert mass-based input pair to molar-based input pair; If molar-based, do nothing. More...
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from CoolProp::HelmholtzEOSMixtureBackend
static void set_fluid_enthalpy_entropy_offset (CoolPropFluid &component, double delta_a1, double delta_a2, const std::string &ref)

Member Function Documentation

◆ calc_acentric_factor()

CoolPropDbl CoolProp::AbstractCubicBackend::calc_acentric_factor ( void  )

Using this backend, calculate the acentric factor.

Reimplemented from CoolProp::AbstractState.

Definition at line 134 of file CubicBackend.h.

◆ calc_alphar_deriv_nocache()

CoolPropDbl CoolProp::AbstractCubicBackend::calc_alphar_deriv_nocache ( const int  nTau,
const int  nDelta,
const std::vector< CoolPropDbl > &  mole_fractions,
const CoolPropDbl tau,
const CoolPropDbl delta 

Reimplemented from CoolProp::HelmholtzEOSMixtureBackend.

Definition at line 210 of file CubicBackend.cpp.

◆ calc_fluid_names()

std::vector< std::string > CoolProp::AbstractCubicBackend::calc_fluid_names ( void  )

Using this backend, get a vector of fluid names.

Reimplemented from CoolProp::AbstractState.

Reimplemented in CoolProp::VTPRBackend.

Definition at line 127 of file CubicBackend.cpp.

◆ calc_gas_constant()

CoolPropDbl CoolProp::AbstractCubicBackend::calc_gas_constant ( void  )

Calculate the gas constant in J/mol/K.

Reimplemented from CoolProp::AbstractState.

Definition at line 102 of file CubicBackend.h.

◆ calc_molar_mass()

CoolPropDbl CoolProp::AbstractCubicBackend::calc_molar_mass ( void  )

Using this backend, calculate the molar mass in kg/mol.

Reimplemented from CoolProp::AbstractState.

Reimplemented in CoolProp::VTPRBackend.

Definition at line 579 of file CubicBackend.cpp.

◆ calc_p_critical()

CoolPropDbl CoolProp::AbstractCubicBackend::calc_p_critical ( void  )

Using this backend, get the critical point pressure in Pa.

Reimplemented from CoolProp::HelmholtzEOSMixtureBackend.

Definition at line 127 of file CubicBackend.h.

◆ calc_pressure_nocache()

CoolPropDbl CoolProp::AbstractCubicBackend::calc_pressure_nocache ( CoolPropDbl  T,
CoolPropDbl  rhomolar 

Calculate the pressure in most computationally efficient manner.

Definition at line 192 of file CubicBackend.cpp.

◆ calc_reciprocal_reduced_temperature()

CoolPropDbl CoolProp::AbstractCubicBackend::calc_reciprocal_reduced_temperature ( void  )

Using this backend, calculate the reciprocal reduced temperature (Tc/T)

Reimplemented from CoolProp::AbstractState.

Definition at line 115 of file CubicBackend.h.

◆ calc_reduced_density()

CoolPropDbl CoolProp::AbstractCubicBackend::calc_reduced_density ( void  )

Using this backend, calculate the reduced density (rho/rhoc)

Reimplemented from CoolProp::AbstractState.

Definition at line 112 of file CubicBackend.h.

◆ calc_reducing_state_nocache()

SimpleState CoolProp::AbstractCubicBackend::calc_reducing_state_nocache ( const std::vector< CoolPropDbl > &  mole_fractions)

Get the reducing state to be used.

Reimplemented from CoolProp::HelmholtzEOSMixtureBackend.

Definition at line 106 of file CubicBackend.h.

◆ calc_rhomolar_critical()

CoolPropDbl CoolProp::AbstractCubicBackend::calc_rhomolar_critical ( void  )

Using this backend, get the critical point molar density in mol/m^3.

Reimplemented from CoolProp::HelmholtzEOSMixtureBackend.

Definition at line 141 of file CubicBackend.h.

◆ calc_T_critical()

CoolPropDbl CoolProp::AbstractCubicBackend::calc_T_critical ( void  )

Using this backend, get the critical point temperature in K.

Reimplemented from CoolProp::HelmholtzEOSMixtureBackend.

Definition at line 120 of file CubicBackend.h.

◆ copy_all_alpha_functions()

void CoolProp::AbstractCubicBackend::copy_all_alpha_functions ( AbstractCubicBackend donor)

Definition at line 626 of file CubicBackend.cpp.

◆ copy_internals()

void CoolProp::AbstractCubicBackend::copy_internals ( AbstractCubicBackend donor)

Copy the internals from another class into this one (kij, alpha functions, cp0 functions, etc.)

Definition at line 642 of file CubicBackend.cpp.

◆ copy_k()

void CoolProp::AbstractCubicBackend::copy_k ( AbstractCubicBackend donor)

Definition at line 634 of file CubicBackend.cpp.

◆ fluid_param_string()

std::string CoolProp::AbstractCubicBackend::fluid_param_string ( const std::string &  ParamName)

Return a string from the backend for the mixture/fluid.

Reimplemented from CoolProp::AbstractState.

Definition at line 87 of file CubicBackend.cpp.

◆ get_binary_interaction_double() [1/2]

double CoolProp::AbstractCubicBackend::get_binary_interaction_double ( const std::size_t  i,
const std::size_t  j,
const std::string &  parameter 

Get binary mixture double value.

Get binary mixture floating point parameter for this instance.

Reimplemented from CoolProp::HelmholtzEOSMixtureBackend.

Reimplemented in CoolProp::VTPRBackend.

Definition at line 608 of file CubicBackend.cpp.

◆ get_binary_interaction_double() [2/2]

double CoolProp::AbstractCubicBackend::get_binary_interaction_double ( const std::string &  CAS1,
const std::string &  CAS2,
const std::string &  parameter 

Get binary mixture double value (EXPERT USE ONLY!!!)

Reimplemented from CoolProp::AbstractState.

Definition at line 228 of file CubicBackend.h.

◆ get_copy()

virtual HelmholtzEOSMixtureBackend* CoolProp::AbstractCubicBackend::get_copy ( bool  generate_SatL_and_SatV = true)
pure virtual

◆ get_critical_is_terminated()

bool CoolProp::AbstractCubicBackend::get_critical_is_terminated ( double &  delta,
double &  tau 

Checking function to see if we should stop the tracing of the critical contour.

Reimplemented from CoolProp::HelmholtzEOSMixtureBackend.

Definition at line 161 of file CubicBackend.cpp.

◆ get_critical_point_search_radii()

void CoolProp::AbstractCubicBackend::get_critical_point_search_radii ( double &  R_delta,
double &  R_tau 

Get the search radius in delta and tau for the tracer, scaled appropriately for cubic.

Reimplemented from CoolProp::HelmholtzEOSMixtureBackend.

Definition at line 150 of file CubicBackend.cpp.

◆ get_critical_point_starting_values()

void CoolProp::AbstractCubicBackend::get_critical_point_starting_values ( double &  delta0,
double &  tau0 

Get the the starting values for the critical point evaluation routines.

Reimplemented from CoolProp::HelmholtzEOSMixtureBackend.

Definition at line 171 of file CubicBackend.cpp.

◆ get_cubic()

shared_ptr<AbstractCubic>& CoolProp::AbstractCubicBackend::get_cubic ( )

Get a reference to the shared pointer managing the generalized cubic class.

Definition at line 48 of file CubicBackend.h.

◆ get_fluid_constant()

const double CoolProp::AbstractCubicBackend::get_fluid_constant ( std::size_t  i,
parameters  param 
) const

Get a constant for one of the fluids forming this mixture

iIndex (0-based) of the fluid
paramparameter you want to obtain (probably one that is a trivial parameter)

Reimplemented from CoolProp::HelmholtzEOSMixtureBackend.

Definition at line 74 of file CubicBackend.h.

◆ get_fluid_parameter_double()

double CoolProp::AbstractCubicBackend::get_fluid_parameter_double ( const size_t  i,
const std::string &  parameter 

Double fluid parameter (currently the volume translation parameter for cubic)

Reimplemented from CoolProp::AbstractState.

Definition at line 697 of file CubicBackend.cpp.

◆ get_linear_reducing_parameters()

void CoolProp::AbstractCubicBackend::get_linear_reducing_parameters ( double &  rhomolar,
double &  T 

Get linear mole fraction weighting of the critical molar volumes and temperatures these are used in te.

Definition at line 135 of file CubicBackend.cpp.

◆ get_mole_fractions()

const std::vector<CoolPropDbl>& CoolProp::AbstractCubicBackend::get_mole_fractions ( void  )

Get the mole fractions of the fluid.

Implements CoolProp::AbstractState.

Definition at line 70 of file CubicBackend.h.

◆ rho_Tp_cubic()

void CoolProp::AbstractCubicBackend::rho_Tp_cubic ( CoolPropDbl  T,
CoolPropDbl  p,
int &  Nsolns,
double &  rho0,
double &  rho1,
double &  rho2 

Use the cubic EOS to solve for density

\[ \left[ \begin{array}{l} Z^3 \\ +Z^2[B(\Delta_1+\Delta_2-1)-1] +Z[A-B(\Delta_1+\Delta_2)-B^2(\Delta_1+\Delta_2-\Delta_1\Delta_2)] +[-AB-\Delta_1\Delta2(-B^2-B^3)] \right] \]


\[ A = \frac{ap}{R^2T^2} \]

\[ B = \frac{bp}{RT} \]

Sympy code: R,T,v,b,a,Delta_1,Delta_2,p,Z,A,B = symbols('R,T,v,b,a,Delta_1,Delta_2,p,Z,A,B') eqn = (R*T/(v-b)-a/(v+Delta_1*b)/(v+Delta_2*b)-p).subs(v,Z*R*T/p) eqn2 = eqn*(R*T*Z/p-b)*(R*T*Z/p+Delta_2*b)*(R*T*Z/p+Delta_1*b)/(R**3*T**3/p**2) collect(expand(factor(-eqn2)),Z).subs(b*p/(R*T),B).subs(a*p/(R**2*T**2),A)

Definition at line 337 of file CubicBackend.cpp.

◆ saturation()

void CoolProp::AbstractCubicBackend::saturation ( CoolProp::input_pairs  inputs)

Cubic backend flashes for PQ, and QT.

Definition at line 447 of file CubicBackend.cpp.

◆ set_alpha0_from_components()

void CoolProp::AbstractCubicBackend::set_alpha0_from_components ( )

Set the non-dimensionalized Helmholtz energy based on the fluids defined in the components vector.

Definition at line 69 of file CubicBackend.cpp.

◆ set_alpha_from_components()

void CoolProp::AbstractCubicBackend::set_alpha_from_components ( )

Set the alpha function based on the alpha function defined in the components vector;.

If components is not present, you are using a vanilla cubic, so don't do anything

Definition at line 45 of file CubicBackend.cpp.

◆ set_binary_interaction_double() [1/2]

void CoolProp::AbstractCubicBackend::set_binary_interaction_double ( const std::size_t  i,
const std::size_t  j,
const std::string &  parameter,
const double  value 

Set binary mixture floating point parameter.

Set binary mixture floating point parameter for this instance.

Also set the parameters in the managed pointers for other states

Reimplemented from CoolProp::HelmholtzEOSMixtureBackend.

Reimplemented in CoolProp::VTPRBackend.

Definition at line 587 of file CubicBackend.cpp.

◆ set_binary_interaction_double() [2/2]

void CoolProp::AbstractCubicBackend::set_binary_interaction_double ( const std::string &  CAS1,
const std::string &  CAS2,
const std::string &  parameter,
const double  value 

Set binary mixture floating point parameter (EXPERT USE ONLY!!!)

Reimplemented from CoolProp::AbstractState.

Definition at line 225 of file CubicBackend.h.

◆ set_cubic_alpha_C()

void CoolProp::AbstractCubicBackend::set_cubic_alpha_C ( const size_t  i,
const std::string &  parameter,
const double  c1,
const double  c2,
const double  c3 

Set the cubic alpha function's constants:

Reimplemented from CoolProp::HelmholtzEOSMixtureBackend.

Definition at line 656 of file CubicBackend.cpp.

◆ set_fluid_parameter_double()

void CoolProp::AbstractCubicBackend::set_fluid_parameter_double ( const size_t  i,
const std::string &  parameter,
const double  value 

Set fluid parameter (currently the volume translation parameter for cubic)

Reimplemented from CoolProp::HelmholtzEOSMixtureBackend.

Definition at line 675 of file CubicBackend.cpp.

◆ set_mass_fractions()

void CoolProp::AbstractCubicBackend::set_mass_fractions ( const std::vector< CoolPropDbl > &  mass_fractions)

Implements CoolProp::AbstractState.

Definition at line 64 of file CubicBackend.h.

◆ set_volu_fractions()

void CoolProp::AbstractCubicBackend::set_volu_fractions ( const std::vector< CoolPropDbl > &  volu_fractions)

Reimplemented from CoolProp::AbstractState.

Definition at line 67 of file CubicBackend.h.

◆ setup()

void CoolProp::AbstractCubicBackend::setup ( bool  generate_SatL_and_SatV = true)

Set the pointer to the residual helmholtz class, etc.

Definition at line 6 of file CubicBackend.cpp.

◆ solver_rho_Tp()

CoolPropDbl CoolProp::AbstractCubicBackend::solver_rho_Tp ( CoolPropDbl  T,
CoolPropDbl  p,
CoolPropDbl  rho_guess = -1 

/brief Solve for rho = f(T,p)

You can often get three solutions, to overcome this problem you must either specify the phase, or provide a reasonable guess value for rho_guess, but not both

Reimplemented from CoolProp::HelmholtzEOSMixtureBackend.

Definition at line 514 of file CubicBackend.cpp.

◆ solver_rho_Tp_global()

CoolPropDbl CoolProp::AbstractCubicBackend::solver_rho_Tp_global ( CoolPropDbl  T,
CoolPropDbl  p,
CoolPropDbl  rhomax 

Reimplemented from CoolProp::HelmholtzEOSMixtureBackend.

Definition at line 510 of file CubicBackend.cpp.

◆ solver_rho_Tp_SRK()

CoolPropDbl CoolProp::AbstractCubicBackend::solver_rho_Tp_SRK ( CoolPropDbl  T,
CoolPropDbl  p,
phases  phase 

In this class, we are already doing cubic evaluation, just delegate to our function.

Reimplemented from CoolProp::HelmholtzEOSMixtureBackend.

Definition at line 200 of file CubicBackend.h.

◆ spinodal_densities()

std::vector< double > CoolProp::AbstractCubicBackend::spinodal_densities ( )

Definition at line 411 of file CubicBackend.cpp.

◆ update()

void CoolProp::AbstractCubicBackend::update ( CoolProp::input_pairs  input_pair,
double  value1,
double  value2 

The standard update function.

input_pairThe pair of inputs that will be provided
value1The first input value
value2The second input value

Reimplemented from CoolProp::HelmholtzEOSMixtureBackend.

Definition at line 283 of file CubicBackend.cpp.

◆ update_DmolarT()

void CoolProp::AbstractCubicBackend::update_DmolarT ( )

Update the state for DT inputs if phase is imposed. Otherwise delegate to base class.

Definition at line 198 of file CubicBackend.cpp.

◆ update_TPD_state()

void CoolProp::AbstractCubicBackend::update_TPD_state ( )

Update the state used to calculate the tangent-plane-distance.

Definition at line 213 of file CubicBackend.h.

◆ using_mass_fractions()

bool CoolProp::AbstractCubicBackend::using_mass_fractions ( void  )

Implements CoolProp::AbstractState.

Definition at line 57 of file CubicBackend.h.

◆ using_mole_fractions()

bool CoolProp::AbstractCubicBackend::using_mole_fractions ( void  )

Implements CoolProp::AbstractState.

Definition at line 54 of file CubicBackend.h.

◆ using_volu_fractions()

bool CoolProp::AbstractCubicBackend::using_volu_fractions ( void  )

Implements CoolProp::AbstractState.

Definition at line 60 of file CubicBackend.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ components

std::vector<CubicLibrary::CubicsValues> CoolProp::AbstractCubicBackend::components

The components that are in use.

Definition at line 36 of file CubicBackend.h.

◆ cubic

shared_ptr<AbstractCubic> CoolProp::AbstractCubicBackend::cubic

Definition at line 35 of file CubicBackend.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: