An open-source fluid property and humid air property database
Definition at line 8 of file TransportRoutines.h.
#include <TransportRoutines.h>
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The simplified critical conductivity term of Olchowy and Sengers.
Olchowy, G. A. & Sengers, J. V. (1989), "A Simplified Representation for the Thermal Conductivity of Fluids in the Critical Region", International Journal of Thermophysics, 10, (2), 417-426
\lambda^{(c)} = \frac{\rho c_p R_DkT}{6\pi\eta\zeta}(\Omega-\Omega_0)
\Omega = \frac{2}{\pi}\left[ \left( \frac{c_p-c_v}{c_p}\right)\arctan(q_d\zeta)+\frac{c_v}{c_p}q_d\zeta \right]
\Omega_0 = \frac{2}{\pi}\left[1-\exp\left(-\frac{1}{(q_d\zeta)^{-1}+(q_d\zeta\rho_c/\rho)^2/3} \right) \right]
\zeta = \zeta_0\left(\frac{p_c\rho}{\Gamma\rho_c^2}\right)^{\nu/\gamma}\left[\left.\frac{\partial \rho(T,\rho)}{\partial p} \right|_{T}- \frac{T_R}{T}\left.\frac{\partial \rho(T_R,\rho)}{\partial p} \right|_{T} \right]^{\nu/\gamma},
where \lambda^{(c)} is in W \cdotm ^{-1} \cdotK ^{-1}, \zeta is in m, c_p and c_v are in J \cdotkg ^{-1}\cdotK ^{-1}, p and p_c are in Pa, \rho and \rho_c are in mol \cdotm ^{-3}, \eta is the viscosity in Pa \cdots, and the remaining parameters are defined in the following tables.
It should be noted that some authors use slightly different values for the "universal" constants
Coefficients for use in the simplified Olchowy-Sengers critical term
Parameter | Variable | Value |
Boltzmann constant | k | 1.3806488\times 10^{-23} J \cdotK ^{-1} |
Universal amplitude | R_D | 1.03 |
Critical exponent | \nu | 0.63 |
Critical exponent | \gamma | 1.239 |
Reference temperature | T_R | 1.5 T_c |
Recommended default constants (see Huber (I&ECR, 2003))
Parameter | Variable | Value |
Amplitude | \Gamma | 0.0496 |
Amplitude | \zeta_0 | 1.94 \times 10 ^{-10} m |
Effective cutoff | q_d | 2 \times 10 ^{9} m |
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Definition at line 846 of file TransportRoutines.cpp.
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Definition at line 826 of file TransportRoutines.cpp.
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Definition at line 836 of file TransportRoutines.cpp.
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The general dilute gas conductivity term formed of a ratio of polynomial like terms.
\lambda^0 = \frac{A_i\displaystyle\sum_iT_r^{n_i}}{B_i\displaystyle\sum_iT_r^{m_i}}
with \lambda^0 in W/m/K, T_r is the reduced temperature T_{r} = T/T_{red}
Definition at line 673 of file TransportRoutines.cpp.
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Definition at line 1288 of file TransportRoutines.cpp.
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Definition at line 861 of file TransportRoutines.cpp.
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dh/dx derived using sympy:
E1,x,x0,E2,beta,gamma = symbols('E1,x,x0,E2,beta,gamma') h = E1*(1 + x/x0)*pow(1 + E2*pow(1 + x/x0, 2/beta), (gamma-1)/(2*beta)) ccode(simplify(diff(h,x)))
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Definition at line 1058 of file TransportRoutines.cpp.
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Definition at line 941 of file TransportRoutines.cpp.
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Definition at line 878 of file TransportRoutines.cpp.
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This term is given by
\Delta\lambda(\rho,T) = \displaystyle\sum_iA_i\tau^{t,i}\delta^{d_i}
As used by Assael, Perkins, Huber, etc., the residual term is given by
\Delta\lambda(\rho,T) = \displaystyle\sum_i(B_{1,i}+B_{2,i}(T/T_c))(\rho/\rho_c)^i
which can be easily converted by noting that \tau=Tc/T and \delta=\rho/\rho_c
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Definition at line 707 of file TransportRoutines.cpp.
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Definition at line 1137 of file TransportRoutines.cpp.
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Definition at line 313 of file TransportRoutines.cpp.
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Implement the method of:
Chung, Ting Horng, et al. "Generalized multiparameter correlation for nonpolar and polar fluid transport properties." Industrial & engineering chemistry research 27(4) (1988): 671-679.
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Definition at line 343 of file TransportRoutines.cpp.
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Definition at line 596 of file TransportRoutines.cpp.
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The dilute gas viscosity term that is based on collision integral or effective cross section.
\eta^0 = \displaystyle\frac{A\sqrt{MT}}{\sigma^2\mathfrak{S}(T^*)}
\mathfrak{S}(T^*)=\exp\left(\sum_ia_i[\ln T^*]^{t_i}\right)
with T^* = \frac{T}{\varepsilon/k} and \sigma in nm, M is in kg/kmol. Yields viscosity in Pa-s.
Both the collision integral \mathfrak{S}^* and effective cross section \Omega^{(2,2)} have the same form, in general we don't care which is used. The are related through \Omega^{(2,2)} = (5/4)\mathfrak{S}^* see Vesovic(JPCRD, 1990) for CO _2 for further information
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Definition at line 85 of file TransportRoutines.cpp.
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Definition at line 589 of file TransportRoutines.cpp.
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Definition at line 577 of file TransportRoutines.cpp.
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The general dilute gas viscosity from used for ECS.
\eta^0 = \displaystyle\frac{26.692\times 10^{-9}\sqrt{MT}}{\sigma^2\Omega^{(2,2)}(T^*)}
with T^* = \frac{T}{\varepsilon/k} and \sigma in nm, M is in kg/kmol. Yields viscosity in Pa-s.
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A dilute gas viscosity term formed of summation of power terms.
\eta^0 = \displaystyle\sum_ia_iT^{t_i}
with T in K, \eta^0 in Pa-s
Definition at line 55 of file TransportRoutines.cpp.
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A dilute gas viscosity term formed of summation of power terms of the reduced temperature.
\eta^0 = \displaystyle\sum_ia_i(T/T_c)^{t_i}
with T in K, \eta^0 in Pa-s
Definition at line 70 of file TransportRoutines.cpp.
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Calculate the viscosity using the extended corresponding states method.
This method is covered in depth in
Bell, I. H.; Wronski, J.; Quoilin, S. & Lemort, V. (2014), Pure and Pseudo-pure Fluid Thermophysical Property Evaluation and the Open-Source Thermophysical Property Library CoolProp, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 53, (6), 2498-2508
which is originally based on the methods presented in
Huber, M. L., Laesecke, A. and Perkins, R. A., (2003), Model for the Viscosity and Thermal Conductivity of Refrigerants, Including a New Correlation for the Viscosity of R134a, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, v. 42, pp. 3163-3178
McLinden, M. O.; Klein, S. A. & Perkins, R. A. (2000), An extended corresponding states model for the thermal conductivity of refrigerants and refrigerant mixtures, Int. J. Refrig., 23, 43-63
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Definition at line 610 of file TransportRoutines.cpp.
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Definition at line 233 of file TransportRoutines.cpp.
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Definition at line 399 of file TransportRoutines.cpp.
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From Michailidou-JPCRD-2014-Heptane
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Definition at line 320 of file TransportRoutines.cpp.
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Higher-order viscosity term from friction theory of Sergio Quinones-Cisneros.
Several functional forms have been proposed and this function attempts to handle all of them \eta_{HO} = \kappa_ap_a + \kappa_r\Delta p_r + \kappa_i p_{id}+\kappa_{aa}p_a^2 + \kappa_{drdr}\Delta p_r^2 + \kappa_{rr}p_{r}^2 + \kappa_{ii}p_{id}^2 +\kappa_{rrr}p_r^3 + \kappa_{aaa}p_a^3 Watch out that sometimes it is \Delta p_r and other times it is p_r
Definition at line 354 of file TransportRoutines.cpp.
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The modified Batschinski-Hildebrand contribution to the viscosity.
\Delta\eta = \displaystyle\sum_{i}a_{i}\delta^{d1_i}\tau^{t1_j}\exp(\gamma_i\delta^{l_i})+\left(\displaystyle\sum_{i}f_i\delta^{d2_i}\tau^{t2_i}\right)\left(\frac{1}{\delta_0(\tau)-\delta}-\frac{1}{\delta_0(\tau)}\right)
where \tau = T_c/T and \delta = \rho/\rho_c
\delta_0(\tau) = \displaystyle\frac{\displaystyle\sum_{i}g_i\tau^{h_i}}{\displaystyle\sum_{i}p_i\tau^{q_i}}
The more general form of \delta_0(\tau) is selected in order to be able to handle all the forms in the literature
Definition at line 101 of file TransportRoutines.cpp.
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Definition at line 308 of file TransportRoutines.cpp.
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An empirical form for the initial density dependence.
Given by the polynomial-like form
\eta^1 = \sum_i n_i\delta^{d_i}\tau^{t_i}
where the output is in Pa-s
Definition at line 160 of file TransportRoutines.cpp.
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The initial density dependence term B_{\eta} from Rainwater-Friend theory.
The total contribution from this term is given by
\eta_{RF} = \eta_0B_{\eta}\rho
where \eta_0 is the dilute gas viscosity in Pa-s and \rho is the molar density in mol/m ^3 and B_{\eta} is in m^3/mol.
B_{\eta}(T) = B_{\eta}^*(T^*)N_A\sigma_{\eta}^3
where N_A is Avogadros number 6.022\times 10^{23} mol ^{-1} and \sigma_{\eta} is in m.
B_{\eta}^*(T^*) = \displaystyle\sum_ib_i(T^*)^{t_i}
IMPORTANT: This function returns B_{\eta}, not \eta_{RF}
Definition at line 138 of file TransportRoutines.cpp.
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Definition at line 537 of file TransportRoutines.cpp.
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Viscosity hardcoded for Methanol.
From Xiang et al., A New Reference Correlation for the Viscosity of Methanol, J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, Vol. 35, No. 4, 2006
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Definition at line 516 of file TransportRoutines.cpp.
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Definition at line 558 of file TransportRoutines.cpp.
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Definition at line 494 of file TransportRoutines.cpp.
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Definition at line 1260 of file TransportRoutines.cpp.
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Definition at line 301 of file TransportRoutines.cpp.
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Definition at line 250 of file TransportRoutines.cpp.